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Messages - KillTyrant

Off-Topic / Thoughts on ANTIFA
July 10, 2017, 10:08:23 PM
There appears to be a rising "Anti fascist" movement that dresses in black and attacks people and places of business. Most recently I heard of their antics at the G20 summit. Ive also noticed these people are mostly middle class late teens/early twenties and/or liberal college professors. Im kind of curious what others thoughts are of this group of people.

Please follow the standard forum rules and if you can elaborate on your thoughts, it would be appreciated.
Might belong in the off-topic section. That said. I typically like to try before I buy. Ive been burned on early assess games(Towns) that I had high hopes for but never seem to hit the mark or stop halfway through dev and the makers pocket whatever money made and leave. However, games like Rimworld where the dev is quite accessible and has been constantly updating over the course of developement is a good sign of something worth putting an investment in. Im glad you decided to purchase a legit copy so tynan and others can be compensated for their hard work. 
It might be somewhat simple(maybe). Instead of what was mentioned, there is a decreasing radius of permitted action dependent on time remaining based on the time table. However, there is some short comings of this idea as is.
General Discussion / Re: Vault Colony
June 02, 2017, 12:42:37 AM
What exactly would you be trying to accomplish with this setup?
I would not recommend disarming your entire colony but rather have a select number of colonist whos primary function is combat but can perform other tasks with an armory so you can equipped others should the need arise.
I dont really think it makes much sense honestly. Its very subjective and the amount of free tiles in a room is tracked. Maybe their can be some sort of reworking but I dont think this reasoning follows through. He just wants things to have reduced value for the sake of reducing it.
30 plants is alot of upkeep. I think its rather balanced.
You can make it so only the chef can enter the squares you have the packaged meals
I know this has been suggested numerous times. I just dont remember what the official response was to it.
I usually use the night shift to train up the back-up pawns. I also usually have the night hand side filled with haulers and cleaners. Typically I have about 6-8 hours of sleep (depends on quality of beds) followed by 2 hours of joy, 13 hours of work than 1 hour of joy. Depending on the quality of your rec room and items you may need to make the initial joy time 3 to 4 hours to make sure they arent joy-deprived doing jobs they dont like. However, if you have a crafter that has a passion for it, and you have them crafting all the time, you can get away with 1 or 0 joy hours as they will get joy from doing their work. This is a high level of micromanagement though and if they somehow complete their work orders or the power goes out and they cant work. You may have an unhappy pawn. 
Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on May 04, 2017, 01:02:47 PM

Hope you stripped him first, so his clothes didn't get the "Deadman's apparel" label sown into them!

I want my pawns to know the pain of hammy downs!
I saved a injured man but saw he was riddled with ailments so I harvested his organs and sold it on the blackmarket. Im in prison btw.
General Discussion / Re: A17 Sun lamp
May 03, 2017, 07:09:39 PM
Ok sweet. I no longer need to try and micro manage my circuitry to keep my sunlamps on different cables than my hydroponics. Frees up a minion :D
General Discussion / Re: Frozen pawns
May 03, 2017, 07:07:53 PM
mmm maybe post in the bug section and share your save file. Might be your best bet. Thanks for trying to improve the game one bug smashing at a time :)