Quote from: Hieronymous Alloy on January 14, 2017, 12:10:08 AM
I'd argue that's more an error in the room temperature calculations than an error in the destructibility of stone. Realistically speaking a simple wood fire shouldn't get that hot, it should take like a designed furnace.
According to this link: https://skysaver.com/blog/how-hot-is-fire/ wood can burn as hot as 3590 F, but that of course does not mean that the room would get that hot, it merely means that fire itself is that hot. Still, a dog or a baby left in a sealed car on a moderately warm day can easily experience temperatures vastly higher than what is recorded outside, because heat is trapped within a structure. A fire in a building or room could reach some pretty decent temperatures. Though like you I don't know if they would quite reach the temperatures listed in the game.
Still they would reach temperatures that are immediately and overwhelmingly dangerous to pawns, so fire fighting inside of a building should probably be more dangerous which would adversely affect larger structures. Not exactly a buff for villages, though, it's still a debuff for compounds and mountain bases, so I wouldn't exactly champion that idea myself.