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Messages - KillTyrant

Off-Topic / Re: The Music thread
December 25, 2017, 01:12:34 AM
New York, New York - Frank Sinatra -
Running in the 90's Vaporwave -

After the holidays, ill somehow make a playlist with everyones links.
Ideas / Re: Permanent AI core quest
December 20, 2017, 10:51:06 PM
Quote from: Wanderer_joins on December 20, 2017, 06:49:02 AM
People have been complaining about the difficulty to get the AI core in B18.

A solution would be to make this quest permanent once revealed, like for the landed ship. It would be a special quest, maybe slightly more distant than standard quests, with a specific threat.

Did I just get really lucky? I got a AI core unguarded from a loot world event.
Ideas / Re: Exterior Lights
December 19, 2017, 04:49:52 PM
I tried looking up "guard tower" and "light tower" heck I even tried "spot light" but nothing comes up. Do you happen to have the link to that thread?
Ideas / Re: Radius for sunlamp blueprints
December 18, 2017, 09:54:19 PM
This would be a very nice quality of life change. I always had the thought "I wish it would show the radius of sunlamps while I was placing blueprints of hydroponic basins"

Ideas / Re: Exterior Lights
December 18, 2017, 09:51:28 PM
No need to apologize. We all misread and misjudge sometimes whats right before us. Im no better so no harm or foul.

Im not exactly sure really. I mean, maybe to start something closer to 18th century style where they needed to be manually lit which is tied to the "switch" priority(perhaps also another use for combustibles) then later down the tech tree something more like the modern external light fixtures. Not inherently street lamps but rather those light fixtures that are attached to the sides of warehouses.
Ideas / Re: Exterior Lights
December 18, 2017, 02:05:24 AM
Quote from: patoka on December 17, 2017, 07:56:00 AM
then just build torches? to be honest i never built them outdoors so i dont know if they dont burn as long if it rains, but if so, just build a wooden wall next to it and then a roof over both and you're done save it with the blueprints mod and you can build it in seconds.

"Its a quality of life change. Right now, if you want outdoor lights you either need a mod that adds said item or build a roof over the existing lamp."

I am making a suggesting for something that doesnt already exist in the game. As I mentioned before, I am well aware of just "putting roofs over it" but that feels gimmicky and breaks immersion for me.

Quotewhat do you wanna do with it? i hope not lighting your crops at night haha.

I mean I know youre obviously joking around but I just want a viable option for outdoor lighting that doesnt look out of place while serving a proper function.
Ideas / Re: Exterior Lights
December 17, 2017, 02:02:43 AM
Quote from: patoka on December 14, 2017, 08:46:38 AM

this isnt any more useful than colored lights in my opinion. i'd mich rather give my night owls a chem fuel driven lantern with short light radius.

Its a quality of life change. Right now, if you want outdoor lights you either need a mod that adds said item or build a roof over the existing lamp. Perhaps a mobile light source like a torch or lantern might do the trick but its a slight inconvience when my night owls have a constant "in darkness" debuff when going building to building. Would just be nice to address it within vanilla gameplay without having to do what feels gimmicky.

Quote from: Jibbles on December 14, 2017, 11:45:10 PM
Yeah, if there is a lack of suggestion then it may be cause of mods.  I made some outdoor lights for myself that automatically turn on at night, and shuts off when the sunlamps kick in.

+1 should be in vanilla

I figured as much hence why I tried to cut it off at the pass with my little PS. That being said tho, thats pretty nifty. ha ha

Ideas / Re: 'Nimble' trait should be more common
December 13, 2017, 07:42:49 PM
But there are alot of staggeringly ugly people out there  :P
Ideas / Exterior Lights
December 13, 2017, 07:41:57 PM
I'm having a hard time believing that no one suggested this before but I tried searching using multiple terms in the search bar but each time it came up flat.

Its a rather strait forward idea but if at all possible, can we have light sources modeled for exterior use? A standing lamp looks out of place when its outside and I build villages rather than mountain lairs. Having a light source that looks like it connects to walls or even just light posts would be fine. I just want an option that I dont have a build a roof over.


Im making a suggesting. Please dont flame me with mod links to something that resembles this. I understand that there may be a mod out there but I think this has its place in vanilla.
I know I'm not really contributing in any real fashion with this but I have to say that the whole argument that happened would be a faithful example of a storm in a tea cup.
Off-Topic / Re: Thoughts on ANTIFA
July 30, 2017, 03:26:44 PM
Indeed, I find their Ideals to be innately hypocritical but I have no problems arguing and debating those points. My main contention is the acts of violence carried out by people who fly that banner and how they co-opt mostly peaceful protests and turn it into a spectacle. I dont view polarized views as something inherently bad. The moment people stop talking to each other is the pivot point that groups can turn each other into monsters thus violence isnt an issue.
Off-Topic / Re: Thoughts on ANTIFA
July 29, 2017, 11:11:45 AM
I agree they are very polarizing but im not sure if I would say thats the biggest problem about them. Attacking by-standers and destroying private and public property are in my mind the biggest issues with them. I dont mind polarizing speech or actions should it fall within the letter of the law. So the KKK can have a permit to have their hate rally in the middle of Atlanta Georgia as they are legally allowed to. However, the KKK doesnt have permission to attack people or specifically call to kill/harm anyone.

Earlier someone tried to point out that Antifa and block bloc are different things to which I can agree. However, Antifa's primary form of protest IS block bloc. They hide their identities and move in large numbers so they can break the law and hurt people without fear of reprisal. I dont care about the peaceful protesters, they arent in the scope here. Im talking about those that are slamming people over the head with bike locks and attempting to stab people with flag poles. Because violence will be responded with violence and we are starting to see this happen with the more recent protesting.

I think most moderate and sane people will see antifa as the terrorist organization that it is. All these people are effectively doing in the states is re-elect Trump for 2020. (I would rather not get into a Trump debate on here. Either you like him or hate him for one reason or another. This thread is not the place)
This is word for word the exact same thing you posted almost 2 months ago. Are you trying to bait people?
Off-Topic / Re: Thoughts on ANTIFA
July 21, 2017, 12:37:06 PM
Quote from: Listen1 on July 20, 2017, 03:46:11 PM
Well... I don't know anything of it and it's the first time it appeared for me. I did some reasearch and only found vague content or biased articles bashing this group.

Does someone have some realiable/unbiased fonts for me to know this group?

You would be pretty hard pressed to find anyone talking positive about a terrorist organization. (New Jersey officially recognizes Antifa as a terror group) When you have a group of people that cover their faces, attacking by standers and take over an otherwise peaceful protest. You will only find negative things said about them because they are a negative group. It would be one thing if they used their voice to argue but they raise their fists. There is no redemption in western culture for rabid animals.
Off-Topic / Re: Thoughts on ANTIFA
July 11, 2017, 06:55:16 PM
Did you not see the estimated 7000+ black bloc  members and the riots and looting that ensured? For me, that is a direct threat to any sort of peace thus isn't flying under my radar.

I fundamentally don't agree with them and anyone that agrees with them. Rage can be manufactured under false pretenses and violence is never acceptable and is counter to western democracy.

I am still very interested in others thoughts. Agree or disagree. I want to see and hear it all.