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Messages - DukeAl

i tired your additional lighting mod today and when building a path light i continiously get the following error:

Exception ticking Lighting_PathLamp54922: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Verse.Find.get_RoofGrid'.
  at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

I tested it on the latest rimworld release (0.16.1393) with only core and additional lighting active and god mode enabled.
i wanted to try your mod today (the serious version with the CR patch) and got the following error at start:

XML error: Could not register node named "BaseBullet" in mod Nanotrasen Armory - CR Patch because this name is already used in this mod.
Verse.XmlInheritance:TryRegister(XmlNode, ModContentPack)
Verse.XmlInheritance:TryRegisterAllFrom(LoadableXmlAsset, ModContentPack)
General Discussion / Re: Your top tips!
May 06, 2016, 02:36:16 PM
Forgot to mention that you have to set the priority for the small stockpiles higher than your normal ones....

Quote from: Vaporisor on May 06, 2016, 02:21:20 PM
That is a good one and actually is something similar I do for large construction projects as well.  I will set a 2x2 critical priority stockpile near where the big building (such as defensive walls, etc are) and have it only store the materials I need.  This gets my haulers and animals to take a pile of materials there fast leaving just my constructors to focus on constructing.

Never tried it for construction but since you would stop your constructors from hauling 10 times 3 components across the map it would make sense...
General Discussion / Re: Your top tips!
May 06, 2016, 02:12:51 PM
Don't want your crafter/cook/artist run 50 miles each time he finishes one thing?
Set a 1-tile storage for every ingredient next to the crafting bench and set the bill to "drop on the floor".
And I found another bug..
Plow Soil unlocks at Soil Reclamation I instead of II.
You're right, changing the storage is the better way.
Now I found another little problem:
Your Pie is just too good. My colonists are so terrified by the tought of running out of pie that they don't leave home without at least 70 of them....
Great mod. I had to change the parent categorie for the cooking ingredients to FoodRaw to make it work with the food basket from expanded storage.
If there is no reason against it, you may could make them compatible?
Makes sense. I'll ask the creator of vg then if he could fix that.
If i change the xml of your mod can i just add a second category under <li>FoodRaw</li>?

edit: nevermind. i took a look at your other containers to see how multiple categories work.
Hi, i love your extended storage mod. Has changed my complete base setup.
Any chance to get the cooking ingredients from vegetable garden appear in the food basket and/or wooden pallets?
I have been using your mod for a while now and I'm loving it so far.
I have a few suggestions I would like to see implemented if possible:

-Add a filter/search window in the following screens: outfit,recipe(building,storage,growing zone),trade

-Add copy option in allowed areas/outfits

(-Add merge option in allowed areas/outfits?)

-Add browse button in colonist info screen

-Show size/used space in stockpile/grow zone

-Trade screen: clicking on number does: shift + rmb = clear, alt + rmb = buy max, strg + rmb = sell max

-show power consumption for crafting stations somewhere before building it (Infoscreen/Infobox?)

-Add options in crafting window: take to nearest stockpile, craft until no room to store

-Show lit area when building lamp

So thank you for making the Interface this much better and I can't wait to see the finished v3 :)