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Messages - Garlic88

Thanks Wellenbrecher that was exactly the problem. Still getting used to all this, sorry to waste your time on something so minor! :S
Hi. The food priorities mod looks amazing, I've been dreaming of such a mod for months. Just downloaded it but it didn't have a version attached? Got the message:

Incorrectly formatted target unknown. Its not working in game. Anyone else had this?
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-1-7 v4)
January 09, 2017, 05:10:41 AM
Hi. I'm a big fan of the mod. I like how anxiety is a health condition, rather than a trait, like its a mental illness. It would be cool to have a few more mental disorders as health conditions, that require treatment, and occasionally relapse.

Eg. Bipolar
When stable all is fine.
When high, bonus to move, mood and work speed, but maybe if you can code it something to indicate a lack of control in the activities, like will switch activity every hour and cant be manually reassigned or something... if this is possible to code.
When low reduced speed, mood, work speed, more vulnerable to non-violent mental breaks and self harm.

I guess these could be quite hard to code, but as I work in the field of mental health I can see theres a lot of potential for it to be fairly represented in this game. Better than the simplistic "OMG i'm going crazy and killing everyone" idea of mental health that's currently depicted in the game.
Outdated / Re: [A15] Alpha Animals
October 14, 2016, 06:28:59 PM
I've downloaded the mod, but it says Target Version Unknown, and flags as red. I get a start up screen when I start Rimworld telling me to write "write target version (current version) but where is this supposed to be written? Any help much appreciated and can't wait to try this very cool looking mod.
Thanks Dingo it worked.

P.S. Hand me that Brick changed my life. Thanks for that too!
Is it possible to use mods from the Ludeon site when you installed Rimworld via Steam? I'm not exactly computer literate, but I don't see a folder such as 'Ludeon Games/Rimworld/Mods' etc, I only have the icon for Rimworld on my desktop which is an internet shortcut. The guide looks so simple but I'm afraid I failed at the 2nd hurdle :S
Theres so many cool ideas here. Really like the idea of taking a drug o er a period of time to get a permenent buff instead of a negative tolerance and addiction. Fits the traditional idea of shamans taking enlightening substances. Would love to see this expanded with a hallucinogenic drug that maybe makes you a bit practically useless whilst high, but each time you use you get a chance to be permanently enlightened, giving a mood/learning speed/work speed/pain redection whatever buff. Maybe needs refreshing once a week with continued use.

And the mutations really open up options. Love the ideabut go for bigger effects. 5% movespeed is quite minor, but I like the armoured arm... maybe it could function like a shield as well? Id love to see a cold blooded mutation, making you work and move faster in heat and slower in cold.
Keep up the good work!