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Messages - nnescio

General Discussion / Re: The Problem of Emancipation
October 26, 2013, 12:52:31 PM
Thanks, Tynan.
Quote from: Sliverine on October 25, 2013, 05:14:15 PM
So far so good tho, it seems that the scaling is still pretty good even into the high levels and nothing has broken yet, it seems. However, I must add that it takes pretty much forever to get any social and shooting skills, despite regular social chats in the communal dining hall and over 50 raids with the same group of 11 colonists.

I train my colonists' shooting skill by having them use animals for target practice from maximum range and switching targets before they actually die. Pistols are the best training weapons since they have the fastest firing rate and gives the colonist 20 shooting XP per shot (or slightly less if they miss by too much of a distance). Technically the automatic weapons will fire more bullets per second, but they still give the same amount of XP per burst instead of per bullet fired, so the pistol still ends up on top.

Works well for training the colonists' shooting skill from 3 to 6. Any more than that and it takes too long due to the increased amount of XP needed, and the animals die too fast due to the increased accuracy.

Using walls as target practice can also work and gives the construction crew something to practice on, but that requires you to issue a new force-fire command for each shot fired. Generally not worth the trouble, and construction can be trained by building power conduits all over the place (which can be sold for their original price as the sale value is rounded up) or setting an isolated group of walls on fire and have colonists constantly repair them.

This does give me an idea for a suggestion though. Maybe the finished game could include shooting ranges and sparring options like in DF?
General Discussion / Re: The Problem of Emancipation
October 25, 2013, 11:56:31 PM
Quote from: Blitzkriegsler on October 25, 2013, 11:52:27 PM
Draft another colonist. With that new draftee selected, arrest your slave by right clicking on them. After they get placed in your prison. Sell your door. The slave will now go free.
Ah, thank you. Didn't know that prisoners could escape. It's a pity I can't remove their restraints, but I guess it'll have to do.
General Discussion / The Problem of Emancipation
October 25, 2013, 11:26:18 PM
So, a slave ship passed by recently. Since I was roleplaying a benevolent colony at that time, I had the colonists exchange food for some slaves, which I fully intend to be freed to become fully-fledged members of the colony.

The problem is that they still display as (fe)male slave in the mouseover instead of (fe)male colonist. Technically it makes no difference, but something about that just doesn't sit right with me.

I found out that arresting the slaves will eventually change them over to colonists when they are convinced by the warden, but this is somewhat ironic -- to free a slave you'll need to imprison him first.

Also, for some reason, if you arrest one of your own people, they seem to have a high loyalty threshold before they can be asked to join again.

So, are they methods to free a slave other than arresting and converting them?

('though I suppose it does make some sense -- you're putting the slaves in a comfy room (or not so comfy) with free room and board until they decide to join the colony of their own free will (or not so free if you rely on fear to convert prisoners instead of happiness).)
Off-Topic / Re: What language(s) do you speak?
October 22, 2013, 07:22:10 AM
English, Chinese, Japanese. Technically my mother tongue is Chinese, but I prefer most games and reading materials to be in English anyway.

I consider myself to be most articulate in English. There are some... abstract concepts that I cannot express in Chinese without consulting a dictionary.
Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
October 22, 2013, 06:51:20 AM
Quote from: British on October 21, 2013, 05:36:32 AM
Quote from: Reaver00 on October 21, 2013, 05:11:17 AM
I like the water idea, but I got to thinking. This is water on an alien planet.  You have no idea what's in it. Not only could it have disease and parasites in it, but it could be incredibly toxic from metal contamination.
Nothing a few filters can't solve.

Or distillation. Solar stills are pretty much low-tech.
General Discussion / Re: Corpse Disposal
October 21, 2013, 11:59:38 AM
Quote from: reeceaclarke on October 21, 2013, 11:43:01 AM
We should just use a iron cannon to destroy them for sure

Eh, I prefer the ol' magma chute or the dwarven atomsmasher myself.  ;D
Support / Anomaly: Sun Lamp lighting radius.
October 21, 2013, 11:50:03 AM
So I noticed something odd while trying to set up my hydroponics garden...

Sun lamps seem to have an around 5-tile radius of bright illumination, but the fifth tile to the left of the lamp is lit instead of brightly lit.

Thinking it was an intended feature (presumably because the lamp 'shades' its own light), I rotated the lamps, but I ended up with the exact same results. The fifth tile to the left of the lamp remains lit instead of brightly lit regardless of the orientation of the lamp.


With gridlines and brightly-lit squares indicated:

Arrow indicates the 'missing' tile that is supposed to be brightly-lit.


There's also another oddity with the hydroponics table. The description states that it "must be placed indoors", but I can build them outdoors without any problems and they still work.

General Discussion / Re: Corpse Disposal
October 21, 2013, 11:35:28 AM
Well graves seem to still occupy space even if they can't really be seen, plus the corpses still exist and will pop out when you sell the graves. Unless there's some other method of burying I'm not aware about. Or do they actually decay once buried?

I guess I'll use blast charges then. Thanks for the suggestion.
General Discussion / Corpse Disposal
October 21, 2013, 06:33:17 AM
Squirrel corpses tend to pile up after a while and they don't seem to rot or decay. Butchering doesn't seem to be present (yet). Graves and dump sites take up valuable space. My last attempt at using fire ended up in disaster. So...

Are they any alternative means to dispose of corpses? Do they actually decay after a long time?

(I mean, I suppose I could use the incendiary launcher on living vermin, but that tends to spread fire all over the place when they run around on fire.)