As a disclaimer: it's not my idea and I accidentally stumbled on it in a mod but I think it has amazing story and roleplay potential and plays off established tropes (e.g. the Terminator movie). It also gives a new purpose and reason to keep pets. If an animal happens to nuzzle a colonist with a metal horror in it, there is a chance it will sense the metal horror and will act weird, and if there happens to be another non-infected colonist nearby, there is a chance they will spot it.
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General Discussion / Re: What is the simple meal suppose to be?
June 07, 2024, 04:23:04 PM
Just one ingredient cooked the simplest way possible. Like, take a few potatoes and fry or boil them.
General Discussion / Re: Any clues on future updates for rimworld/ what Tynan is working on?
April 19, 2021, 05:33:45 PM
I must admit - lack of communication is the only thing I've somewhat disliked about Ludeon. I guess I just love hype and love having even a very general idea about what's coming
I am kind of missing those early days when we were playing some random Alpha and knew what was coming - another alpha with refinement, and probably a few major new tings.
Right now it's a complete unknown - maybe game is abandoned, maybe they are working on a new game, maybe on refinements, maybe a major new update like Royalty.

Right now it's a complete unknown - maybe game is abandoned, maybe they are working on a new game, maybe on refinements, maybe a major new update like Royalty.
Bugs / Re: [1.2.2753] Colonists not getting along for no obvious reason
December 21, 2020, 10:13:57 AM
An update: after a fairly long time (years), they suddenly started having deep talks and everything.
Bugs / [1.2.2753] Colonists not getting along for no obvious reason
December 19, 2020, 11:30:47 AM
I know it's a long shot, posting just in case there is a tricky bug hidden there but feel free to delete if it doesn't make sense.
Colonist Antonina gets bullied by colonist Mandrill and to a lesser extent by Antigonos as well. There is no obvious reason for this - no conflicting traits, they started well due to Antonina's "kind" trait, good mood, 2 of them have decent social skill, etc.. And yet every time they are together, Antonina gets middle finger flipped in her face. I've even tried to keep them in the same room and they stubbornly refuse to have a deep conversation.
Posting this just because some of them do have negative traits, e.g. Mandrill is misandrist, and maybe that gets applied incorrectly to Antonina (who is female).
Colonist Antonina gets bullied by colonist Mandrill and to a lesser extent by Antigonos as well. There is no obvious reason for this - no conflicting traits, they started well due to Antonina's "kind" trait, good mood, 2 of them have decent social skill, etc.. And yet every time they are together, Antonina gets middle finger flipped in her face. I've even tried to keep them in the same room and they stubbornly refuse to have a deep conversation.
Posting this just because some of them do have negative traits, e.g. Mandrill is misandrist, and maybe that gets applied incorrectly to Antonina (who is female).
General Discussion / Re: Very few Raids with Randy
December 15, 2020, 06:21:38 PM
Like others said, it's probably just the random nature of Randy, which is his main selling point. Constant pressure from Cassandra is nice and all but she is also very very predictable. Eventually this makes the game boring once you get into this rhythm, e.g. going caravanning immediately after the raid because you know you are safe for X days. You can never relax like that with Randy. Sometimes it will be regular raids, sometimes long chill periods, but then sometimes he will keep hitting you hard with back-to-back raids day after day watching you progress from "I am so safe and awesome with all these margins of safety" to you rolling on the ground crying.
General Discussion / Re: Ludeon working on another version?
December 15, 2020, 06:04:36 PMQuote from: Alenerel on December 15, 2020, 05:47:25 PM
Big T has claimed in the past that he wont abandon the game, but at the same time he wants to move on to other games. My guess is that he will probably make DLC 2 and maybe DLC 3 (in the far 2-years future), and thats it. He probably will launch another game (NOT Rimworld 2) near or after DLC 3. I doubt there will be DLC 4 (and maybe even 3), but this all depends on his imagination, if he can come up with new juicy shit or not.
For what he has said I dont think there will be ever a Rimworld 2, and if there is, it will be after 20 or so years, when he looks back with all that experience in his back and says "oh shit, i can make this even better, with more blackjack and more bitches".
All of that makes sense and I would be super curious to see what other games T will come up with. As for Rimworld 2, I honestly can't picture what it could be. Blackjack or not - if it makes sense to add that to the game, I don't see why this would call for RW 2, rather than adding it to RW 1. Generally, the only legitimate cases for sequel games I can think of are story games (Mass Effect, Skyrim, and so on) or graphics-intensive games (Doom, etc). RW doesn't fit either of those categories, it's not like they are going to make RW2, now in 3d and with ray tracing support.
General Discussion / Re: Ludeon working on another version?
December 12, 2020, 10:35:37 AM
Yeah, I partially agree about the world exploration. It kind of works in the short- and medium-term, but just like the rest of the game, it becomes stale once you progress into the late game. In the beginning you have all those quests that make you get out of the base, you have to go shop for bionic arms and legs, etc.. However, by the late game you have everything and therefore no reason to go shopping and you also notice that every quest is immediately next to your base. That rest of the planet with all its mountains, swamps, deserts, jungles, etc could as well not exist.
I think at the very least I'd love to see some reasons for me to travel far, such as a far away settlement wants to give away resurrector serum for some bionic body parts. Or a leader at some far away pirate base obtained a masterwork charge rifle (and you need to kill them cleanly too, without nuking their entire base). Or maybe some other exciting things to explore on the planet. "Go Explore!" addresses this partially but their implementation has some issues, everything is again immediately next to my colony and I just want more of that stuff anyway
I think at the very least I'd love to see some reasons for me to travel far, such as a far away settlement wants to give away resurrector serum for some bionic body parts. Or a leader at some far away pirate base obtained a masterwork charge rifle (and you need to kill them cleanly too, without nuking their entire base). Or maybe some other exciting things to explore on the planet. "Go Explore!" addresses this partially but their implementation has some issues, everything is again immediately next to my colony and I just want more of that stuff anyway

General Discussion / Re: Being betrayed by refugees is trivial because they don't carry locked weapons
December 08, 2020, 11:42:17 PM
Spawning gear would accomplish it too! Not super immersive because I am not sure where they've been hiding that charge lance for months... But if it's easier to implement, it's better than nothing. Of course AI upgrades would be ideal, especially since prisoners are already quite aware how to arm themselves.
Speaking of AI - I feel like it needs tweaking anyway because currently betrayal happens at some random point when everyone is at work and spread out. And while some of the betrayers will (maybe) happen to be next to your colonists and will start attacking, others will be alone somewhere and will just start smashing that dining chair while you are hunting down their friends one by one. It kind of looks silly that they came up with this entire scheme just to break your furniture.
I am not sure what exactly would be a good fix - a few things that come to mind are maybe some mechanic where they attempt to regroup, or perhaps AI should weigh heavier "hunting down colonists" and "stealing stuff" over "smashing stuff". There could even be different betrayer groups, some with the intent to take over your colony, and some who just want to run away with your stuff. Imagine you are hunting elks, mining, etc and suddenly they just quickly grab your plasteel, legendary grand sculpture, excellent cataphract armor and run hard towards the map edge.
Speaking of AI - I feel like it needs tweaking anyway because currently betrayal happens at some random point when everyone is at work and spread out. And while some of the betrayers will (maybe) happen to be next to your colonists and will start attacking, others will be alone somewhere and will just start smashing that dining chair while you are hunting down their friends one by one. It kind of looks silly that they came up with this entire scheme just to break your furniture.
I am not sure what exactly would be a good fix - a few things that come to mind are maybe some mechanic where they attempt to regroup, or perhaps AI should weigh heavier "hunting down colonists" and "stealing stuff" over "smashing stuff". There could even be different betrayer groups, some with the intent to take over your colony, and some who just want to run away with your stuff. Imagine you are hunting elks, mining, etc and suddenly they just quickly grab your plasteel, legendary grand sculpture, excellent cataphract armor and run hard towards the map edge.
General Discussion / Re: Being betrayed by refugees is trivial because they don't carry locked weapons
December 08, 2020, 10:21:15 AMQuote from: ReZpawner on December 08, 2020, 06:13:13 AMBut the mechanic is already there - if I remember it correctly, some Imperials come with locked (not just bio coded) weapons that you cannot unequip. I know you can cheese and make the pawn pass out and drop the weapon but I am not sure if it's worthwhile trying to make it 100% cheese-proof.
If they came with good weapons, the player could just swap the weapons anyway. It comes with problems on both sides.
1. They have good weapons - the player drops them all, and gets a bunch of new expensive weapons.
2. The weapons are locked - the pawns are less useful for defence strategies for the player.
Or they can borrow some of the "escaping prisoner" behavior where depending on the situation, they would either charge the colonist or if they have enough time, go equip that doomsday launcher they saw lying around. Otherwise, it's kind of boring - several of them were hopelessly charging a colonist with an assault rifle in a wide open field while the last of them used this opportunity to smash a chair in the dining room.
General Discussion / Re: Ludeon working on another version?
December 06, 2020, 08:51:11 PMQuote from: tejas60 on November 29, 2020, 12:11:04 AMI mean it's Rimworld creator, I seriously doubt he is just sitting on the beach. At the very least, he is probably heading towards some distant Rimworld right for a "rich explorer" start.
Or did Tynan just decide to take his dump truck of money and spend the rest of his life on a beach?

On a serious note, just like the other person said - they did some hiring so I am more than sure they are working on something. My completely random guess would be it's another RW DLC. I've been super happy with their last DLC - it's true that it is similar to some mods, but having played those mods, I love RW implementation better (over Hospitality for instance, which is still amazing, and which I keep using as well).
What the new DLC could be is beyond me though. My personal wish would be for some late game content. Early and mid-game is super exciting but once you settle in, it kinds of becomes boring and I usually give up on the colony. I wish there was some long-term quest or plot unfolding to keep me challenged. Bonus points if it gives us more lore. Because the only thing that I can think of at this point that is missing is a chance for one of my pawns to save the world or something.
General Discussion / Being betrayed by refugees is trivial because they don't carry locked weapons
December 06, 2020, 08:36:26 PM
I just experienced my first event where the refugees I've been hosting betrayed me and I must say that while I really love the idea, the actual event is a non-threat. It would have been much more exciting if they carried some serious weapons that were impossible to remove. Either that or at the very least if upon betrayal they would go to the stockpile and arm themselves with something better than "27% poor steel knife" they arrived with.
Bugs / Re: [1.2.2723] "Sold prisoner" mood even though I didn't sell anyone
September 02, 2020, 05:27:27 PM
Not really, sorry - no idea how this happened. Perhaps it's fixed in the unstable!
Bugs / [1.2.2723] Farskip doesn't skip animals on battle map but works on world map
August 29, 2020, 09:29:36 PM
Not sure which one is the intended behavior but I think at least the inconsistency is a bug. My caravan got ambushed by manhunting animals and tried farskipping back home but all my maffaloes got lost. Just out of curiousity, I reloaded, won the battle, reformed caravan, and farskipped from world map and everyone made it home safely.
General Discussion / Re: Important: new problem causer quests can easily wipe out your colony
August 24, 2020, 02:26:45 PM
I don't think it's game ending really - electricity is firmly in the nice-to-have territory, or maybe I just spent too much time playing naked brutality on extreme biomes
You probably can get around on potatoes and such, cooking them as needed. Then perhaps recruit a bunch of random people and do "this is spaaaartaaaa" with the mech cluster? Or, like people mentioned, you can try to sneak in, destroy the machine only and run away to the edge of the map. You could also tame a bunch of releasable animals and release them as distraction.

You probably can get around on potatoes and such, cooking them as needed. Then perhaps recruit a bunch of random people and do "this is spaaaartaaaa" with the mech cluster? Or, like people mentioned, you can try to sneak in, destroy the machine only and run away to the edge of the map. You could also tame a bunch of releasable animals and release them as distraction.