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Messages - demeggy

Despite being almost catatonic after the week from hell at work... I've spent some downtime this evening working on some of the Fauna textures, and can confirm we now have Nerf, Boar-Wolves and Tauntaun's (as pictured below in that order) in-game. Alas, you can't sleep in a dead Tauntaun for warmth, but you can't have everything.

Quote from: ChromeMax on October 28, 2016, 10:37:38 AM
I'd be glad to help with some artwork, but I'm more interested in adding clone wars era gear and that type of stuff. If you don't want that happening, I'd still be glad to help, as I'm a huge fan of the Star Wars Saga. My steam name is ChromeMax. Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I'm making some good progress with the graphics, let me take a look at the list and hit you up on Steam :)

Progress tends to dip during the week as my rather hectic day-job leaves me brainless and mindnumbingly tired most evenings... however...

I've recently tackled one problem that I was having. This being a conversion mod, I need to alter some of the dialogue that pops up during incidents ingame. As a result, the only way I've really discovered of doing this is to create a custom language pack that sits within the mod, and the player must toggle onto.
Now once the language is selected ingame, that's fine and dandy - but - and here's the big but - would yourselves as players find that a hassle to handle?
At this time, I can't really think of an alternative solution - so if anyone has one, please drop me a reply!

That being said, it's quite satisfying to see a 'Starship has landed' box popup, informing me a 'YT-1300 Freighter has landed nearby, and is trading in Bulk Goods'  :)

Graphics wise, I'm making some slow progress with some of the wildlife (see above). There's just something I'm not feeling about the two examples provided (Wampa and Bantha). Maybe I'm being too picky. I've got another 50-odd creatures to get doodling. Thoughts?

Edit: Thrown in below is a cheeky 'cantina' mockup ingame for 'tease' (note: Carbonite Freezer, and Dejarik/Holochess table furnishings)

Help / Re: Incidents.xml - Core overriding
October 25, 2016, 02:01:47 PM
Ah, no, it's very much a rewording of incidents triggered within game. I've reworked the Orbital Trader function to state that a ship has landed, rather than orbits, for trade - and the simple reword is all that was needed to clarify this.

Help / Re: Incidents.xml - Core overriding
October 24, 2016, 12:49:43 PM
Quote from: nccvoyager on October 23, 2016, 08:34:28 PM
In RimWorld, you are selecting your custom language translation as the language, right?
Just checking... :P

Ahem... Yeah... well - well - cough!

"Taxi!"  ;D

Don't I feel rather ridiculous? Thanks! So... if I want the current incidents to have a reworded structure, I have to ensure the players of my mod switch to the unique Language pack? Or am I doing this a pretty hamfisted way?
Help / Re: Mechanoids as player characters??
October 23, 2016, 03:29:36 PM
What errors are you getting? I was running into a similar problem (still sort of am) with custom pawndef bodyparts not linking up correctly for some reason.
Update #2...

So far, so good. I'm almost ready to start the artwork fulltime - just a few issues relating to the Language file folders that I still need to crack and a bit of indepth work that needs doing on the Droid bodies (resolved the faction related issues).

I'm also at the point of alpha testing the conversion changes, and so far so good.
I've had a few travellers setup a small colony on an extreme Desert biome, crafting small buildings out of Dunestone and Korribanite and growing patches of Rootleaf where possible. A raid fired up eventually (Randy Random ftw!), and it was the mercs of Dirja the Hutt, a nearby Hutt Cartel Faction leader. Taking them out was tense, as both my ranged colonists had only an E11 and DL22 equipped, whereas the Mercs were wielding Bowcasters and Thermal Detonators.
There's also Spice Ore not far from where we're setting up, so I may be inclined to setup a Spice Mine and get Spice Refining researched as quickly as possible... Good chance I can start getting it traded for a lot of credits...
Help / Re: Incidents.xml - Core overriding
October 23, 2016, 07:33:56 AM
Alas, I don't seem to be able to get it running still...


I've reworded the Alphabeaver incident. I've not altered the defName, or it's point of ref; simply the wording of the actual messagebox that pops up.

My File Structure is: RimWorld\Mods\SWRW\Languages\English\Keyed\Incidents.xml

Yet it still seems to be inheriting the Core files version of events. I'm missing the blatantly obvious, it's a just a case of what that blatantly obvious is! Haha,

Help / Re: Incidents.xml - Core overriding
October 23, 2016, 07:09:41 AM
Quote from: nccvoyager on October 22, 2016, 09:08:05 PM
Quote from: Tynan
How to translate

Core language files are stored in (GameFolder)/Mods/Core/Languages. The original English data is in (GameFolder)/Mods/Core/Languages/en-US.

To translate:

1. Copy the folder /Mods/Core/Languages/en-US to /Mods/Core/Languages/(YourLanguage)
2. In the "Keyed" folder in (YourLanguage), replace all the English text between the XML tags in every file with equivalent translated text.
3. Create a FriendlyName.txt which contains the name of your language in your language (e.g. Italiano not Italian).
4. Create a flag image in PNG format, 128x64 pixels, called LangIcon.png. See other languages for reference.

However, the are actually two kinds of translation in RimWorld: Keyed and DefInjected.

Keyed translations are used by the game with their "key". e.g. the game wants to show the game-over message, so it looks up the string with the key "GameOverMessage" in the currently-selected language and displays that.

DefInjected translations are different. These work by modifying the core "defs" that define every item, faction, storyteller, skill, and so on. They are data that is "injected" directly into the def data that the game runs on. These are translated by creating a DefInjected folder in your language folder. The en-US language folder lacks one of these because all the original def data is in English so no English data needs to be injected. However, you can see examples from other languages like German.

To translate DefInjected stuff, you'll have to look through the various defs in (GameFolder)/Mods/Core/Defs and create translations for each field of each def that you want to change in your language. The format is <defName.fieldName>, where defName is the defName of the def you want to inject into, and fieldName is the name of the field. So, for example, if you want to modify the label of wood, you'd write <Wood.label>Bois</Wood.label>. This would change the label of wood to "Bois".

Be sure to save your translation files with UTF-8 encoding, or special characters won't show up properly in-game. I recommend using Notepad++ to edit the files; it has an option to change the file encoding.

Quote from here.

Fantastic! Thanks for that, I'll go over the files now and check in accordance with the above. I religiously use Notepad++ for all my coding work anyway, so that's a happy coincidence :) Will let you know the outcome, thanks again!
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on October 22, 2016, 10:56:47 AM
Haha nice to see your progressing super fast ;P

Can't wait to see  some Jedi/Sith yielding dual light saber, going berserk high on Ryll ^^

Cheers Kap :) A few tiny issues I need to resolve at the moment before I'll be comfortable progressing with the artwork, but nothing unresolvable!

A metric Tonne of content is now in. Plants, drugs and fauna have been completely renamed (with some being slightly reworked). All natural resources have been converted to Star Wars form (some with creative license...), and we've got 4 Factions with unique name generators (Rebel Bases that range from Alpha to Rogue and Hutt Clans going by one of twenty-ish Hutt names as an example).
I'm almost at the stage where I'm getting ready to start working on the assets, which I had my first dabble with last night on one of the Droid 'pets' you can purchase from a landed trading starship; the Protocol Droid (as seen in the below screen grab alongside a pile of rotting Rancor Meat).

I'll be knocking up a list of all the changes on the original post over the next week, so keep tuned to see what sort of content has gone in and what changes have been made. I've got a few more things to do with the framework, one of which is Spice Mining, which replaces Gold with Spice and allows you to refine it into one of the more potent Spice drug forms of Glitterstim, Ryll or Sansarra.

Help / Incidents.xml - Core overriding
October 22, 2016, 10:03:04 AM
Hey guys and gals,

I'm in the process of rewording some generic incidents ingame, and have been updating the incidents.xml file in the Languages dir, but for some reason, the Core file is overriding my changes.

Is there anything specific that's needed to be done when editing Language dir files that I'm missing? I've managed to get NameBanks to work perfectly so far, so this a bit different and puzzling that it's not picking up as I'd expect.

Thanks, Demeggy
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Lavatory Facilities
October 21, 2016, 05:00:36 PM
Brilliant! I've been considering developing a water and pipes system myself with 'Natural Spring' resources that can be found around the map like Geysers, so maybe you could look into that?

I'll give this a go though and let you know my thoughts.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Cyberpunk
October 21, 2016, 02:41:30 PM
Totally agree with Trenchcoats and Sunglasses. Maybe some badass new cyborg bodyparts?
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] Cyberpunk
October 20, 2016, 12:45:46 PM
Love anything Cyberpunk; watching this with beady eyes!