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Messages - eugeneb

Yeah, the way pirates are implemented right now, it definitely won't work but this can also be changed. Gameplay-wise pirates seem to serve the purpose of making sure you always have a high-tech enemy. If they were made into the opposite of Empire where allying one of them guarantees that the other side hates and starts raiding you, that would serve the purpose pretty well IMO. It can also be made into two fun non-symmetrical choices where Empire is honor, order and slow grind of doing quests to advance in rank; and pirates would be more of anarchy and yolo advancement (sell a bunch of slaves, buy a bunch of psylinks on black market, upgrade everyone to max level, get punched back by Imperials in power armor, raid their caravan, run away from reinforcements arriving in shuttles, etc.).

Rebels would work well too, my only concern that this adds a new "entity" and I don't know if this will end up as a soup of random factions with lore and flavor getting lost. While pirates are already there and can be repurposed into rebels (rebelling against law). And we also have mechs - we don't know if it's just this planet or it's normal that murderous mechs are constantly raining down from the sky. And this could also be repurposed by alluding that they have something to do with the fall of this planet or even the fall of the Empire. And remember that the whole psy thing has something to do with archotechs so it's a chance to expand on this further and give them a reason to hunt Empire, where they ally with you to simply divide and conquer, in the meantime tempting you with psylinks and archotech body parts.
Yeah, another faction with its own lore and flavor could be an excellent solution too. Not sure what it would be - maybe some luddites rebelling against Empire's technology, or an archotech AI who led to the demise of Empire and who keeps hunting them down (would explain all the mech action going on too!), or plain old pirates opposing all the honor and order nonsense. I think anything can work really, as long as it fits into RW lore well, and gives you access to psylinks and all the usual stuff if you fight Empire.
Currently siding with Empire gives you powerful permits and a reliable source of psylinks that are not for sale otherwise. Opposing the Empire, however, removes all that and gives you nothing in return, making a join-vs-oppose dilemma a no brainer.

I wish this was balanced better and there were some incentives to oppose them. Perhaps fighting empire makes pirates friendly and Empire essentially becomes the new pirates for you? And then pirates have black marker of psylinks and other goodies which you can use to quickly level up psylinks with cash as opposed to bother with honor and stuff. Which obviously would come at the price of powerful raids from Empire. Another way to balance it a bit could be making the tribute collector an actual tribute collector. It always puzzled me a lot that scary-sounding "imperial tribute collector" just hangs around begging for a donation and then leaves empty handed. ;D
General Discussion / Re: The Earth Debate Continues
August 18, 2020, 08:11:59 PM
It's been a while since I read RW official lore but I vaguely remember they explicitly mention that we terraform planets for ourselves which includes seeding them with earth-like life. Presumable planets with alien life are either extremely rare and not featured in the game or not yet found by humans at all.
General Discussion / Re: The Earth Debate Continues
August 18, 2020, 04:51:12 PM
Quote from: Ukas on August 17, 2020, 09:20:11 AM
What about 60 day orbital period? Mercury orbits the sun in 87 Earth days, so, in our star system shouldn't the planet be nearer the sun than that.
Yup, that and also the super long solar eclipses (unless we want to involve some far-fetched scifi with super structures, etc.)

I've always thought about Rimworld as some planet on the rim of colonized space being pretty far in the process of colonization by a glitterworld civilization - see road networks, ancient danger bunkers, entire layers of things like plasteel that we can dig out of the ground, satellites, toxic fallout, etc.. And then some unknown disaster happened. Maybe it was internal war, maybe mech war, nobody knows. Personally I always like to imagine a brutal mech war, with megaspiders being the last-ditch effort to win it. The civilization completely collapsed and we now live in the aftermath of it.

- The word Earth exists in the game under the description for humans, where it mentions "non-Earth planets". It seems that humanity is aware that Earth is the homeworld of humanity, so that weakens the argument that humans forgot that Earth isn't a new frontier.
Yeah, that and there is also an interaction between pawns when they talk about stuff - one of these interactions (from memory) is "Pawn1 talked to Pawn2 and shared their believes about old Earth". So pawns seem to think they are not on the original Earth, whether it is accurate or not.
I love the idea and picture of broadshield but only when in combat  ;D
Outside of the combat, in day to day life, my colonists now look like ninja turtles and ideally I'd love a way to hide the graphic. I think it's even consistent with the rest of mechanics, e.g. how weapons are not constantly visible when colonists are harvesting potatoes, etc..
Hello, my colony was originally built on 1.1 and when I upgraded to 1.2, I already had all the armor researched. I can build all armor types including Phoenix and Grenadier but the recipe for Locust is not showing up in the tab and therefore I cannot make it.
Thanks for finding it, didn't realize it was a known issues. Apologies about a duplicate.
Not sure if this one is intentional. I am on extreme desert and used pumps to create more soil where I can plant. A marble meteor fell on that soil and once I cleared it, my soil in that spot is gone - it's now marble floor.
I've just rescued a pod survivor who joined me, his name is Biaga. For some reason he has "Sold prisoner x 2" mood even though it has been many years since I sold anyone into slavery.
Save file:
Quote from: AileTheAlien on August 10, 2020, 08:19:23 PM
What mod adds infested city quests? :O
It's called "Go Explore!". Be careful out there - it's not your usual "bandit camp" quest, etc.  ;D
Haha yes, it's a bit of a long and dramatic story. The short version of it is that I have a naked brutality colonist on extreme desert who managed to survive. He is a hardcore ranged warrior with a backstory of space marine. My second colonist was his mother who crashlanded in a pod, she is a hardcore melee warrior with a "logger" backstory. Together they crushed many dangers until his mother was killed by a mech cluster and since then he is on a quest to resurrect her. The hope is slowly fading away though because he is 55 now and resurrection serum is nowhere to be found. There are a few other resurrection-worthy colonists waiting in the freezer too - his step-father and a few others who heroically fell while protecting colony.
Events have improved somewhat in the latest versions and there is also a mod that adds some really cool reasons to caravan. E.g. the other day I travelled to loot through a city that fell to an infestation and it was extremely cool, tense and memorable. Other than that, yeah - it's all usually a day away from the colony. I wish there was some function of distance-to-reward and I could travel far to obtain a legendary sword or resurrection serum or something like that. In my current playthrough I've been on the hunt for resurrection serum for more than 10 years now and I'd travel to the end of the world to obtain one.
Ohh I see, yeah, that sounds very believable!
Just something I realized - I've played the game for a long long time and never had to travel far away for a quest. Essentially the rest of the planet doesn't matter - it could have been just the immediate neighborhood. I think it would be really cool if distance would be factored into quest reward. I'd love to travel half the world away or to some hard to access island to get a legendary monosoword or a stash of resurrection serum or something else like that. Get resupplied with pods on the way, camp for the winter, etc. Would be quiet a story to tell :)