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Topics - LaEsmeralda

Stories / So i did a little experiment
January 28, 2017, 10:55:23 PM
Don't you ever think to yourself "How can it be that these average, random people are capable of building a colony, working so hard and for so long and not cracking under the pressure of their situation and the pain of being so far away from their home? I surely couldn't do something like that...

...could i?".

So well, one day i decided to find that out: if i, as an average middle-class gamer chick, could make it through in a Rimworld. With a little help from the Prepare Carefully and Additional Traits mods, i modeled a colonist after me. With a name, age, looks, background, traits and abilities (okay maybe i was a bit generous with those lol) that mostly resemble mine.

(btw sorry for putting a link and not the actual image, the insert image function doesn't seem to work with my link... or maybe i just don't know how to use it idk)

Done with that, i chose Cassandra Classic Some Challenge Permadeath mode, selected some few resources, added in a yorkshire terrier and a cat as my pets (because those are my real-life pets lol), and just jumped straight into the challenge.

On the fourth day a maddened rat bit me, the wound got infected and i suffered a slow, painful death.

I've officially failed at life.