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Topics - Illusion Distort

When arresting and rearresting colonists that tried to leave the map after giving up, a message appears saying you will anger [your own faction name].
Doctors seem to prioritize ambrosia over hay sometimes. Unsure if it is intended to be fed to animals, but it should be beneath hay in priorities.
When a caravan decides to carry one of the pawns, it should automatically focus on carrying the slowest pawn in the group.
On my test save i currently have a caravan using a bedroll to carry a colonist with 92% moving, instead of my other pawn with 16% moving. (due to food poisoning).
Most of the colonists on the map will often choose raw human meat above the raw corn or rice in a nearby cell.
Is this intended to make the player unforbid the human meat or did the priorities get mixed up?
Not something a player playing without debug will notice, just thought to post it here since there might be something broken here.

If this is not a bug or something that needs fixing feel free to lock the thread. (and maby leave a small explanation so people dont repost simillar occurences).

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Taming animals often come with a risk of them turning on the colony.
Dessignating Elephants for taming will give the message that they have a 10% of being aggressive, however this seems not to be the case with boomalopes.

Edit: Hmmm, it seems like the risk mesasge for taming is no longer in the game, only for attacking(hunting). Is this intended?

Edit2: Also it seems tamers will eat kibble if they have some in their inventory, instead of going over to meals or raw corn. (if they have only kibble in inventory)
Edit3: The kibble eating seems to not be just tamers, another of my colonists has oppted in to rarely eat anything else than kibble. (shoud'nt corn be above kibble in meal priority?)

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Bugs / [1.0.1968] Passive cooler, no disable option
July 19, 2018, 03:03:18 AM
Building a passive cooler is a hassel, since not getting the materials back. In addition, not being able to dissable refueling makes it chomp through resources.
Since the passive cooler works on a fuel system I can only assume that it is intended behaviour to be able to dissable refueling.
Seems animals confined to stay inside (that's what this area is definded as) will sometimes wander outside when the door is unforbidden

What the circumstances were:
My Yorkshire terrier was confined to the inside of my main building. (picture 1-3).

What happened:
The terrier started pathing to a tile right outside the door with the tag "wandering" when the door was unforbidden

What you expected to happen:
Animals should not  be able to leave the area, unless forced or during mentalbreaks.

Steps we can follow to make the bug appear: (only happens sometimes it seems, perhaps if the pawn is retasked the same tick as the unforbid?)
In the "attached" pictures you can see the setup, an animal confined to an indoors area with doors on the border. I also included a savefile.

Altough none of the images was captured while the pawn was outside the area, you can see the door closing behind the terrier as it returns.
A rescued space refugee wil doctor itself, not allowing a better doctor with glittermeds to help. I like that they do this, as it really makes them more than potatosacks just slacking, but the player should be notified or prioritized to doctor them.
A colonist desperate enought to eat a corpse will not bother to preserve it to it's fellow non-cannibalistic corpse-eating friends. (put it back where it found it)
This needs to be addressed, how will my plans for making a copse-eating empire ever work if my unhappy underlings have to run back and forth to drag the dessecrated half-eaten corpse of my enemy. In a corpse economy, this is inneficient, and i demand that my corpse eating be 90%.. NAY 100% efficient.
When starting a new colony, the game will remove all pods as they land. I am not sure why this happens, but it has happened twice, once on a map where the landing overlapped with a road.

I also noticed that items you can chose to start with will do the same. one of these items is the "Ship sensor". Items like this should be removed from choosable landing items, since they will just make the player re-roll all the characters and start over.
Women colonist running into the wild are called "Wild man" when the pop-up tells you they are going into the wilderness.
A hauler performing it's last haul before switching to builder (if there is no more to haul, and the next task the pawn will do is construction) will grab from the closest stockpile, but since it just got done hauling, it will often take materials it just hauled. This makes the pawn attempt to fill a stockpile, while also being the main culprit to why it needs to be filled.

This seems like intended behaviour (since it *only* will occur if the pawn goes from haul to construction after the task). Due to this, one of my workers uses most of it's time hauling the same materials to the stockpile, then realising there is a wall or something that needs some material, it will haul it there. After the task is complete the colonist *sees* the stockpile is not full, and repeats.

Reproducable by having a colonist set to hauling before construction, build a few walls and let the colonist move the necessary materials to a stockpile.

The game really feels better, and i like the descriptions on the new arm bionic and other new items. thanks for a great game, keep up the good work. ;D
Bugs / [A16] Muffalo luciferium addictio
February 15, 2017, 04:43:04 PM
My colony had ran out of non-meat food, this resulted in one of my muffalos eating and getting addicted to luciferium. Unsure if this is unwanted behavior, but i now have to resupply or slaughter one of my caravan muffalos.

I get that this is wanted behavior with most drugs, but luciferium should maby have other interactions with animals. Just my thoughts on it.

Mods were pressent, but none change the way medicine is distributed or animal AI.
Idle pawns standing in the door, all of the crops died because of this, seems like unwanted behaviour.

Reproducable by having a colonist idle in a base with doors to the outside, eventually, the pawn will be standing in the door long enough for the room/base to freeze... (depending on the temperature outside)

Also happens with cleaning (on a tile adjacent to the door), and if the tile is sufficiently dirty the door will stay open long enough for the rooms temperature to drop considerably. (on a cold map)

One would expect the door to be a "do not stand on this tile" type of tile, instead of having colonists constantly kill all crops in the base.
Bugs / Escape pod, not downed, leaves map due to cold
January 10, 2017, 02:36:01 PM
On a sea ice map sometimes the escapepod crashes and the pawn is able to leave the map (-64C).

Could the cold be factor, only seen it on cold maps.

2nd post
Happened again on a map with -43C

Mod edit (Calahan) - I have merged you second post into the OP to avoid you infringing forum rule #10. Please can you modify your previous post next time instead of replying to your own post, especially when only a short amount of time has passed (~90 minutes in this case). Thanks.
If your wall has a hole in it, a man-hunting animal will get stuck in the opening provided that the tile on the inside contains a sleeping animal.

The AI thinks that it can reach the inside of the base, but will just stand in the hole in the wall with the work-tag "moving"

When the animal wakes up, the man-hunting animal will be able to pass the tile.

Reproducible by building a room, leave one tile of the wall open, place a animal bed in the tile next to the hole on the inside of the room. Force an animal to sleep in the bed and force a man-hunting animal via the dev mode.
After one of my colonists broke after being exhausted, (due to the muffalos running to a wierd spot) the muffalos in the caravan went to consume grass. They are consuming grass with fire on the same tile, setting them on fire. Unsure if this bug only applies if the muffalos are part of a broken caravan, but I have never seen this suicidal-behavior with muffalos.

On the positive side, they consume the grass, extinguishing the fire (so they only receive small burn)
After my negotiator gave 300 silver to a faction, the comms windows buttons became unresponsiv. After pressing ESC to be able to play onward i can no longer call the faction in question... (the negotiator will just walk to the comms and stand there unable to call the faction)

EDIT: Should mention that this seems to happen every time i give silver (for the first time in a game) to the faction on top of the list in the comms menu, no other faction is affected

EDIT(2): Now the same happens to the secound faction in the list, after giving 300 silver, and trying to do it again.
Recap, I am now unable to talk with 2/5 of the factions on the map, making this an awkward situation to be in when the colony is literally swimming in drugs...
When i prepared a caravan to leave, the muffalos and the colonist assigned to leave ran down to this spot far away from my stockpiles.
This increases the packing time considerably, to the point that I am loosing valuable resources for having a colonist unable to be productive.

I am playing with mods, but this seems to be related to the base game, so i am posting here until told otherwise.

Edit: funnily, a bear decided to attack this condense muffalo pack, the bear lost...

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