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Messages - Mitz

Stories / Re: Rim World Succession Game B18 Modded
March 11, 2018, 06:02:13 PM
May i suggest putting more effort into the thread?
i had modswitch on, which should not conflict with uploading to steam. i attempted to re-upload (it never left my computer, let alone the folder, though it got zipped, derp) a mod which i made in mere minutes, but now the button is gone and i need to figure out how to let rimworld know that i still own it, and i'd like to re-upload my poor old mod.
i'm sorry if there's nothing i can do, i would prefer not to assemble everything over again.
having over 200 mods loaded at once on a potato laptop isn't nice with rimworld.
i love playing rimworld modded but it takes forever to make a megamod and often i give up.
my laptop is multithreaded so that's a thing... though i wish i could take my half-broken school laptop home to use as only 1 usb port is missing and another useless port is too...
i would use my gaming computer but my sister uses it often, so that's something.
so something that would be great is being able to multithread the modlist because my laptop has multiple cores.
it would make it a lot easier to play rimworld.
remember not to abuse the exploit! sheepish laugh
oh boy - now it is as dangerous as a idiot chef pawn...
sure am gonna follow this~
seems interesting.
Sounds like a good mod idea.
this WOULD be interesting to have with EPOE as a addon.
i had a minor glitch which THREE OHU dropships landed right on top of my base - for a seige. i deleted the evidence but a lot of my base got wrecked.
sir, this has to be removed, i'm not joking. this is overpowered.
i can figure out the base but i need the textures for the robot.
I am using the base robots base, so i just need a few textures, 3 to be exact.
i need front, back and side.... usual like a pawn.
if you know how to make one, then it'd be great if you could make it. i don't really care how long it takes.
Outdated / Re: [A17] SeveralPuffins mods for A17
June 24, 2017, 09:25:13 PM
just noticed that rimdisorders now has disorders, one being autism.
i'd love to give input on the autism of rimdisorders. being autistic myself, it may not be curable but, in level 1 autism, they could be treated easily. TREATED AS IN NOT CURING BUT RESISTING AUTISM IMPULSES. minor difficulties socializing, skill learning multiplier (can't remember name) would be increased, and i would think they would kick in a bit of sense for mental breaks, like actually eating in minor and major ones. level 2 (i guess i would have) should have a decent difficulty treating (or learning to resist impulses, as i should say) but global work speed could be slightly increased for this stage, global learning factor highly increased (seriously, we learn fast) higher break risk, but they have a slight chance of refusing and wandering off for an hour (unlike total refusal) if they do not have a passion for the job and they're prioritized manually, and otherwise (in same situation) they will have, maybe, a -6 debuff for it. i will expand on this later.
Releases / Re: [A17] Bone Mod V1.2
June 24, 2017, 09:08:33 PM
Literally unlplayable - not on steam
i'm playing A17, but i can hunt down my mod list if neccesary.
to be noted, my output_log is broken as all hell (never has updated since A15) and i'm now getting horrible errors from something.
my mod list isn't that long, but i've recently added orassans, apini & xen's animal collab project, but now i'm getting random errors from having a bulk goods trader active in my communications (probably) log, no trace of any problem but just a bunch of bullfur.
i am enormously offended by this person.
autism disease? come on, it's a disorder, you're either born with it or you're faking it.
bionic  penises is just troll feed, there's a better name for that and it comes with a mod - i have a mod called the birds and the bees and it comes with reproductive organs. less cringy of a name.
i suggest giving him a suspension. i don't know how long but this is absurdly offensive to autism, which is real not a joke.
i LIVE with BRED autism. both my parents are autistic & my sister is autistic.
now please leave this site before i call my demonic self on you.
yeah, i feel kinda bad for ya.
may i suggest attempting to create images for this? fixing the title if you can? adding more onto this?