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Messages - maculator

Releases / Re: [A17] ResearchPal and HelpTab
September 02, 2017, 07:03:15 AM
I love the Helptab, its so tiny and yet so usefull.
I would like to make a german translation. I've VERRY basic knowledge about code, but just translating all the whitewords in the xml files should do. Am i correct?
Thanks for the Mod.

I did it:
If anybody thought: "Verdammt, ich wünschte die paar Zeilen Sprache die HugsLib liefert wären in Deutsch!"
I made a German.xml for personal use but maybe someone else can make a use of it too.
Releases / Re: [A17] Animals Logic 🐾
August 30, 2017, 11:56:48 AM
For my "My little Planet" ins't a small thing^^
It's one of my favorite mods! But I understand that a single thread is easier to maintain and the searchfunction of the forum is useless anyways. I saw its on steam and subscribed, steam is pretty neat to find mods.
Anyways thanks for making this mod!!
Quote from: Canute on August 30, 2017, 03:05:54 AM
Try to read the tooltip when you move the mouse over the columne topic ! :-)

Obviously that is what you have to do. But I don't get why the old system was changed.
I mean: Colored columns with readable labels > Tooltips after sniping a topc
Releases / Re: [A17] Animals Logic 🐾
August 29, 2017, 07:09:48 PM
I really like "My little Planet", thanks for the mod. It's just the right thing to have if you want a close neighborhood.

One thing:
It is almost impossible to find. The search didn't help and its not in the threads title. I literally had to go through EVERY release thread to find it again. For gods sake please give it a thread.
I played Dwarf Fortress and I just LOVE micromanaging. And The Worktab is a musthave mod for me. So after this little chat I now know that I can expand single categories from the main tab and to end this all and come to an conclusion I just want to say: The mod works as advertised and the only thing left thats bothering me is that the titles overlap and you have to read the tooltips. I don't need colors (they look nice), but I'd wish for the tiles to be vertically written.
I much rather had the window block 102% of my screen than desorting that clutter.
But stil, it's complicated.
You start with this:

And then you hunt down all the headers to end up with this:

When the video has it like this (wich looks far more superior):

Thanks. Unfortunatly it doesn't seem to be a conflict, its the mod itself.
I went to the github right after posting and saw the issue too.
I gave it a shot and went back version per version until the expanded shedule wasn't even implemented and didn't find a working one, strange. That was my last hope.
They're all horizontaly and without color.
Guess I'll move a few meters closer to the screen and shedule some more time for setting up my worktab until fluffy is back from vacation.

Since I'll have to wait a while anyways I'll just drop the next question right away:
It says in the description of Worktab that other mods altering the work behaviour might be incompatible. It didn't give a warning for the following mods so can I asume they're save to use?
-Hand Me that Brick
-Priority Treatment
-Quality Builder
-Quality Surgeon
-Redacted Work Priorities
(Obviously I tested the different versions of Work Tab in a fresh install WITHOUT those mods!)
They all alter the priority but I guess after rethinking the whole thing they're a possible source of trouble later :S
I got the latest Version of the Worktab, but if I expand it I dont get the dwarf fortress like colored table :/ I only get the long list with entries written above and under each other, unreadable.
Does Anybody know from my vague description what went wrong? If not, what would be needed to clearify? Help Please.
Releases / Re: [A17] chickens Multiproduce
August 28, 2017, 12:32:51 PM
New upload would be nice. The site you're using is terrible. Even with adblock it's full of "download" buttons. I knew the correct one, but even that one dowloaded a chickensmodv1.3.exe the first 2 times I clicked it.
For gods sake put it on dropbox or github.

For anybody like me that was confused and moved to the back of the thread:
- Dont use the .exe, never use a .exe you get from a site with >5 Download Buttons!!!
-Just try it a few times until you get the .rar with the correct folder structure
-the site also tried to convice me to add a exeption to my browser security, DON'T DO THAT EITHER!!!
That site is a grade A example of bad sites trying to give you aids!
Whats the point in restricting the download to members only?
Outdated / Re: [A11b] Pawn State Icons (v04c) 22.07.2015
February 20, 2016, 07:30:50 AM
Quote from: Skissor on February 06, 2016, 06:50:16 AM
Look into the old comments, this mods actually works for a12. :)

When I turn this on, it resets my mods because of a failure, so for me at least it's not quite working.