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Messages - ITypedThis

Ideas / Re: Autopsy Table
February 27, 2015, 11:59:51 PM
Definitely. One thing that I often find myself thinking is "which one of these injuries was the most lethal?" Or similarly "which one of his nine gunshots killed him?" Knowing the wound that killed the pawn could potentially be very valuable information. For example, if most of one's colonists were lost to damage done by longswords, one would be able to potentially reduce the number of casualties by better knowing how to defend their colonists.

Also it makes me curious how a pawn died when I look at their long list of injuries.
Quote from: Fruit loops on February 27, 2015, 07:44:08 PM
Well... for difficulty purpose's  i never grow crops during the winter, there for i eat what i can when ever i can. that may mean skill lacking prisoners, or bad trait prisoners usually get eaten  ???

yeah... Joe used to live in the sierra mountains... he enjoys raids.

anybody get that reference?
I'm sure your colonists love that rule... Haha!

Quote from: CodyRex123 on February 27, 2015, 07:16:06 PM
What i really wanna do is set up a prison colony, (Ahem.) And then run it, Only problem with that is that the colonists would be gaurds and you cant have them on patrols, would be cool if something like that would be added so that you can have certain people posted somewhere and do work in the area, it would also make it easy to find someone that can do what your looking for if you had a colonist at the ready nearby.
Sorry, am rambling.
I hear that! For some strange reason, the prison system is my favourite part of RimWorld. --InB4 "Prison Architect"-- What I often do now is just have my idle colonists gather and wander near a table close to the middle of the prison, and equip them with wooden logs to serve as batons. :P
Quote from: Coenmcj on February 27, 2015, 06:42:31 PM
Quote from: ITypedThis on February 27, 2015, 04:54:21 PM
Quote from: Coenmcj on February 27, 2015, 04:06:47 PM
Currently? I use them as slave labour. If they break once, 10 lashes from the whip. If they break twice, they're fed to their fellow slaves.
Do you have a slave labour mod? Or are you just roleplaying for the sake of immersion?
Slave labour mod, things havn't been this uh... 'fun' for prisoners since the fear system. c:
It was much easier when the beatings were automatic. >:D
Quote from: Coenmcj on February 27, 2015, 04:06:47 PM
Currently? I use them as slave labour. If they break once, 10 lashes from the whip. If they break twice, they're fed to their fellow slaves.
Do you have a slave labour mod? Or are you just roleplaying for the sake of immersion?
Quote from: Novellum on February 27, 2015, 11:36:39 AM
Late-game I'll usually just imprison two or three people forever, sort of as a "Welcome to your faux home, hope you enjoy the nutrient paste". It is a prison after all, might as well have some life sentences going on. I also usually decorate the prison though.
Might be a little better than death for them, I suppose. :P
Quote from: DarknessEyes on February 27, 2015, 10:06:52 AM
My option not there...
I kill them for organs. You never know when u will need them
But that's what the "harvest them" option means!
Quote from: miguellima on February 27, 2015, 07:33:55 AM
I have a question: why are you saying stuff like "if the faction can be made friendly"? Was anything changed in A9.

In A8 i got to a point where i had a solid defence and every tribesman raid i captured like 5-8 people. Same thing with pirates. Most of them i didn't like their stats so i healed them and released them. After a few raids i started getting mech attacks one after the other. When i went to check my relationships i had 100 with both tribes and the pirate faction.

EDIT: To answer OP: if it's near the start of the game and i have someone i can't/won't recruit and have someone with injuries like scars or shot off limbs i harvest those and keep the prisioner healthy until i'm done. then i install peglegs if he needs them and send him on his way :P
I'm not entirely sure of who your comment is directed at, so forgive me for commenting anyway. I believe "if the faction can be made friendly" is referring to the factions like the space refugees (the people who crash land) and the spacers, (the people sometimes found in cryosleep pods.) They don't really have an effective "faction," so they are sort of independent from one another and can not be released to improve their faction's disposition towards you.

The extra medicine for the peg legs must add up after a while?
Quote from: lusername on February 27, 2015, 05:52:57 AM
Quote from: ITypedThis on February 26, 2015, 11:14:52 PM
Mechs are kind of a hit and miss. A handful of scythers isn't necessarily game over, but a handful of centipedes... Something's gonna go wrong. :'(
Mechs are usually the easiest enemy. They're extremely deadly up close, but they're also extremely slow and have short range. The game pretty much outright tells you that those giant mecha-sheep are weak against guerilla sharpshooting attacks.
I think the inferno cannons got a range buff fairly recently. It's been a little while since I've thought to check it, but I believe that it was around 32 or something? Not good for the sharpshooters...
Quote from: Listy on February 27, 2015, 02:50:05 AM
Well After I have the one prisoner to train Social, if I don't want them due to injuries or Traits I don't pick them up, and send out my melee squad to batter them to death and keep up their melee skills.
That's only in the late game I normally just let them snuff it on their own accord if its early game and I'm busy and don't have the time.
One thing that most people see to have in common is a lack of empathy for the raiders. I guess I can't really say I do either though. :P
Quote from: Vonholtz on February 26, 2015, 10:34:15 PM
If they have no good skills I sell them but seeing how slavers never show up when I have any prisoners. When I get sick of taking care of them and waiting I let them go and after this is done a few times the faction will no long hate us. Right up in till they visit the next time as friends and some one else attacks and they get in the middle of the cross fire and then they will hate us again.

The tricky ones are the ones who have no good skills and no faction I just sit on them and hope a slaver ship comes more then one time a game.
It would definitely be nice if slave trades kept coming anyway, just without slaves for sale.
Quote from: CodyRex123 on February 26, 2015, 09:58:10 PM
Am normally at war WITH everyone, and you can't release one prisoner and they instantly at peace with you, atleast, i haven't had that happen, Mecs aren't much to my colony, and i play on randy...
But you can only release so many prisoners before you no longer have the choice!

Mechs are kind of a hit and miss. A handful of scythers isn't necessarily game over, but a handful of centipedes... Something's gonna go wrong. :'(
Quote from: CodyRex123 on February 26, 2015, 07:51:45 PM
You don't let me release them? Damn, the people i fight need all the soilders they can get, even if i do go to peace with them, i would declare war when the chance arrives.
But can you always risk fending off a mechaniod raid before you can start another war?

And what if you're trying to get more prisoners that you can/will try to recruit?
Quote from: TheSilencedScream on February 26, 2015, 02:52:56 AM
If you're physically capable and don't have the "Dumb Labor" restriction, you're in.
If you're not physically capable or have the "Dumb Labor" restriction, your organs are mine.

If a slaver arrives before you're recruited, and I'm not impressed with your stats, you're sold.
Just like that? If you've got legs and you're willing to use them?

If only they new what was waiting for them when they said "no." >:)
Quote from: electrichobo on February 26, 2015, 02:49:36 AM
Selling slaves isn't an option? Screw morale, if you're useless or won't join up, off with you. Either aboard a slave ship or into the cremation chamber. When the weak-minded colonists go berserk from being unable to deal with it, that just leaves the strong-willed to capture and sell them too.

Though it's kind of hard to enforce when you've got two colonists left, both with nervous or neurotic traits... One of my colonies went through several "purgings" by a single psychopathic and sanguine colonist. That was a jolly soldier.
It's not that it's a moral or mood issue, it's that slave traders never come by anymore once you reach a certain population. If we left the decisions up to the colonists, they'd all lose it because they had to fight over the last packaged survival meal... :P

Sometimes a forest needs to burn before new trees can grow.