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Messages - System.Linq

As a side note, Death Rattle prevents these sorts of arbitrary deaths from colonists briefly dipping into 0% consciousness.
I've experienced this too. As I don't use any of the same mods as you, I'm pretty sure it's a vanilla bug. Only happens when prisoners are sitting around in their cells.
Bugs / Bills don't count items being carried
September 09, 2018, 10:26:27 PM
I have several bills set up to ensure that my colony has enough armor. The bills are set to my exact number of colonists, and have "count equipped" enabled so that I don't produce more than I need. Nonetheless, after every raid, when my colonists start taking their armor off and putting it away, my crafters end up starting to make more armor because it's in people's hands, not equipped on their body, so they think there's a shortage. As soon as it's put back in the stockpile, the unfinished items are dropped, never to be touched again. I end up cancelling them, wasting materials.
Releases / Re: [B19] Death Rattle (2018-9-9)
September 09, 2018, 06:47:36 PM
Updated to 2018-9-9:
- Healer mech serums now properly work to save pawns with Death Rattle illnesses. Stock up!
Releases / Re: [B19] Death Rattle (2018-9-1)
September 08, 2018, 12:58:56 PM
Makes sense. A destroyed limb isn't really normally a severe condition, because in vanilla if something you need to live gets destroyed, you just die. I'll look into making the hediffs from this mod very low priority for healer mech serums, and hopefully that'll solve it.

e: I'll just make it so they can't be cured by the mech serum. Problem solved (sort of -- it'll still prioritize other missing limbs and permanent injuries over a destroyed heart).
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-8)
September 08, 2018, 11:57:49 AM
Updated to 2018-9-8:
- Made some more optimization passes at personalities and improved the performance reporting a bit.
- Pawns are now less likely to start social fights over conversations the less Aggressive they are.
- Instead of being a 50-50 chance, whether a social fight is cathartic or angering is now based on how Aggressive a pawn is, since Aggressive pawns are more likely to think fighting is a valid way to solve disagreements.
- Pawns who win a social fight will now get a positive thought about it.
- Pawns will no longer bite each other in social fights.
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-7)
September 08, 2018, 10:30:08 AM
Oops, not sure how that made it into release.

Quote from: WolfgangPolska on September 08, 2018, 03:27:24 AM
Quote from: Linq on September 07, 2018, 03:27:58 PM
Are there any messages about it in your dev console?

I don't know, I didn't have a devmod running, If I manage to get to the Fall today, I will post the output log, as well as devlog from console.

You don't need to post the whole log. Just look for a message from Psychology mentioning the election.
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-7)
September 07, 2018, 03:27:58 PM
Are there any messages about it in your dev console?
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-7)
September 07, 2018, 01:40:44 PM
Updated to 2018-9-7:
-Colonists will now properly synchronize what topic they were talking about again. After the last patch they seemed to have very different ideas of just what that last conversation was about.
-Fixed a bug with the performance reporter if you didn't have Prepare Carefully installed.
-Social fights for conversations will no longer be initiated with themselves.
Why would you call this mod questionable ethics when cloning and organ growing is so much more ethical than the standard Rimworld faire of imprisoning, harvesting, murdering, and butchering people?

Then again, I suppose these ethics are questionable, whereas there's no question the above is heinously unethical.
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-6)
September 06, 2018, 08:19:53 PM
Updated to 2018-9-6:
- There is now an option in the mod settings to allow you to turn on performance reporting for Psychology. If enabled, you will receive periodic performance reports detailing which Psychology systems have the highest performance cost, and where. You can give me these reports to help me find which parts of Psychology need to be optimized to reduce its FPS impact on the game.
- Based on my own performance testing, the conversation system (perhaps unsurprisingly) contributed significantly to Psychology's performance impact. I've retooled the calculations in that area and added caching to noticeably reduce its FPS footprint. Further optimization is ongoing.
- Added custom graphics for conversation and hanging out motes.
- Added a bunch of the vanilla chitchat/deep talk flavor text to the conversation topics for the appropriate personality traits. I've also expanded on the topics with some of my own, so there should be a lot more variety now.
- The social log will now tell you what personality trait was being discussed when you hover over a conversation.
- Conversations that cause negative thought penalties can now start social fights.
- Pawns hanging out will no longer do so outside of their allowed areas.
- Fixed an NRE on caravaning pawns who experience the Paranoia break.
- Fixed the TaleDefs for mental breaks, which are used for art descriptions.
- Pawns with anxiety will no longer have panic attacks while downed, which could prevent them from resting in beds.
- Cleaned up some of the code for starting planned dates. Dates should be cancelled less often now.
- You will now receive a letter when colonists plan a date. You can turn this off in the mod options.
- Removed all the old update news from previous versions of the game.
Here's Extended Storage for B19 with the item splurging patch built in:
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-3)
September 03, 2018, 10:16:50 PM
What mods are you using?
Releases / Re: [B19] Expanded Incidents (2018-9-3)
September 03, 2018, 03:02:01 PM
Updated to B19.

Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 09, 2018, 05:27:23 PM
A dream scenario of mine is for Linq to fully expand the entire "clique" event into a whole mod the size and scope of Psychology ;D

I'm dreaming of gang vs gang social tension. One gang has the mayor on their side, so the other gang has finally had enough and stages a coup! Suddenly the colony is in the middle of a civil war! The player must choose only one side to control, and try to wrest back control of the colony from the rebels! Mix in some "Rumors & Deception" and some kind of brutal revenge/humiliation/domination incident and MAN THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!

Yeah... unfortunately that's not really how I play the game. I like all my colonists. This isn't Prison Architect; I view them as reasonable, generally agreeable people and valued members of the colony. Not gang members.
Releases / Re: [B19] Psychology (2018-9-3)
September 03, 2018, 12:05:12 PM
Updated to 2018-9-3:
- Increased the mood bonus for Pluviophiles being outside so that it counteracts the "soaking wet" malus.
- Pluviophiles should no longer get a rain mood bonus from the snow.
- Fixed a typo in the mayoral candidate letter.
- Restored the 2 season opinion penalty for recruiting prisoners, but made sure that it only applies to recruited prisoners, not all recruitments.
- Some fixes to dates/hanging out.
- Added log messages to some causes that would make an election fail to start, for the player's sake.
- Adjusted dynamic thoughts to stack properly, which was causing some thoughts to be discarded.
- Restored the "Mayor" title to mayors.
- Fixed several translation hooks related to mayorship.
- Fixed a bug with mayor visits which would erroneously set a visit thought's mood change to zero.
- A mayor's visits with constituents should now have a much more obvious effect on their mood (and the mood of those visiting them). Previously, the formula was set up in such a way that supportive visits almost never resulted in any mood bonus. Now positive visits will have a noticeable impact on a mayor's mood (depending on the personalities of those involved).
- Constituents will now visit the mayor less often.
- Whether or not a constituent wants to complain to the mayor or support them is now affected by that constituent's mental break thresholds, so more volatile pawns will complain at a higher mood level.
- Fixed a few improperly configured trait descriptions.