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Messages - Shadou

General Discussion / Re: Starting to get frustrated.
October 10, 2015, 12:25:01 AM
Quote from: TheGentlmen (GENT) on October 10, 2015, 12:22:56 AM
Quote from: Shadou on October 10, 2015, 12:18:51 AM
Quote from: TheGentlmen (GENT) on October 10, 2015, 12:14:24 AM
If a got a problem simply make a mod to set the flammability to 0.
That may be a good solution for those few of you that are skilled at programming and versed in modding Rimworld, but those unlucky masses of us that aren't blessed with those kind of skills are a little S.O.L.

Err, just locate the wall xml file (using search) then thier is literally a varibal called flammability. Anyone could do it.

Perhaps, but not everyone is capable of figuring that out on their own. Not everyone has the computer skills that you're taking for granted, dude.
General Discussion / Re: Starting to get frustrated.
October 10, 2015, 12:18:51 AM
Quote from: TheGentlmen (GENT) on October 10, 2015, 12:14:24 AM
If a got a problem simply make a mod to set the flammability to 0.
That may be a good solution for those few of you that are skilled at programming and versed in modding Rimworld, but those unlucky masses of us that aren't blessed with those kind of skills are a little S.O.L.
Ideas / Re: Exclusion Zones?
October 10, 2015, 12:15:11 AM
Ok, so... given that we're barely a month into hiatus, we can expect a fix for this sometime after the next 5 months then? Or is there any chance at all of a release anytime before then?
In one of my games, I had an issue that I think I've tracked down to this mod. Colonists would perform actions they were incapable of. In particular, I had one colonist that was incapable of caring (no medicine skill), who seemed to have priority set to 1 on Doctoring even though he could not perform it and could not be given a Doctoring priority. It literally was the first thing he did when anyone got hurt, even though the work screen would not allow him to be given doctoring as a job. I had to draft him anytime I wanted to have any surgery done, so he wouldn't try to do it and maim the patient.

My current game, the only differences in my mod list from the game when I was having the issue are:
Added Edb's mod order
Added Edb's interface
Added Ykara's Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering mod
Added Brunayla's Embrasures
Added Brunayla's Neurotrainer crafting
Removed Brunayla's bionic replacement production
Removed Brunayla's organ replacement production
Removed Hospitality

I really don't think any of the other mods I added or removed could be the cause or solution to this. I like the mod, but this is a rather potentially game-breaking bug. Please fix.

Edit: Just thought of something that might be a possible conflict. I have Wastelander's Mending mod installed, which adds a Mending job to the work list. By itself, Mending doesn't cause any issues, but with two mods messing with the priority list it may be a problem.
Ideas / Exclusion Zones?
October 08, 2015, 11:18:32 PM
Is there any way to add animal exclusion zones? Areas where animals are not allowed to go?

I like to train my herd of huskies to haul, and so they tend to follow my miner all over the map to where she mines, and they carry the stuff she mines back to the base. If I restrict my huskies to a particular area, they won't be able to go do that anymore. But they've been getting into my Xerigium, and it doesn't seem to have much nourishment value to them, so they end up eating a few before they decide they've had enough. So could we have animal exclusion zones added so I can set them up for my xerigium and other various farm areas? My animals tend to eat four or five of them before either looking for better fare or deciding that's enough 'for now'.
General Discussion / Re: Hot weather challenge seeds?
October 08, 2015, 04:17:21 AM
I don't really have problems with food spoilage. But then, I usually make small freezers, no larger than 7x7, and double walls around it. Two coolers can keep it frozen through the hottest heat waves I've seen. If I need any more than the 49 stacks that size allows, then it's time to sell some vegetables.
Stories / Re: Brand New player's First Game
October 07, 2015, 05:48:11 PM
Use the survival rifle next time. Pistols are worthless in my experience.
General Discussion / Re: Hot weather challenge seeds?
October 07, 2015, 05:35:17 PM
I haven't seen any maps with temperatures that high. I wonder if there's a mod that adds more realistic deserts; hotter during the day, colder at night. Deserts should be a climate control nightmare, with heat stroke danger during the day and freezing nights.
General Discussion / Re: Hot weather challenge seeds?
October 07, 2015, 06:23:17 AM
Found a map seed with the hottest area I've seen yet, an overall average of 92.0F/33.3C, with range of 86.0F/30.0C average in January to 97.9F/36.6C in July. It also has the coldest area I've found yet, overall average -75.5F/-59.7 and range -122.4F/-85.6C in January to -28.6F/-33.6C in July. Brrrr..... seed s398 on 400x300 map size.

Anyone else found any really hot or cold seeds? Any hotter or colder areas of note?
General Discussion / Hot weather challenge seeds?
October 07, 2015, 02:35:57 AM
I'm looking for a map seed with areas that have really, really hot weather. Some maps I've been playing on have been throwing heat waves of more than 125 degrees Fahrenheit/52 degrees Celsius at me, but it really hasn't bothered my colonists much; by the time a heat wave hits, I've had power and climate control in place, and it hasn't been a big deal, and it isn't even a problem aside from colonist mood without climate control outside a heat wave. So has anyone found any seeds with some really punishing hot zones? Seeds where the threat of heatstroke is actually a threat, even when a heat wave isn't in play?

It really just seems like it's easier to find punishing cold maps than punishing hot maps. It takes a heat wave on the hottest maps to even have the threat of heat stroke, but the really cold maps will threaten frostbite and worse even without a cold snap. Or maybe I'm just not finding the right seeds. Has anyone found a seed with a really punishing hot zone?
Defense and food generation kinda take priority over keeping colonists happy, as being dead has a direct detrimental effect upon global work speed.
Quote from: TLHeart on October 05, 2015, 05:11:13 PM
greedy is very easy, large bedroom, excellent bed, carpet, and a statue or two, gets the room to impressive.
We must have different definitions of "very easy". Sure, once the colony is nice and established that might be easy, but I've never lasted more than a year or so.
Quote from: TLHeart on October 05, 2015, 03:36:32 PMThere are some colonists that require an impressive bedroom.
I really hate greedy colonists. I've never been able to build a bedroom that's impressive enough for them. Jealous colonists aren't too bad as long as you don't have two of them, but a greedy colonist basically carries a permanent negative mood modifier as far as I'm concerned.
Personally, I've never been able to have multiple colonists work on the same item. I tried to get a colonist to finish a shirt at a tailoring station that another colonist had started. I even turned off tailoring for the colonist that started the work. The unfinished shirt was moved to storage, and the colonist that still had tailoring turned on started a new shirt, wouldn't even touch the unfinished shirt. The unfinished shirt stayed in storage through 3 more crafts, until I finally decided to let the guy who started it finish it.

This happened because I had a new colonist jump on the tailoring station as soon as they joined. I had a colonist that normally did the tailoring work, but he was apparently busy on something else when the new guy joined. I wasn't quick enough to change his work priorities, and he started making a shirt. His skill was about 5 points less than the usual tailor, too, so I wanted to get my usual tailor to finish the job. No dice.
Quote from: Boston on September 21, 2015, 11:05:59 PM
Quote from: Too-DAMN-Much on September 21, 2015, 10:12:43 PM
you two realize serviceable just means tolerable right? if it said "ideal" then you'd have a point.

it literally means this tool can do this task when used that way, it doesn't mean that it can do the task well, just that it'll work.

Don't be a pedant.

You know what I mean: a stone mace-head is not any less lethal than a metal one. History can, and does, tell us that.

I'd like to point out, before you two start fighting, that this is a game, and the differences between stone/steel/uranium maces are more than likely set due to balance purposes. While in real life a stone mace may be no better or worse than a steel mace of equal weight and balance, there needs to be something in the game to differentiate them, and in this case Tynan has decided that more expensive materials can make a better mace.

But, while we're on the subject, in real life the density of the material used is a factor. Metal maces, depending on the metal used, will give you a heavier and/or smaller end result, while a stone mace of equal weight might be larger and, therefore, more unwieldy. Same weight in a smaller package would make the result easier to balance as well. And before you try to tell me that the weight of the mace doesn't matter, I'll point out that the heavier the mace is, the heavier the impact will be. You're not going to deal much damage with any mace that has all the weight of a nerf wiffle bat, no matter how hard you swing it.