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Messages - Dryerlint

Anyone have any idea how to get this to play nice with prepare carefully? Seems it's gone back to not letting any aliens spawn if you use prepare carefully. Converting them back to regular pawns.
I love the RTG. They're really simple technology in real life and I just can't understand why you wouldn't build one if you were stuck on some far away world.
Had the same problem, don't try and use this mod on a preexisting save.
It's only when it happens through the wanderer event. If you pluck them off a caravan using Hospitality they stay Asari.
Cool. I have noticed one thing; it seems that people from Asari factions who join your colony are always human.
What new in 2.2?
I love alien races! This will make a fine addition to my collection.
Releases / Re: [A16] Less Arbitrary Surgery (2017-1-3)
January 03, 2017, 09:24:12 PM
Quote from: Psychology on January 03, 2017, 08:11:23 PM
Then euthanize them. This mod is to avoid surgically murdering your colonists.

Actually I've found that I love this mod. Makes training surgeons much more... efficient.
Releases / Re: [A16] Less Arbitrary Surgery (2017-1-3)
January 03, 2017, 08:08:28 PM
But I like surgically murdering prisoners...
So are they bangable or what?
Releases / Re: [A14] Orassans
July 28, 2016, 04:13:18 PM
Quote from: ithikari on July 28, 2016, 11:44:13 AM
Does that mean we can fuck cats now?

I like how quickly this thread escalated to one of its several logical conclusion. But only one. I'll take the second; any plans to do something like this OP?
I'll keep my peepers on those peepers.

1st of Fall, 5501

We found The Forbidden Secret Grotto of the Ancients while exploratory mining. Then we hit the mother lode. We're all rich!

2nd of Fall

Most of that vein turned out to by steel. Still, 6 meters of solid gold is pretty decent.

3rd of Fall

It seems Toxo has gotten into the slave trade business as well. Can't say I blame them. Raiders don't deserve better.

Hey since when do pirate merchants not sell U. How the hell am I ever going to get a reactor up and running with no U?

4th of Fall

Even the bulk traders don't have Uranium. Fuck.

9th of Fall

Turns out Viktor's brother Nathan survived. He's with Comareiros now. I don't think I want him to join our town, he's a pyromaniac and a bit of a villain all around.

12th of Fall

Little bit of a raiding party headed up the valley earlier this morning. One of them made it out alive. They never stood a chance.

You know what the penalty is for raiders...

12th of Fall, cont.

I like watching Narda play in the water after I kill someone. Reminds me that there are still good, simple things on this world.

1st of Summer, 5501

My brilliantly designed fortified bunker is complete! Mwahahahaha! Nobody can raid us (from the North) now!

2nd of Summer

Plasteel, from long growing plasteel leaves. Beautiful and useful.

3rd of Summer

The optics on this sniper rifle are fucking sweet.

4th of Summer

See that expensive looking thing with all the "spectrometers" and "computation units." That's my fucking multi analyzer. Don't touch it.

5th of Summer

I'm thinking I can fangle up some kind of new fangled 3d printer to solve our nearly constant component shortages.

5th of Summer, cont

Sometimes life drops a literal person into your life. Bleeding and scared after a long cryosleep in a small pod. Might see if this one wants to join, assuming she can pull her weight.

7th of Summer

"Elena" is a lazy botanist. She is free to leave. I wonder if we're actually going to get 26 chickens out of these 26 eggs?

7th of Summer, cont

My cute little minions. Some day I shall devour your reproductive products and your tasty, tasty flesh.

9th of Summer

Managed to build ourselves a big fucking industrial cool. Thing is overdesigned to hell and efficient as fuck. The whole manor is cool as a cucumber.

10th of Summer

The air conditioning is out. The lights are you. The sky is on fire. This planet has a garbage magnetosphere. No wonder life didn't develop here on its own. Going back to sleep.

11th of Summer

It makes me feel good to see guests enjoying our little hotel. I don't mention anything when we're visited by outsider because it happens pretty much every day. It's probably just for the free rice beer. If they ever turn on us we'll surgically remove their eyeballs out and sell them on the open market.

13th of Summer

See that thing by the battery house? That is my circuit breaker. It breaks circuits.

14th of Summer

We still haven't seen hide nor hare of Uranium ore, so I drew this up. I call it, "get Uranium or die trying."

15th of Summer

We're gonna build the wall and we're gonna make the raiders pay for it!

1st of Spring, 5501

It's been a whole fucking year since we got here. We've built something out of nothing and I'm proud of that. We're pretty safe as far as I can tell; the raiders are dumb and squirrel bites heal with time. Kind of starting to wonder why nobody's sent a rescue ship after us. Maybe I don't want to know. Gods I hope nothing bad's happened back home.

3rd of Spring

Oh gods I love coffee. coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee

3rd of Spring, cont

Looks like a motherfucking raid coming down the valley. Should have built the defenses. Shit.

3rd of Sprint, cont.

I really wonder what it's like to have a bunch of idiot survivors stand behind sandbags that you built and murder your dudes. I don't know, but someone out there does now.

4th of Spring

Logging in one male prisoner, name of Jude Blair. Garbage name for a man. No wonder this idiot turned out evil. Caveworlders are all scum anyway. Jude has very little in the way of skills so recruitment is not an option. We shall administer the usual punishment.

We have taken it upon ourselves to learn as much as we can from the bodies of our enemies. Their cadavers make excellent medical training instruments.

6th of Spring

We brought a couple of wolves named Nada and Paws. They should make excellent companions. I think now that our prisoner has become acclimated to his new blindness it's time to let him go. Debating whether I should use him as training material for Nada and Paws. Nah, too vicious.

You know what takes the taste of cruelty out of MY mouth??? Fresh yogurt!!!

10th of Spring.

I'm starting to come to grips with the reality that we will probably be here for years. Nobody is coming to save us. Something has happened to our homeworld.

11th of Spring


15th of Spring

I guess we've come quite a long way, because we've now got the ability to produce our own small arms and mortars. Probably going to set up the mortars on the other side of the pond. Will probably produce some better long range snipery type rifles and then dig ourselves into the hillsides. A proper communist defense if you ask me.

1st of Winter, 5501

Seems as if we've gone back in time, boomrat went crazy and ran at us, gnawing and biting. Had to shoot it from a distance. Thing was like a fucking suicide bomber. We put out the fires pretty quickly though and nothing got damaged.

2nd of Winter

The whole forest is on fire. It's fucking beautiful. I got drunk and watched it burn from the safety of a hill. Rain put the fire out just as it started licking the entrance to our cave. Innuendo nintendo.

8th of Winter

Another dumb fucking animal went rabid, and bit Kimiko.

13th of Winter

I've set up a shortwave with some other survivors of the crash. They're pretty funny. I've enclosed a small log of what we've been saying below. One of them seems to be starving to death and doesn't really mind.

14th of Winter

Went ahead and took apart some more ship pieces today. Really needed those components.

15th of Winter

Rescued Fiolina Germi, a glitterworld empath and probable future councilor from numerous injuries. Another pod survivor. I guess a few are still up there with their orbits decaying.

We've started consturction on a big trading warehouse. Seems our neck of the galaxy has been noticed by a couple of traders. Wouldn't trust 'em not to kidnap me and sell me to the highest bidder. Think building my own ship my be my best bet for getting off this rock free and alive.