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Messages - Kitsune

Hi everyone. :D

I'm a bit looking at the code to understand more about the coding.
My question right now is, in randy's code he have a line that says the max. days without an event, at least its look like that for me.^^


Its not 30 for everyone i have modify it for the test. If i'm right and its the max. days without an event, is it possible to make a line
for min. days without an event? Like someone likes to have a guaranteed amout of days without say... raider attacks? Is it simple
like this line?


In forward, thank you for answers. ;D
Mods / Re: Is there a Popcap+ for A5?
July 17, 2014, 12:21:39 PM
I think you can go in the folder Mods\Core\Defs\StorytellerDefs, there is the file BaseStorytellers.xml. Open it with an text-editor(like notepad++), there you can see lines like


edit the number to the desired number of colonists. :) This number should be the minimum population, the other two are for the max and the last "population critical" i dont know. I think the storyteller dont give you more but you can purcase/slave more colonists till the "population critical".

I'm not very good at the coding, if i'm wrong please someone say it and correct me. :D
A little nice list is good to have.^^ I think the biggest part of mod's should work without mods which modify the world generation, like map generation. For my self i play with Embrasures, burn cloths and machine gun nests so far the only problems are that the embrasures and the machine gun nest is aviable right from the start, so unfortunately no research needed. The burn cloths should work with the crematory but at the time i dont get it to that far in the research-tree. :) For someone with coding experience i think its possible to make other mod's compatible. I would love to make it myself but i'm a typical girl that have to do alot of learning to understand the codes. ;) I only can tweak the storytellers a bit and i dont know how succesfully. ;D

Edit: I have found a little bug or something that way.^^ I got attacked from a group of tribeman they lit a few buildings, in my "tavern" 2 normal tables got burned and now 2 of the items what i needed to build the tables lay on the ground and say's "Tables x0"... the biggest problem is with that, my colonists try to haul them to my stockpile but they only stand there, sure there are Tables x0... so there is nothing they can haul. ;D No error showing up, nothing, they are only unable to haul it. I already have the same bug in a game befor an oil lamp get destroyed and left an "slag chunk x0" the same problem, but i was able to solve the problem with the saving and loading the game but with the tables, it dont work with save&loading.

Edit2: I think in the building file under tables, the line that something drops if the two wood tables get destroyed is missing. :)

TTM_Buildings_Furniture.xml attached.

Have set that they drop wooden planks but i have to test it that the item is dropt right not that i have typed the false item. ;)

Edit3: Tested and it worked. And found the same problem with the oil tank and the oil lamp.^^ I found a few more with x0 drops, i post the full file-changes. ;)

TTM_Buildings_Survival.xml Attached.

Search continued. ;D - Search complete. I found at least in the decoration.xml a few of the same problems and fixed it. :) But it's to long for the post now. Uploaded.

If i find more problems, i report it. ;)

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Can it be that kidnapped colonists trigger the "colonist left unburied"-mood? Was been raided and a 2 colonists have been kidnapped and 1 dead. The dead colonist is buried, i dont know exactly is the unburied mood -5 or -10 if its -5 than i have my answer. I try it myself and shooted on of the last 2 but it have not changed and is still -10. :o
Hm my idea is, to find the drop-pod and research-thingy spawn-lines in the code of the mod and copy it to the map generation mod. Sadly i dont know in what file they are. ;D

Edit: Hm i searched but i think i'm not able to find the lines. :'( I would like this mod is compatible with the map generation mod and the colonists creation mod.^^ And so much more, i'm sad that i have not so much experience with the code otherwise i worked on the mods for compatibility. ;D
I'm thinking that too. The game is somewhat earthquake intensive. ;D

Tried the trading-thingy's. I builded an comm-thingy and in the second the building is complete i got an trade ship and the call-order works but how i remember, have you not sayd you will turn down the price? Its still 400 silver. But i think thats not a big problem, hm maybe at least i suggest to lower it to 200 silver.^^ But its only my taste. Oh yes i have made a little deal with the trader and it worked. :)

Edit: Its almost 2-3 days i got the first trading ship and now i got another one, i think nothing stay's in the way for trading. ;D I'm now trying a new game with randy.

Edit2: Dam the drone of insanity has come and slaved my colonists. :o In the situation if anyone like to play without the big -25 happiness, you have to edit the TTMCustomEvents_Incidents.xml in the folder: Mods\TTMCustomEventsA5\Defs\IncidentDefs search drone, you get the psychicdrone and after "<chance>" you have to set 0. Now its disabled i dont know but maybe you have to change the same line in the Mods\Core\Defs\IncidentDefs\BaseIncidents.xml. The dev self had disabled it in the last update.^.^ So have fun playing.
Quote from: minami26 on July 16, 2014, 09:50:55 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on July 16, 2014, 09:31:53 AM
Thank you for the work, after eating and kicking away my darling i'm testing the new version. ;)

Dude can you report here if the Signal Beacon is working? use the Signal CallOrder Vessel and see if it works.

everything works perfectly fine on my side, maybe because i have a clean game, and it's only Tech Tree Minami and Custom Events activated

Sure i tried it but i think today randy have something against girls. ;D He killed my colony three times in a row. :'( He work again. I cant say beyond savegames or something but he finished my colonies after 20-30 and 40 day's. After he throw's a couple new colonist to me AND killed them right away. xD

I think i'm a bit slow in building, i play now a game with pheobe to test the traders. I'm be back after i played a little bit with pheobe. ^.^

Edit: Oh yes by the way. I use the Mod's:
Embrasures, burn cloths, machine gun nests and your mod. And for the time i played, i have no problems.^^
Thank you for the work, after eating and kicking away my darling i'm testing the new version. ;)
Quote from: minami26 on July 15, 2014, 03:19:47 AM

Quote from: Kitsune on July 14, 2014, 03:35:29 PM
Edit: Ok the game description on the bulb is wrong. It's saying bulb@workstation but its on the metalworks. ^.^

Thankyou for pointing that out!

Happy to help. ;D

I have a little idea, if i'm not wrong and it already works that way. The electric sawmill, is it possible to let them work as the fireplace? They get the energy and an hopper with wood, an colonist set it to work and it works automaticly alone. Because it works exactly as the manual sawmill but needs energy the same amout of wood and an colonist? If i'm wrong and its better, so say me what it makes better as the manual sawmill. ;)

Edit: So far i can say i like the mod really. :D But i have the problem that i dont get any traders. I builded the communication-thingy, the normal beacon and the callorder beacon but im not getting any trade and the "callorder" dont work somehow and it's not using silver. I'm only unlucky or is really something broken with the traders? :) And without the trading i think i'm not getting some of the buildings. xD I'm looking forward to the next update.^^

Edit2: @vagineer1: Uhm only to be sure, you have an colonist with cooking enabled? ;)

Edit3: I'm looking a bit on the codes. Is it ok that for example the general trader have a chance for 33, in the vanilla code its only 13. Or is this an other "trader"-line in the code that has nothing to do with our trading-ships? ??? I'm not really good at looking at the codes and get everything working in my head. ;D I'm only trie to understand a bit of the code~
Hm i have the little problem or blindness that i cant find the bulb for the oil lamp in the workstation. I'm needing more research? I have build only the workstation the sawthingy and the research to this, the game say i can build the lamp. :-[

Edit: Ok the game description on the bulb is wrong. It's saying bulb@workstation but its on the metalworks. ^.^