Quote from: ShadowDragon8685 on November 13, 2013, 01:08:51 AM
... As regards fires, once your colony is mature, I find the best way to handle them, if possible, is just to sell everything which is flammable around the fire, and everything near it which hasn't caught fire yet, draft everyone to stand well away from it, and just let the motherfucker burn.
It's cheaper than a protracted battle with the fire, doesn't risk colonists, and you get some cash back from the things you successfully hocked. ...
Fastest way to deal with fire ('though mostly impractical): Blow it up.
Draft a couple guys and give them frags. Toss 'nades into fire. The resulting explosion will kill the fire.
Blasting charges also work similarly.
This used to be the only way to deal with fire before Tynan implemented firefighting for colonists.
Of course, the collateral damage can be severe, but hey, it's rated D for Dorf!