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Quote from: Shinzy on August 15, 2016, 03:22:28 PM
Yeah the comp colorable is apparel only thing, it works just for them
with buildings my best guess would be to just use the Costlist instead of CostStuffcount
looking at the defs only the buildings that get coloured in vanilla use those. Check some of the vanilla buildings (like cooking stove) for some pointers

I've found out that buildings not being coloured is a symptom of using the <shaderType>CutoutComplex</shaderType> tag within the graphicData node of the ThingDef.  It is entirely possible to use a costStuffCount and still have the buildings coloured -- e.g., the Hand Tailoring Bench uses only a costStuffCount with no costList. =)
I seem to recall that in an older A12 version of CR, all of the weapons had very long ranges with vanilla-like accuracy (i.e., very low), and it generally played out very poorly; there was too much exchanging of fire for absolutely no use, especially when hunting -- where pawns deliberately try to fire at maximum range.  So, count this as a vote against! =)

Since the tech is spacer level in general, I'd say just give everything a modifier to the base CR stats, e.g., "pistol" + 20, "rifle" + 20, etc. for each of the different weapon types.  So, for instance, the Lynx would have a range of 30, the GRM rifle would have a range of 87, etc.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Pastafarianism v3 (15/08/2016)
August 17, 2016, 03:33:22 AM
I've been sort of watching this one from the sidelines because, well, come on ;-), but I'm eagerly looking forward to it when it turns full framework.

Is there a way to restrict these needs solely to Religious and Fanatic pawns, and/or with any other whitelisted traits?  It would make the mod less generally applicable for small colonies (which are de facto for the game, sadly) but would also balance out the perks of those traits.  But mostly for the roleplayz!
Releases / Re: [A14] SeedsPlease!
August 17, 2016, 03:08:33 AM
I don't think it's possible in this game dynamically to create new Things -- they have to be prototyped in XML first.  Admittedly it's been years since I've fired up a compiler in anger, so I haven't done a massive amount of delving through the code to see what sorts of magic might be possible.
Quote from: Orion on August 15, 2016, 05:47:01 PM

1.14g - 15.08.2016
- tweak: Scoring points for visitors (made harder)
- fix: Bedroom impressiveness
- tweak: Visitors will not drop silver when leaving, only to buy stuff

Here we go... integrated. Also made relationship scoring and dropping stuff less powerful. Let's see who complains next ::) :P

Noooo!  That's horrible!  Now how am I going to make it through winter without all of my guests dropping half of their inventories?!  How am I going to give hospitality to traders if they no longer give back 80% of the traded things as gifts?!
[/font-sarcasm] =)

Haven't actually tested yet, but I love it!  The existing settings were swayed in the player's favour enough that you could do nothing more than build a shelter, clean the vomit and blood, and remove the boulders, and your guests would give rave reviews. ;-)

"My stay at the Sheraton Lepanto was definitely made better for the fact that there were no unsightly boulders in my room, and attention had been paid to cleaning off the patina of vomit and blood.  Although the faint aroma remained, it was of course completely understandable.  5 stars!" --Yelp.rim
Outdated / Re: [A14] MELTDOWN - More Mental Breaks!
August 17, 2016, 02:33:44 AM
I had an interesting bug where I was spammed with "created 10 jobs in 10 ticks" errors in the debug console when a pawn had the "insulting" mental break and was way off in the wilderness.  My best guess is that the pawn had no one in range and so when she broke down, I guess it kept looking for targets and finding none at ludeonicrous speed.

As soon as someone approached within about 20 tiles on a hauling job, she un!&$%ed herself and the mental break started working normally. =)
Outdated / Re: [A14] Enlighten
August 17, 2016, 02:23:01 AM
Hey, forgot about this mod!  I loved this mod back in A12. =)
Quote from: 1000101 on August 16, 2016, 04:31:35 AM
Locking is different from forbidding.  Doors can be forbidden which pawns in mental states, etc will simply ignore.  Locking is a physical, mechanical lock which no pawn can pass through (except wardens, doctors, and drafted colonists as it is assumed they unlock-relock the door).

Further, unless a door is locked, anybody and anything can pass through it.  This means hostile invaders will simply open the door and walk through it as there is nothing there to stop them.  If the door is physically locked, however, then they must either pick the lock (prisoners/slaves) or bash the door down (prisoners/slaves/raiders).  This is where you will want auto-doors for the exterior of your colony and a warden monitoring a security station as they will remotely lock all auto-doors in the room (or outside) where a hostile is spotted as well as auto-designate regular doors to be locked.  Once the threat has passed, they will then remotely unlock the auto-doors and designate regular doors to be unlocked.

Oho, neat... way more sophisticated than I originally thought. =)

This falls under your plans for 're-evaluating conditions for escape' thing, obviously, but that makes it even funnier that the prisoners don't escape immediately when the doors are unlocked.  Sort of like, "Man, there's no way they'd be stupid enough not to lock my door.  I'm not going to try it because I'll just feel stupid." ;-)
@123nick: I've been pondering that myself, actually.  I've been trying to convince myself not to bother, knowing that it would require a full script mod to do it. =P

Fixed version is up, anyway...
More feedback: It's only a logic error rather than anything crashy, but when someone suffers a mental break, they will be locked in their "bedroom"... which, if their bedroom just so happens to be a shared bedroom which just so happens to be the entrance to your underground base, means that their arrest will cause the complete lockdown of your facility.  You can manually flick the doors back to unlocked, waiting for someone to come unlock them, but your diligent self-appointed warden will automatically bring them back to "their" room, even when their illness has long since passed, until the many thousands of ticks have run out their course. =)

I'd suggest 1) a periodic timer that checks to see if their mental break is over, and if so, automatically cancels their house arrest, and of course 2) only allows house arrest in the first place if their bedroom contains no other beds.

There's one edge case that's hard to handle, and that's what to do if there's a shared bed in that room (i.e., lover or spouse): I would lean towards disallowing house arrest in that case, but it might be possible to give the spouse passthrough access while still preventing the ill person from leaving, which would be ideal.
I've got a pretty large modset so I'll have to do a lot more debugging to find out if it's caused by one of those, but I receive the following error anytime I try to Release a prisoner from a hastily-built single-room "prison" with a locked door:

Shepherd threw exception in WorkGiver ReleasePrisoner: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PrisonersAndSlaves.WorkGiver_Warden_ReleasePrisoner.JobOnThing (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.WorkGiver_Scanner.HasJobOnThing (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.JobGiver_Work+<TryGiveJob>c__AnonStorey22A.<>m__121 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.GenClosest+<ClosestThingReachable>c__AnonStorey440.<>m__7F6 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global (IntVec3 center, IEnumerable searchSet, Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1 validator) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable (IntVec3 root, ThingRequest thingReq, PathEndMode peMode, TraverseParms traverseParams, Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1 validator, IEnumerable`1 customGlobalSearchSet, Int32 searchRegionsMax, Boolean forceGlobalSearch) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryGiveJob (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)

[edit]Naturally, as is usually the case when I want to be helpful by posting a screenshot, my colony is in the middle of an eclipse with the darker nights mod... I'll post a screenshot as soon as conditions improve. ;-)


If it helps, the attacker was spawned from the "chased colonist" scenario, and I had set chatting on the prisoner before setting it to release, although I don't see how that will affect anything.  I haven't manually set a warden (I'm not sure it's possible to do so).  The Hot Box is marked for Prisoners allowed and Slaves disallowed.  The bed is my pallet mod and is marked as a prisoner bed.  The embrasure is there in case of... bad behaviour. ;-)  Grunka lunka dunkety d'armed guards...

[edit3] Misunderstood the "locked" designation... it's basically a cosmetic rename of the forbidden door?  Anyway, the same error pops up when the door is unlocked.

[edit4] Wait... when you mentioned that releasing drunks after being in the drunk tank isn't implemented, did that also apply to prisoners in general?  If so, carry on then. =P
Outdated / Re: [A11] Extended Surgery and Bionics V1.9
August 15, 2016, 12:03:54 PM
@syafiq2409: Mods this old need a lot more changes than merely changing the target version number.  This mod is old enough and popular enough that many people have wanted to update it but haven't managed to do it successfully -- which should tell you a bit about how difficult it is. =)

Plus, we have Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering now, which excepting InfiniteRemnant's and E's complaints is still excellent.
Quote from: Bucketsmith on August 15, 2016, 11:31:35 AM
Ideally I'd like for it to have a cone shaped lightbeam coming out of it. But as long as the game only handles radius(circles), I don't think I can even begin to make that a reality.

I'll have a look around if there already are mods about flares. Tripflares are tripwires set up to flares, I presume?

Depending on sophistication, they come in various varieties.  The simplest is just a garden variety flare attached to a tripwire, so when the tripwire is hit the flare lights up the ground where it is staked in.  More sophisticated versions fire multiple pyrotechnics in the air like a common firework, although this is mostly a dazzling effect rather than a long-term light source.  The most sophisticated ones act like bounding mines that physically launch a parachute flare into the air, which lasts for a minute or so. =)

In game terms, the ground flares would probably have a much smaller radius (~3-5 tiles) but also a long duration -- 1/2 day or so -- whereas the launched flares would have a massive radius (~12-16 tiles, just long enough that a shooter can stand outside the illuminated radius under conventional ranges) but also a short duration -- 1-2 hours or so.  Since there's no functional altitude in the game, it would be simple enough to split the difference as a single type of flare -- say, a radius of 8 tiles and a burn time of 4-6 hours.

This is all hypothetical: I'm not demanding you make it. ;-)
Could I suggest that the spotlight itself also get a (much smaller) glow when it activates?  One of the disadvantages of spotlights in the real world is that once the enemy recovers from the sudden dazing effect of being subjected to intense light, they act as big "SHOOT HERE" signs. =)

Actually one of the most major reasons militaries tend to use artillery flares and tripflares instead... which would also be a pretty sweet mod, come to think of it.
I just noticed that the system for the alert speaker is adding an apparel item with a penalty rather than adding a hediff.  Hediffs are more versatile. =)

They're pretty easy to add/remove, too:

Get a health difference by defName:

HediffDef pain = HediffDef.Named("JTFieldSurgeryPain");

Add a health difference:, null, null);

Remove a health difference:

foreach(Hediff diff in<Hediff>()) {
if(diff.def == pain);

Boolean check:


Adjust severity of a hediff (positive numbers increase severity score, etc.):

HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(pawn, pain, (float)severity);