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Stories / Re: My First Experience With Brain Damage
September 10, 2016, 09:48:08 PM
I once made a character using EDB Prepare Carefully, and it was supposed to represent me, right? Then, my guy gets shot in the head and is left with 1/10 brain health or something along those lines. Needless to say, he was incapable of moving, and feeding him took FOREVER... Woe is me :(

Made me consider my own mortality for a second lol
Ideas / Re: Making melee better
September 10, 2016, 12:22:42 AM
I always thought melee attacks just interrupted the "shoot" verb. They have an aim time, and if you get smacked while aiming, the aim time resets... Right?

I've always seen so much potential in RimWorld's melee system. If I'm not mistaken, higher melee skill currently just means a higher chance to hit. I think it would be nice if there was a damage/attack-speed multiplier implemented also.

People who are incompetent at melee would miss more often, attack slower because they're hesitant, and do less damage when they do hit because they did it in an inefficient manner.

Meanwhile, Assassins and Brawlers who've been at this a while attack quickly, accurately, and with confidence... :D

I really hope Tynan considers something like this for the melee system in the near future. I understand that combat isn't really the primary focus right now, though. (At least I don't think it is?)
Stories / Re: Two Colonies - A Balancing Act
September 09, 2016, 09:05:12 PM

Winter has finally passed, marking one year of living on Banthos. The West continues to produce more food than they could hope to consume, whilst struggling to find the technological resources to protect themselves from outside threats. Meanwhile, the East is in an incredibly strong position (militarily), yet struggles to keep the food and medicine supply up. It would seem these two colonies might benefit from each other. However, the wall between them has created an interesting social divide between the two populations. They refuse to open the gates to the bridge...

A few days pass, and the pirates of Banthos return. This time, they have a small army, armed to the teeth with explosives and automatic weapons. They decide to split up, half of them breaking through the wall to the East, while the other half start to burn down the homes of the West. In a foolish attempt to save her home, Holly (doctor of the West) runs to put out the flames. She is met by a man wielding a shotgun, and has her left leg blown off completely. She falls to the floor, in agonizing pain. The pirate turns his barrel at her a second time, and destroys her right hand with a second shot. He leaves her there to suffer, and makes his way to the bridge. When he gets there, he is met with a member of his militia running for his life. Unwilling to risk his pitiful life, while satisfied with the damage he has done to Holly, he flees with his comrades.

Holly is left incapable of taking care of herself, or her friends. It is up to them to take care of her for now.


Both colonies have suffered losses; although, the East sustained no significant injuries. Nevertheless, both sides decide to take precautions with what resources they have. Fast-forward a full season, and...

The West:

The West has found and installed a prosthetic leg onto Holly, so that she can move about freely once more. A trader named Engie, left behind by her unforgiving allies, has joined the West's colony after Holly patched her up (albeit poorly). A wooden wall is built as a temporary "resistor", which will hopefully offer them more time to react to the next attack... Engie digs a mine, in search for components, with the hopes of bringing this technology-impoverished colony up to speed.

The East:

With the last raid having so many explosive and incendiary weapons, the East decides to step up their defensive game. However, they don't do it in the normal way most might consider. Instead of setting up turrets, Hudson decides to build a fortress. Smith cuts the stone necessary, and Hudson puts together a massive effort to protect the East's future. He looks at his work so far, grinning, daydreaming of the day he can finally tell his fellow colonists...

"Welcome to Fort Hudson."
Stories / Re: Two Colonies - A Balancing Act
September 08, 2016, 03:38:58 PM
The First Summer:

It's been almost a year since first landing on this planet, Banthos. Both sides have managed to survive everything that has been thrown at them so far, but it hasn't been much up to this point. In fact, the agriculturally oriented colony has a very skilled diplomat, which has managed to recruit a good number of new colonists. On the first day of the first summer, however, 3/4 agriculture colonists & 1/2 industry colonists came down with Malaria. Luckily, both sides had been growing small amounts of healroot up to this point, so they weren't totally unprepared.

3 days later, and the infected colonists are in "extreme" condition, and are unable to walk. Their immunity levels are at 98%, with the exception of one who is at 99%. It is at this time that the pirates of Banthos decided to raid the under-militarized, agricultural colony. They decide not to attack immediately, but to plan their attack instead.

Almost immediately after their arrival, one of the infected colonists of the agricultural colony goes berserk, and starts attacking the doctor that has been keeping him alive thus far. She holds her own against him, as his weakened consciousness has made him a poor fighter. After putting the incapacitated colonist back into bed, she quickly treats his wounds and limps back to her room to rest. Every member of this colony (the West) is officially on bed-rest...

Before the sun has a chance to rise, the pirates begin their assault. They have 3 soldiers, decent quality ranged weapons, and all the moral they could ever want. The colony under attack, however, can't even feed themselves at this point. All seems lost for the West. Until...

A glimmer of hope! Two friendly tribals have come to their aid! There are only two of them, but could this be the West's saving grace!? With one wielding a great bow and the other a slate club, they intercept the pirates' greatest threat; the lvl 10 shooter with the superior shotgun. One shot from the great bow lands directly in the left lung of the pirate, setting his ability to breath down to almost 50%. The tribal with the slate club approaches the pirate, in what appears to be an attempt to finish him off, but she wasn't fast enough! The pirate turns, and fires a clean shot directly at her torso; killing her instantly. The tribal with the great bow fears for his life, and fleas back to his village. I can't say I blame him...

At this point, the infected colonists have all developed immunity to their Malaria. However, they are still recovering from the effects of the disease and are unable to walk. The only person capable of fighting back at this point is the diplomat/doctor. If only she had a weapon...

Then, something interesting happens... The pirates almost completely ignore the homes of the West, and start to break through the wall separating the two colonies. Once they break through, they break into the house of Smith and Hudson, the only two members of the Eastern colony. They're met with dismay, as brawler Smith (wielding a good quality longsword, made by herself) cuts them down with only a few swings to the torso. The shotgunner goes down rather quickly, as he was already injured. The second pirate to enter the building gets a few hits in, but it's nothing compared to the damage Smith is able to dish out. The third pirate doesn't bother, and leaves the area as fast as he can.

At the end of the day, both colonies live on. But, for how long? I guess we'll see.

The East finally has a 3rd member. Davenport crash landed in a drop pod, and has since been recruited. Normally, they would have just let her die, but her mining skill was naturally at 11 with a burning passion, and that's incredibly valuable for the East's interests.

Both sides are coming together decently, although not as fast as I would like them to. My attention being divided constantly has taken a toll on my normal progression :/

I hope to have turrets set up soon for the Eastern section, at the very least. All raids so far seem to prefer to break through the "bridge" between the two sides in an attempt to kill Hudson and Smith. I'm not sure why...
Stories / Re: Two Colonies - A Balancing Act
September 08, 2016, 01:26:24 PM
@Posswam: I started with 4 decent pawns (only one was incapable of something), and absolutely no resources crashing down with me.

So far, I've only encountered one raid, but it spawned on the industry-oriented side which has a pretty decent melee fighter. The raid was quickly dealt with... this time. It's still early. I have concerns for later game raids which will use both sides in their calculations. :o

@Deimos Rast: Yeah, the story teller pop caps are a concern of mine. I know how to mod them to be higher. But, I'm interested in seeing how it goes without doing that, first.

I've thought about doing a surplus center within the wall between the two colonies as a "we have no use for this, we might as well share" kind of thing. All this would require is a minor overlap in the allowed areas.

Cheating the rules is going to be easy to do, but you could think of this as a will-power exercise. Having the freedom to adjust the rules you initially set in place isn't such a bad thing, if you do it right :)

Update: The First Summer
Ideas / Re: Suicide
September 08, 2016, 01:52:30 AM
I feel like suicide is both a good and a bad idea.

Implementing suicide and suicide attempts could make RimWorld an even more intense and better game than it already is. On the other hand, there are people who wouldn't respond well to this. Like, at all.

I feel like a good alternative would be a "drug binge" which wouldn't be labeled as suicide, but would lead to the same thing. Or, a mental break where a colonist tries to leave the colony entirely. The results are the same; you've lost a member of you society to a mental breakdown. As with most other mental breaks, arresting the pawn would still be an option, if you react in time.

That's just my two cents.

P.s. Your English is fine :)
Stories / Two Colonies - A Balancing Act
September 08, 2016, 01:09:42 AM
I decided to try something different, today. Earlier, I found myself wondering: "What if I set up the western side of the map as an allowed area, and the eastern side of the map as an allowed area, and then put half of my colonists on each side?"

Guys, this is so much fun, in my humble opinion. If you're looking for a unique challenge, I would definitely recommend this. It's like having a multiplayer feature, except you're playing by yourself (  :'( )

So far, the western and eastern colonies have already developed specialities. While the western colony is largely agriculturally oriented, the eastern colony has become a tech conglomerate and is already starting to produce weapons of decent quality. These "districts" have no interaction with each other, and are actually separated by the beginnings of a thick stone wall. Should any members of either colony start to cause issues within their precinct, they will be migrated to the other side. I've decided that if neither side is a good fit (can't get along), the colonist will be imprisoned, sold, or terminated.

I'll try to let you guys know if anything interesting happens from here on :)
Quote from: deslona on September 02, 2016, 07:45:41 PM
I like the idea of water. A problem is that pools are randomly generated on a map and move with every regeneration of that map. So if I spawn supa awesum seed on world blah in location x,y which has a pool next to 3 steam geysers in a nice little valley. You may not get the same result.
Also the first new mod would be a new building (well) that will infinately produce water. Which wouldn't really solve anything (my dwarfs people would still be happy in the mountain..)
I would like to see mechanics such as snow being melted to water, barrels to hold water and water collection. But I think this would detract from the 'fun' factor. Especially at the start of a game. A player would see their colonist spend most of thier time hauling water from A to B and that would be most of the activity for the day.
This mechanic wouldn't 'force' players outside. It would just make them re-roll maps until they got 'mountain' + water outside mountain' which they would wall in for protection.

Honestly, people who re-roll maps until they get the map that they want are the ones who are missing out on the true RimWorld experience. If they want to make an awesome survival game, such as this one, become trivially easy, that's on them. It's no different than save-scumming in my honest opinion.

As far as early game goes, I think the tedium of making sure physiological needs are met would make the game both more challenging and more fun. Collecting water can be balanced so that it doesn't take up an unnecessary amount of time. And, eventually, water collection can become very passive. But, you have to earn that kind of luxury!

Just look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

The main need missing from RimWorld, from a survival point of view, is the need for water. I'm really hoping this gets added eventually. Maybe it'll make mountain bases a little more challenging, without making them obsolete.
I don't see a real loss here.
Quote from: ProFF7 on September 01, 2016, 06:40:24 AM
What did you try exactly and what was the problem?

just added <range>3</range> or something like that?

I tried that and the game identifies it as a ranged weapon (brawler was unhappy) but doesnt do any kind of ranged or melee attacks

Wonder if someone figured a way to make it work

No, it wasn't in an xml file. I was working with a .dll mod. Basically, there's a bit of code in there that sets the range for the "melee" verb. I pretty much just copypasta'd the vanilla code into mine, and then changed the bit that determined the range: from adjacet -> nearby, essentially. This was back when I was trying to learn C#, and I had actually made a few decent mods with .dll code. Nothing special, but I did end up making a melee verb with its own hit/miss sounds. I also wrote a bit of code for larger pawns which spawned smaller pawns on death. You could think of them as those big headed guys from the Halo series, but not exactly the same hahaha.

What sucks about having a ranged verb instead of a melee verb with reach, is that the ranged verb is going to use your shooting skill and not your melee skill :( Maybe someone in the modding community will implement something like this in the future. Perhaps the author of the Combat Realism mod would be interested in doing this. Might want to PM them about it, if they haven't already added this little feature.
Ideas / Re: Blood - Lasts forever?
September 02, 2016, 06:41:43 AM
I think it's fair to say that blood should eventually "dry up" or decompose in one way or another. I think the main issue would be how long it should take. If the lifespan of a blood splatter is too short, it becomes too easy to just let blood clean itself up. On the other hand, if it's too long, blood splatter build up is still an issue, since raids just keep getting bigger as the game goes on. You can't really argue for a: lifespan of blood filth = average time between raids. Or can you? :o Only issue would be that different storytellers have different average times between raids... Those are just my thoughts.
Ideas / Re: Visitors and Traders why not helping ?
September 02, 2016, 06:27:47 AM
Personally, I wouldn't mind neutral faction caravans jumping on the opportunity to rob me, given this kind of situation :D

Just imagining someone stripping my downed pawn, and running off with all of my goods has me chuckling :)

Back on topic: If visitors/caravans do help your downed pawns, I do agree that it should be a rare occurrence, and/or at least cost you something.
Ideas / Re: grenade-type go over non roofed walls
September 02, 2016, 06:23:50 AM
It's completely possible to allow grenades to go over walls in the same way mortar shots go over walls. I don't know if shots that land on a constructed roof damage pawns in that area, but I'm pretty sure they do. Which would make grenades going over walls a bit of a balancing issue, I think.

Nice brainstorming, though :D
Ideas / Re: Remove all red alerts if people are sleeping
September 02, 2016, 06:20:31 AM
Quote from: keylocke on September 02, 2016, 02:36:49 AM
turning off alert notifications can easily be just a toggleable option. it probably won't even take an hour of tynan's dev time.

it's like people are giving out weird reasons so that other people CAN'T enjoy in vanilla game the things that they don't like..

it's like they're saying : "i don't like X feature, therefore you can't have it in vanilla.. ever, even though it can easily just be a toggleable option that i probably won't even notice until someone points it out to me and then i get emotionally triggered that people are enjoying stuffs that i don't want them to enjoy in my vanilla..."

it's the same type of argument i see in the open base vs mountain base threads.. they're like : "ohnoes, the mountain base dudes are having a blast! we must make them suffer so that it justifies my open base decisions.."

gist is : open or mountain bases ARE viable. it's a choice. rather than saying : "oh we must force those mountain base dudes out in the open"

I'm all for having a toggle-option type deal, also. They've already created a scenario editor, perhaps a "custom difficulty" editor could be a future feature. Project Zomboid has something like this, and I LOVE it. I can make certain aspects more challenging, while having others remain relatively casual. For instance, I might want food and materials to be much more sparse, but I don't want zombies to be annoyingly aware of their surroundings. I can has that! :D

Off topic: It's always been my humble opinion that mountain bases should remain an easier style of gameplay [when compared to open-base gameplay] while maintaining a unique set of challenges. Right now, sappers and infestations are the big ones for mountain bases, while most raids are ineffective against them. For open "town" bases, sappers and infestations are hardly an issue, while raids are incredibly annoying to deal with (at least in my experience).

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
September 01, 2016, 06:01:04 PM
Quote from: Kindyj on September 01, 2016, 02:30:12 PM
The Bill option at work benches "Do Until you have X With at least Y Quality"

So when someone makes an item with an undesirable quality it doesn't count towards the Total for that bill.

Ideas / Re: Blood - Lasts forever?
September 01, 2016, 05:59:08 PM
I usually deal with the ugly mess in those biomes until I have the resources (man-power) to spend cleaning it up. Depending on how large of a map you're playing on, that might be a lot of resources. Plus, there's the tedium of setting the whole map as you're home zone, and getting a few people with priority 1 cleaning for a bit.

I always thought a sand system would be pretty cool. Acting in the same way that the snow system works, except it covers everything in sand over time (slowly covering objects low to the ground, so they aren't visible) for desert biomes. I don't know, just a thought.