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Messages - Napple

I was using the tropiCKAPP and the bone mod I was using added bones as a butchering product for vanilla animals. It seems they are conflicting with the shearable ibex and the milkable deer and ibex which is strange since the bone mod uses patches.
The new update is throwing red xml errors for me about pawnkindlifestage field about the butcher body part being defined twice. Also there seems to be an incompatibility with bones with the deer and ibex since you added to them animal products.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Yes, Vehicles
July 25, 2017, 02:16:03 AM
Can we load prisoners on them? That would give them an advantage over using dropships.
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Jul 17)
July 18, 2017, 07:54:55 PM
Are there going to be different flavor thoughts for the different sodas to encourage variety in making them?
will the head mod work with children and pregnancy?
How will this interact with hospitality.
Releases / Re: [A17] TropiCKAPP Rainforest Mod
July 08, 2017, 03:32:29 AM
A few questions:
1. are the jitter berries supposed to have the raw food debuff from eating them and is there some way to counteract this

2. are you considering some tropical meals to take advantage of the new crops you added

Is Stuffified Construction compatible with Fluffy's stuffed floors?
Outdated / Re: [A17] Harrowed Light - 1.1
July 07, 2017, 01:04:50 PM
Are you going to release your mod on the steam workshop for better exposure?
Have you considered hosting the other mods you made or updated on this thread?
So I tested it out with the humanoid alien framework and it runs without obvious red errors but the alien pawns have human heads.
Outdated / Re: [A17] SeveralPuffins mods for A17
June 08, 2017, 09:38:18 PM
Did you update your mods with the latest bugfixes and changes on the steam version?
Will you be updating M&Co outpost generator be updated for alpha 17?
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on June 05, 2017, 06:15:06 PM
Quote from: Napple on June 05, 2017, 03:07:00 PM
The version posted on ludeon hasn't been updated for the official a17 release so I think it might not work.
Yes it is. Looks harder (It's write in a weird green)
I tried it out and it is loading fine without any red errors. What I meant was the mod on steam had a more recent update but I'm not sure if it was necessary to get the steam version to actually use the mod.
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on June 05, 2017, 08:37:14 AM
It's still there :

Hi Nattiejim BTW, hope you're well, colleague o7
The version posted on ludeon hasn't been updated for the official a17 release so I think it might not work.