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Messages - Cryusaki

In your Plants_Cultivated_Flowers.xml file look for <texPath>Things/Plant/Violet</texPath>. Even though this is the correct order for your mod folder it is identical to the pathing that Tynan uses for Rimworld so the game isnt looking in your mod folder. Place your Violet.png into a folder named anything but Plant and you should be good :)

EDIT: For some more info. As far as I know only the first set of folders in your mod folder need to be named specific names (ex. About, Textures, Patches, Defs, etc) All child folders can be named what best suits you, following the Core folder path is just a formality
Help / How does 'chancePerPositionCurve' work?
July 06, 2017, 05:18:40 PM
I am trying to mod how roads are drawn on the map so I have been fiddling around with the xml file 'Defs/RoadDefs/RoadDefs.xml' and lines 11 to 22 contain 3 ordered pairs of numbers. When I change these around the best I can come up with is that if you put in 1's you get a solid road, if you put in numbers like 0.3 you get a scattered road and if you put in 0 you get no road.

I tried looking into the C# code using ILSpy but it seems to be part of a function called SimpleCurve and I can't make heads or tails of it. I have been putting in many different combinations to try and understand it indirectly but I have made no progress in several hours. If anyone could figure out this riddle of code I would be very grateful!
Mods / Re: [MOD REQUEST]elephants carry weight
July 06, 2017, 11:20:47 AM
Mods / Re: [Mod Idea] Re: Trade Beacon Limitations
July 06, 2017, 11:18:51 AM
The variable you are looking for can be found in the games code for the trade beacon. Specifically it is called namespace RimWorld
public class Building_OrbitalTradeBeacon : Building
private const float TradeRadius = 7.9f;

Unfortunately you can't seem to get to it within XML editing otherwise this would be a simple patch mod.
Unfinished / [A17] Expanded Smokeleaf v0.8
July 06, 2017, 12:24:03 AM

     Expanded Smokeleaf is a mod which splits vanilla smokeleaf into three types of strains (Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid). Each with their own plant texture and side effects. Indica plants grow faster and yield more leaves that crease high sedentary and euphoric effects. Sativa plants take longer to grow and yield less leaves but induce less euphoria without compromising productivity. Hybrid being balanced in between.


  • 3 Strains of Smokeleaf (Indica, Sativa, Hybrid)
  • Flowering Plant Texture
  • Medicinal Smokeleaf Painkillers
  • Smokeleaf Infused Meal (Planned)
  • Additional mood buff/debuffs
  • Compatible with Vegetable Garden Mod (Planned)
  • Hemp Products from smokeleaf (Possibly)
  • Shatter Production (Possibly)

Author/Mod Team
     Myself (Cryusaki)


  • Thanks to Why_is_that from the Rimworld Discord
  • Thanks to dismarzero for his mod Vegetable Garden for use as reference

GitHub Download Link

Please give this mod a try and feedback of every kind is welcome  : )
Mods / Re: [MOD REQUEST] Proper Smokeleaf rework
July 05, 2017, 02:46:40 PM
This could probably be done with some XML editing. Break smokeleaf into 2 different varieties, Indica and Sativa, where the effects of either differ slightly. Reduce the chance of lung asthma or carcinoma. Add food binge when high enough for fun. Finally make a craft-able 'edible' meal at a kitchen where smokeleaf is a required ingredients.

I may make this just for fun, let me know if you have any other ideas to add.  ;D

EDIT: Here are the beginnings of the mod I am making called Expanded Smokeleaf
Probably the best modding tutorial for Rimworld on the internet but it is still missing so much detail that it's hard to follow
I am willing to bet this is more common than you think irl
Colonists won't path to a prisoner room unless they are interacting with a prisoner. Remove the makeshift bed or change it to a colonist bed
Help / Re: RimWorld core art source
June 08, 2015, 05:30:30 PM
An updated version to this file would be great, maybe it would even spark interest in texture mods
Ideas / Re: Prisoner Intimidation
April 30, 2015, 07:35:06 PM
There was a mood meter called "fear" in the earlier alphas which did exactly this. Placing gibbet cages of human corpses around prisoner cells and giving them daily beatings (It was an option just like try to recruit is now) would subdue them in fear. Tynan eventually removed this for several reasons I'm sure but it tended to be powerful as a fearful colony is a polite colony.
Ideas / Backup/scouting party for the visitors
April 30, 2015, 09:41:00 AM
Trapping your visitors into a room and letting them starve is a fun mechanic but in my opinion it is currently broken. There are no downsides to doing this but in good game design a solution like "Visitors can unlock doors when they leave" will just break the fun.
So my solution is if they do not return after x amount of days their faction will send a larger, more well equipped, group to try and find their missing faction members.

In this way you can retain the ability to, sadistically, starve people for equipment but is no longer left unchecked. There are more things that can be added to make things more fun.
- Let's say you lock your doors and the group cannot even get inside the buildings to search, they may leave with negative relationship or if they don't like you they can just start breaking down doors, leaving you to decide to (unlock the doors, let them break them down, or attack them)
- Of course you don't want them to find the bodies or their clothing, maybe even equipment, so you may want to hide/bury their bodies in places they wouldn't look. This would give another incentive to get an incinerator and add another fun mechanic when managing your colony.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Colonists final resting place
February 06, 2015, 10:12:57 AM
Any mod that is based on LotR gets my support!
I like that idea, I never enjoyed that my enemies get buried just like my favourite colonists.
General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers!
February 06, 2015, 06:30:11 AM
I currently have plenty of free time so I have been focusing on modding Rimworld, as well as refreshing my programming skills. This would be a great way to fill in the time. I have done this sort of thing in the past with a few indiegames from IndieDB. I believe I will be of valuable help if i'm not too late. :)
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Fallout Universe Mod
February 05, 2015, 05:19:16 PM
1. The main plan is to select from prebuilt vaults that have certain conditions. For example. Vault 72 (Arbitrary number) is designed to house a single resident. Vault 16 is designed to house pacifists with a single bloodlust cannibal. Similar to the lore of Fallout and you would then play as the citizens of that vault that may or may not explore the wasteland.
Still learning the extent of the power of modding but if possible then finding other vaults would be a cool addition.
2. Good idea, feral ghouls would not be for obvious reasons but there are intelligent ghouls and supermutants, will think about that one more when the time comes.
3. You got it, just to keep it consistent with fallout, makes no sense for a vault dweller to have traveled space, this is where power armor training would come in.
4. I plan to add the main weapons you would see in the games from 3 and NV. Assault Rifles, Hunting Rifles, 10mm Pistol, etc. However guns are easy to make so down the road if I feel the need there is no reason not to add more obscure ones.