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Messages - SirDerpface

Ideas / Re: Wheelchairs and Craftable Bionics
May 21, 2016, 06:47:52 AM
Quote from: milon on May 21, 2016, 06:18:55 AM
Question: how is wheelchair any different than peg leg, apart from disallowing certain skills?
Right click incapacitated person, give wheelchair, person hauls wheelchair to incapacitated person and boop, you have a wheel chair guy and you didn't waste any meds or resources.
Pistols and knifes attack extremely fast and there's that loadout items that say that something went terribly wrong
pls help
Edit:I loaded the game and the mod magicly got fixed, loadouts turned into the items they were supposed to be and the weapons got the hud and such it was supposed to have.
Releases / Re: [A13] Glitter Tech v1.44
May 04, 2016, 01:28:19 PM
Quote from: Sam_ on May 04, 2016, 06:01:09 AM
Quote from: Canute on May 03, 2016, 09:34:20 AM
And where is the problem, Glittertech weapons are far superior with integrated warp batteries which draw power from the subspace. They don't need any ammo.

They actually use miniaturised Zero Point Modules that draw energy from the quantum space between the fifth and fourth dimension...or something.

I'll have a look at the defs for CR and see if I can make every gun have a default ammo count of 999999 or something.

Quote from: RemyDuron on May 03, 2016, 08:11:49 PM
So I'm getting Orion Corp tanks spawning out of Mechanoid crashed ship parts (well, at least the poison ship, psychic ship didn't spawn any). And when they are supposed to charge my base they sort of move halfway and then just stand still. This makes poison ships (at least the couple I've encountered) incredibly difficult to deal with because, even if I can hurt them enough to make the mechanoids charge, the tanks hang back and anyone I send out after them gets annihilated by their super long range cannons. Several Orion Corp groups showed up to help me and all got slaughtered with little issue. Ended up dev moding my way out of it.

Is this supposed to happen? Seems weird that the mechanoid ship has Orion Corp tanks on it. Also, they seemed to stop charging my base as soon as the other mechanoids (who were faster) were killed by my defenses. Sorry if someone else has pointed this out elsewhere in the thread, I tried to look and search but there are 50+ pages and I didn't read through them all.

This has been an issue for a long time. The Tanks use the Thinktree for mechanoids, because they behave mostly the same, however the Crashed ship part seems to choose any pawn with a mechanoid thinktree instead of specifying the exact pawn type (as it probably should). Honestly I thought it was fixed in A11, but it the change was either reverted or I was mistaken. I'll have to make a custom thinktree again, which I have had compatibility issues with in the past. Until then I suppose just destroy them in devmode, it's a bug so that's technically not cheating...
Or just spawn a friendly tribe raid and watch them butcher the tank
Releases / Re: [A13] Glitter Tech v1.4
April 26, 2016, 03:05:44 PM
Quote from: Valor on April 26, 2016, 03:46:21 AM
Quote from: SirDerpface on April 25, 2016, 11:41:23 AM
All the animals in the world have extremely weak legs that never bleed.

Also I noticed some animals have several front legs etc.
I downloaded a def that changed that, but animals still have weak legs, correct designation and shattered legs tho
Releases / Re: [A13] Glitter Tech v1.4
April 25, 2016, 11:41:23 AM
All the animals in the world have extremely weak legs that never bleed.
I can't really remember all of em right now, but I know Mie the assassin, Engi the engineer, Ian herbalist.
Quote from: Kluge on April 17, 2016, 10:37:56 AM
GlitterTech. There's a workaround related to relabeling something, but I can't find it...
It's not just labels, those aparent mini legs count as solid (bone), with only 3 hp, leading to easy hunting with insultingly low butcher yields
Edit: Edit ninja.
Thanks alot! I'm tired of boars that give 12 meat
Can someone help me? Atleast boars and turtles have 4 front left legs 3/3 hp that count as bones(shattered)
Mods used:Edge technologies
Heavy defences mod
More factions spawn
Rimsenal Federation
Rimsenal Feral
Rimsenal Security
Rimsenal story teller

Would be nice to know what mod is causing this
Can someone help? I can't research anything and there's an error that says Exception filling window for communitycorelibrary.maintabwindow_research: system.nullreferenceexception:object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Ideas / Re: Limb health system
July 19, 2015, 06:43:25 AM
Quote from: b0rsuk on July 18, 2015, 05:45:50 PM
Current system feels very random. Brain shot and you're a vegetable. Warg hits your torso twice in a row and you die immediately without being downed. Or you keep shooting a downed human and it takes something like 15 hits to finish him. What's this, Robocop reference ? You might kill a mechanoid in 4 sniper hits or 30.
Ikr, the brain shot is fine, but getting bitten in the torso shouldn't just destroy it.
Oh and a good thing would be if you ordered someone to shoot a downed pawn it would be in the head, is it really that hard to shoot someone in the ground?
Ideas / Re: Limb health system
July 18, 2015, 03:36:20 PM
Quote from: Songleaves on July 18, 2015, 02:16:01 PM
Quote from: SirDerpface on July 18, 2015, 01:38:27 PM
Yeah, but you can't decapitate someone by bashing their face in with a club.

With a super strong bionic arm you could. Limbs regularly come off from blunt force trauma. Feast your eyes on this foot (warning graphic) following an unfortunate trampoline bounce. And let this also serve as a warning for all ye who wish to get a trampoline for your children.
But basicly, what I'm saying is an hp for limb functionalty, and once that hp reaches 0, a new health bar for that limb,once it reaches 0, pop goes the limb.
So meaning 0 hp in the head won't pop it right off, but the pawn will get knocked unconcious.
If a pawn's head has 30hp+50 joint hp,a shotgun shot with 90 hp will blow the head off,but a pistol shot of 30 hp will knock out the pawn unless it hits the brain, which is an insta kill if the brain dies.
Ideas / Re: Limb health system
July 18, 2015, 01:38:27 PM
Quote from: leax256 on July 18, 2015, 09:14:14 AM
well if you hit something enough times with anything it's gonna eventually break
Yeah, but you can't decapitate someone by bashing their face in with a club.
Ideas / Limb health system
July 18, 2015, 06:27:13 AM
I really think the game needs a new health system
I'm sick of having knives cutting people's legs off, or squirrels decapitating colonists.
There needs to be a new system, like crippled limbs, for example, animals would mangle your limbs.
Swords should have 2 attacks ,slash and stab, stab does less damage but is really fast and slash is slow, deals more damage and can cut limbs off.
For example, Tribal  bashes Colonist's arm, breaking it.
Then if someone with a sword slashed that colonist's arm, he would damage the joint.
Once the joint gets destroyed,the Colonist looses his arm.
Basically, 30 hp arm cannot get insta ripped off by a club, however, it can break the arm, letting a clean slash to cut it off.
Crippled limbs would act as if the limb was cut off, but it can be healed(for maybe 5 medicine each)
sheven haundred and shfifty dew
General Discussion / Re: Scytheless scythers
July 16, 2015, 11:01:53 AM
Unfortunately, I got attacked and he got involved in crossfire.
Scythy the Cripple will be remembered as a claw for a "lucky" colonist.