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Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
May 16, 2016, 09:51:09 PM
--------- = ?
3415 (Not the answer.)
--------- = ?
3415 (Not the answer.)
Off-Topic / Re: Transgender bathroom arguement.
May 12, 2016, 08:27:26 PMQuote from: Zombra on May 12, 2016, 07:48:52 PMThey do- Report is here
Sure, of course another factor is another factor. This is blindingly obvious and needs no explanation.
But ... you are seriously overestimating the importance of this factor. You literally saidQuote from: mumblemumble on May 12, 2016, 06:12:39 PMraping a girl in the bathroom before this law was almost non existing
That means that you think that now suddenly it's a huge problem, where it was no big deal before. That's still stupid. And I'm being careful to restrain myself here, because my instinct is to talk about just how stupid it is. But I'll keep it cool although you threw the first insult.
So ... OK. Maybe this is providing another opportunity for sneaky offenders who like drawing attention to themselves. "Hi! I'm VERY suspicious! But please don't keep an eye on me!" (Note that keeping an eye on someone suspicious is not forbidden by this law.) If bathrooms are even 1% more dangerous than before, that's a bad thing, sure, we agree on that.
But ... the law was also passed for a reason. To protect the rights of minority citizens that you clearly think shouldn't have rights at all.Quote from: mumblemumble on May 12, 2016, 05:39:57 PMBut 3% of the population sounds a bit high, and these people have mental health problems anyways.
Notice that bolded part at the end? I did. It's fucked up. "They're subhuman, so they can just shit their pants in public or stay off my streets."
You want to make bathrooms safer, great, me too. But I'll be damned if I'll let you write off a minority as disposable because their existence makes that problem more complicated. Freedom isn't free, buddy.
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
May 11, 2016, 11:29:26 PM
3387 People fleeing Donald trump
Ideas / Re: Musical Instruments
May 11, 2016, 08:22:27 PMQuote from: The-MathMog on May 11, 2016, 07:54:53 PMI think that certain keyboards, should be able to be crafted on the spot, Abliet if by a experienced crafter- Things like a basic harpsichord which could be a simpler and cheaper alternative to a piano.Quote from: Pactrick Willis on May 11, 2016, 04:30:33 PMIndeed! Like crafters being able to make violin, guitar or even a simple flute, and then being able to buy bigger stuff from merchants!
I Concur! +1. Some simple instruments like Violins and such could be crafted, whereas I think instruments like Pianos and organs would have to be placed down somewhere.
Glad you guys like the idea! Let's hope that Tynan does too!
Ideas / Re: Musical Instruments
May 11, 2016, 04:30:33 PM
I Concur! +1. Some simple instruments like Violins and such could be crafted, whereas I think instruments like Pianos and organs would have to be placed down somewhere.
Off-Topic / Re: Anyone musically educated here?
May 03, 2016, 06:00:41 PMQuote from: top_hat_tomato on May 03, 2016, 05:57:50 PMI could review them for you- If you want.
I'm okay - good on piano and occasionally play accordion and organ.
I know practically no music theory, though I've written more than 6 songs now. I just go off of what sounds good and what doesn't.
Off-Topic / Anyone musically educated here?
May 02, 2016, 11:49:13 PM
I am. I'm just wondering how many people are.
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
May 01, 2016, 01:30:43 AM
One shall not count 3340.
Help / Re: Age appropriate Rimworld
April 15, 2016, 09:56:41 PM
Find another game. Quite realistically- I don't think your son will know (Much less care) about whats going on. Whole mechanics would need to be reworked. May I recommend subnactica if your looking for an age appropriate survival.
Ideas / Re: Proper Colony and new faction
April 15, 2016, 04:18:34 PMQuote from: Limdood on April 15, 2016, 03:52:05 PMThere could be survival aspects to it. An example from real life- The Jamestown colony. The European crops would not grow there, as such, they starved. That could be simulated as glitterworld plants perhaps may not be able to grow in the soil of the rimworld- All just speculation however.
a big issue is that there is no way to simulate HARDER raids than we currently have. Late game power armored pirates or mech raids are about as hard as the game can manage. The reason is any NEW gear you give to enemies is now available to the colony after one raid.
Additionally i feel the heart of the game would is ruined when you skip the "survival" aspect of a survival game. By headstarting yourself so strongly, you trivialize many of the most significant challenges of the game, hoping to contrive new challenges that just aren't supported by the current game balance. Overall game balance would suffer as you try to balance two fundamentally different game modes in the same game system.
Ideas / Proper Colony and new faction
April 15, 2016, 03:23:03 PM
This scenario would be, instead of you being on a chased landed ship, You would be on a proper colony ship. You would start off with quite a advantage (R4's, Lots of steel/plasteel, power Armour) But the challenge would be, the new factions. Understandably, you would have a Home world faction, which your ship came from. They're expecting tribute in silver/materials each year. You would also have to deal with other, hostile, glitter world factions out there. And the normal ones.
Off-Topic / Re: "Gay" as a trait -- split from Suggestions
April 13, 2016, 11:59:47 PM
Quite seriously, I will speak my mind here. Screw the PC Bull. LGBT people are mentally ill and should seek help for there most -Unfortunate- position. Specifically I would like to say this more to the Trans; Lesbian/Gay/Bi have been observed in the wild, but never until recent history has there been people thinking there are the opposite sex; that is delusion, and they should get help.
Off-Topic / Re: Re: "Gay" as a trait -- split from Sug
April 13, 2016, 11:25:31 PMQuote from: Carlyscarlet on April 11, 2016, 10:11:25 PMI might not agree with your choices, Buts that's a whole other can of worms that would best be left unopened. I feel that, being a Classical liberal, minority's are people who do your gardening and such- Again, another can of worms. I feel that transgenders would be unnecessary, from a game play view. We can assume that, Either transgenders died off, where there was no need to change your sex, or, I assume that many of the glitter worlds are the result of a fascist regime/communist, both extremely intolerant, and as such, no people changed. Realistically speaking, upon landing the trans would go off hormones (None around) and revert to there original self.
As a transgender woman, I would requrest you to refrain from adding trans with the likes zoophilia. Zoophilia is a paraphilia, not a sexual orientation, and is highly frowned upon. Zoophilia is beastiality and beastiality is always rape because animals are incapable of consenting. On the other hand, transgender is an identity where a persons gender identity doesn't match their biological sex. They are in no way related and its quite frankly insulting to see them next to each other in the same sentence. I'm not saying you intended to insult, but as a trans person it came off that way.
Also, transgender people added to this game would be... I don't know... difficult. Transgenderness has no effect on gameplay besides character detail. It depends really. Transgender people fully transitioned look almost indiscernible from their gender identity, so new models for them wouldn't be necessary. However, transgender people need to take hormones all their life to maintain their bodies. But then again, this is the future and we've probably got the technology to make it so that trans people are indiscernable to cis people entirely. But thinking about it, that sounds like something only Glitterworld tech or great Urbworld tech could do, not mining and underground colonies.
What I would do is have it come in different stages. Pawns have a chance to be transgender, but based on their background, they are at different stages of transition and look different. If a trans pawn is from an Urbworld/Glitterworld and isn't poor, then they look like the gender they are and have some biological upgrades (hormone regulator or something) on them. If a trans pawn is from anywhere else and/or has a poor background, they look more like their biological sex. Some gameplay things about transpeople would probably be their moods. Fully transitioned transpeople have a permanent mood buff while untransitioned transpeople have a permanent mood debuff. Sort of like the prostophile trait, except instead of bio-augmented parts its hormone replacement. If you transition an untransitioned transperson, you get a pawn with a better mood that is less likely to break, along with them looking like their gender identity.
I don't know about this ever being implemented in vanilla. It would be super sweet if it was. More representation of minorities is great, especially mine. It takes some more dev time, but I feel like it would be worth it. Definitely would recommend this game more to my trans buddies if trans people were included in vanilla.