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Messages - Zhentar

I'm having a hard time getting any uranium... it's much less common on traders and I started on a flat map that only had two tiles of uranium to mine. I'd really like it if the mineral lumps could roll uranium - I'd be far happier to get that than jade or gold.
Some of the time (but not all of the time), holding shift/ctrl to transfer larger quantities doesn't work in trade dialogs on the world map. I haven't noticed it ever failing on local map trade dialogs, and I have seen it work some of the time on the world map. I have not noticed any pattern to when it does or does not work.
Rivers are disappointingly ineffective at extinguishing burning pawns...
Quote from: MikeLemmer on May 04, 2017, 05:46:26 PM

Could you please set the jungle insect chitter to Music Volume instead of Game Volume? It's irritating to choose between putting up with it and not hearing any sound effects at all while I'm listening to podcasts.

I'll second this (or an ambient volume). The jungle chitter really irritates my husband to I have to mute the game to zoom in on jungle maps  :-X
General Discussion / Re: A17 Sun lamp
May 04, 2017, 12:54:53 PM
It consumes pretty close to the same total amount of power per day. If you're powering it with solar panels (and not turning it off at night via micro/mod), there's a significant savings because you don't lose as much power charging & draining batteries.
My caravan got ambushed by a pack of manhunting megascarabs. That was pretty rough; outnumbered 3 to 1 and their small size means low accuracy; I could only manage to shoot one on the initial approach, and my melee guy got swarmed and dropped fast. I only manage to survive (after three tries) by carefully microing my shooters, scraping by with all colonists severe injured.

The same caravan had been ambushed by tribals the day before and had defeated them without a single injury...
Outdated / Re: [A16]RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
May 03, 2017, 02:36:06 PM
Quote from: user19990313 on April 28, 2017, 08:04:35 AM
Detailed introduction:
-Removes all unnecessary World Pawns to alleviate burden of GameSystem
-Keeps all faction leaders
-Keeps all pawns existing in a map
-Keeps all relatives(alive or dead) of your colonists or prisoners
-Keeps all pawns traveling in world map(caravans,transport pods...)
-All tales used by artworks will be kept,but some(a small proportion of) unused tales will be deleted

In fact,you could compare it with Zhentar's one yourself...I'm busy these days sorry :P

At a high level, this is roughly the same as mine, except that mine doesn't do any pruning of tales. But based on your other comments, it sounds like yours is much more aggressive with relationship pruning than mine is, so the in game effects of yours will be more visible but with a greater performance improvement.

I'll have to take a look at your safety checks though; mine shouldn't ever delete colonists either so I'm curious what cases I might have missed.
General Discussion / Re: Infections in a17
May 03, 2017, 10:52:34 AM
It was a bug in A16 that tended wounds couldn't get infections.
Between 0C to 10C below their minimum comfy temperature, the state of hypothermia is static - it doesn't get better, and it doesn't get worse. More than 10C below and they start to accumulate hypothermia (the colder it is, the faster it accumulates). At 37%, they can start getting frostbite.

Edit: I don't remember how long it takes to reach frostbite when you start accumulating hypothermia, but I'm pretty sure it's less than half a day.
Tynan's end goal is definitely to have a complete, balanced game that doesn't "require" mods to polish it into a finished product. But in the mean time, as dburgdorf says, the game is still in alpha. There are things that are incomplete just because other things are higher priority, and there are things that intentionally have been left to mods and haven't been added because they'd increase the development cost of other changes (particularly, UI heavy things). And there are things that have been unintentionally thrown out of balance by other changes (for example, in A16 diseases and surgery are brutally fatal as an unintended side effect of some medical system changes).
Dromedaries are nearly identical to Muffalo. They eat a similar amount, they produce the same amount of wool and milk, they carry about the same amount. The only real substantial difference is that Muffalo can handle much colder temperatures.
Quote from: Rock5 on March 25, 2017, 03:14:48 AM
I've spent a couple of weeks building a pathfinding algorithm tester in c#. I've finally got it to the point where both the A* and my modified weighted JPS work as optimally as I can get them. Here is a snapshot of a hand drawn rimworld like map.

As you can see, this path took 74ms. With A* the best I could get is about 300ms. That is optimal paths only, no sacrificing accuracy for performance. That is about a quarter of the time. I'm quite happy with that.

I'll post it soon, somewhere, I'm not sure where yet. Maybe I'll post a copy here for some feedback. I designed it as best I could to make it easy for anyone to add their own algorithm to test. I hope I succeeded.

So my question to you Zhentar, while doing your work, did you even pull any map data for testing purposes or do you know how I might pull data about the a map weights so I can try a real map in my program?

A bit late on this, but you can check out what I did in my github repository here (including half a dozen of my test cases):

Quote from: mathwizi2005 on April 28, 2017, 06:12:54 PM
Ok I think I found an issue. Feels more like a mod compatibility problem since....I played a game thru with no issues....then I add a few more mods and this happens.

Lets lay out the problems. Pawn randomly freezes in place and frame rate plummets significantly. Error is as follows repeating every tick or so

Something is messed up about the room Toni is in, and it's resulting in a corrupt region grid. Better Pathfinding heavily depends upon the region grid, so it tends to fail quite visibly when there are problems with it. Other parts of the game that depend upon it tend to have much more subtle effects. The region grid corruption can't be caused by Better Pathfinding, so it's most likely a result of one of the other mods (although I know there is at least one bug in the region generation algorithm in A16, so it's not impossible that it's a Vanilla issue).
On the flip side, 'Rough' is arguably neutral because it has a colonist mood offset of 0, while Intense has -3.
Meals have an "optimalityOffset" that causes pawns to prefer them over otherwise equivalent uncooked food (e.g. simple meals instead of berries). A silly typo causes pawns to consider the optimalityOffset for eating the nutrient paste dispenser (which of course doesn't work, being inedible and all) instead of the nutrient paste. The bug report for it has been marked as fixed for A17, as you can see here:
Known issues:
* WorldPawnGC can affect slaves sold by faction bases
* There are many other memory leaks that aren't addressed; I only dealt with the largest one.