Not sure if this a bug or intentional but currently once I scan an underground resource, that initial message is the only way to tell what resource it is. I have to take notes manually to later remember which resource patch is which.
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Bugs / [1.1.2654] Don't know what are the underground resource patches that I scanned
August 04, 2020, 11:50:06 AM #32
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Non-stop food poisonings after cooking=0 pawn made some simple meals
August 03, 2020, 03:55:18 PM
Reporting just in case there is something off with math because it looks fishy; save file:
Colonist Maverick had cooking=0 and made some simple meals. Clean sterile kitchen, etc; never had this problem before. I've had more than 10 food poisonings in a span of 3 days due to "incompetent cook" - essentially my entire colony is permanently poisoned now and it keeps happening again and again. In colonist's stats food poisoning chance is listed as 4% and by 3rd day of almost everyone being poisoned, this starts looking like something more than a mere chance
Colonist Maverick had cooking=0 and made some simple meals. Clean sterile kitchen, etc; never had this problem before. I've had more than 10 food poisonings in a span of 3 days due to "incompetent cook" - essentially my entire colony is permanently poisoned now and it keeps happening again and again. In colonist's stats food poisoning chance is listed as 4% and by 3rd day of almost everyone being poisoned, this starts looking like something more than a mere chance

Bugs / Re: [1.1.2654] Are traders much more frequent now?
August 02, 2020, 09:02:18 PM
I've managed to find the save file! Looks like these two orbital traders arrived within 1 day from each other. Also if you look at "Messages" log, I've had overabundance of regular caravans as well. This whole situation calmed down later on into the game.
Bugs / Re: [1.1.2654] Thrumbo can eat an unplanted tree
July 04, 2020, 02:22:37 PMQuote from: Canute on July 04, 2020, 09:59:56 AMNormally they don't but on extreme desert they do and a group of thrumbos can be pretty devastating, essentially a lighter version of toxic fallout.
But normaly thrumbo don't care about other crop's because their main food are trees.
Bugs / Re: [1.1.2654] Thrumbo can eat an unplanted tree
July 04, 2020, 09:34:41 AM
I didn't know about the 0 nutrition. Still, all you need is one colonist (or maybe two, to be safe) constantly "planting" and thrumbos will stay where they are and not move on to the rest of your crops. Probably not a huge deal on regular maps but a pretty big deal on extreme desert, especially if you are growing things like devilstrand.
Bugs / [1.1.2654] If you shoot at thrumbo while it's leaving, it will not attack you
July 03, 2020, 11:52:10 AM
This one can be somewhat of an exploit - if you wait until thrumbo gets bored starts "leaving", you can shoot at it, which triggers "revenge" message and if you select thrumbo, it has "Maddened: Manhunter" text; even the combat music starts playing. However, nothing else will happen and the thrumbo will keep slowly walking away as you keep shooting at it.
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Thrumbo can eat an unplanted tree
July 03, 2020, 11:31:49 AM
See screenshot. This is probably more in the exploit territory rather than an outright bug. On an extreme desert you can save your crops by "planting" cacti in front of a thrumbo - it will just keep eating the not-yet-planted cactus and moving on. Interestingly they do ignore hay grass next to them, presumably because it's not grown up enough.
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Are traders much more frequent now?
June 07, 2020, 04:19:19 PM
Reporting just in case - I am not sure if this is real or not but compared to my pre-royalty 1.0 experience, traders are super abundant now. Oftentimes I have several trade ship in orbit at the same time. Some times a caravan arrives as another one is leaving. If I remember correctly, I think I even had 2 ships while caravan was already hanging out at my base in this playthrough and another one arrives immediately as current one left.
(I do have mods but nothing that should mess with traders; mostly cosmetic stuff)
(I do have mods but nothing that should mess with traders; mostly cosmetic stuff)
Bugs / Re: Downed and Severely Injured Pawn Keeps Attepting to Meditate
June 02, 2020, 08:01:34 PM
I have this issue with a "paralytic abasia" quest guest and it's pretty bad - the pawn keeps constantly falling out of bed.
General Discussion / Re: Long-winded Rant/Critique
May 26, 2020, 10:14:00 AM
Sorry but I'll have to disagree that it made sense. I played this game from a very early alpha and this was one of my primary complaints about it - crafting cloth and researching and crafting weapons wasn't necessary because you would pick both from dead raiders. Yes, someday you will craft a better quality, etc but this would happen very late in the game because a normal/good sniper rifle works just as fine. It makes sense immersion-wise too. If I lived on the Rim and owned even an average gun, I would absolutely biocode it to myself. I also don't think Rimworld was ever a scavenging/looting game, it was always about resource management.
I think the game strikes a very good balance between serious tone and fun gameplay. It cannot be 100% believable and realistic. It's not even about burning steel and biocoded weapons. Consider core Rimworld mechanics. Like, how an average Joe who is amateur when it comes to construction, can go dig out some metal scraps and fossilized iPhones from the ground and then build Wind Turbine, AC, mini-turet, etc.. You know, an automated mini-turret alone would probably take a large team of very skilled people specializing in different areas to develop and make. If Rimworld was realistic, game would have revolved around gathering berries and clubbing rats.
I think the game strikes a very good balance between serious tone and fun gameplay. It cannot be 100% believable and realistic. It's not even about burning steel and biocoded weapons. Consider core Rimworld mechanics. Like, how an average Joe who is amateur when it comes to construction, can go dig out some metal scraps and fossilized iPhones from the ground and then build Wind Turbine, AC, mini-turet, etc.. You know, an automated mini-turret alone would probably take a large team of very skilled people specializing in different areas to develop and make. If Rimworld was realistic, game would have revolved around gathering berries and clubbing rats.
Bugs / Kind trait doesn't exactly work the way it is worded
May 25, 2020, 11:43:55 PM
Not sure if it's a text or code bug but there is currently a mismatch in the way "kind" trait is advertised and how it works 
In the text is say "...and never judges people by their appearance". Initially I was excited and thought that I'll finally have a colonist that won't be flipping middle finger to another fellow colonist who got ear or nose scratched while defending the colony. Alas I was wrong. This "kind" guy was very much judgmental towards his mother no less, when she crashed in a pod and was lying there bleeding out, but worst of all, she had a scratch on her ear.

In the text is say "...and never judges people by their appearance". Initially I was excited and thought that I'll finally have a colonist that won't be flipping middle finger to another fellow colonist who got ear or nose scratched while defending the colony. Alas I was wrong. This "kind" guy was very much judgmental towards his mother no less, when she crashed in a pod and was lying there bleeding out, but worst of all, she had a scratch on her ear.
Bugs / I want my old splash screen back :(
May 25, 2020, 10:16:56 AM
Sorry, I do realize this is super minor and silly and I don't know which subforum to post this to but... I kind of really liked the old Rimworld splash screen (the first image you see once game loads) over than Royalty dude with a glass of wine I see now. Is there a way to bring back the old image (broken spaceship with Rim in the background)? Or maybe even a setting to randomize the image that shows up on startup (e.g. Endless Legend does this).
General Discussion / Re: Long-winded Rant/Critique
May 25, 2020, 10:08:27 AM
Sorry this game is not working out for you. Perhaps install mods or just move on to another game? For me personally it's one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played - I clocked in 1k hours before even bothering with mods. I also find the game mechanics extremely thought-through and well polished. I am not going to address all these points but just to pick the first one - biocoded weapons. In the old times this whole "researching weapon techs and crafting them" part of the game was pointless because you would just pick weapons from pirates. This fixes it quite nicely.
General Discussion / Re: How does Empire fit into Rimworld lore?
February 25, 2020, 10:48:51 PM
Ah I see, so they are essentially an "Empire" in the name only? Basically a variety of spacers stuck here but they happened to have higher tech (and higher ego)?
General Discussion / How does Empire fit into Rimworld lore?
February 25, 2020, 09:23:13 PM
Hello, I didn't get a chance to play yet so maybe it's explained in the game but how does Empire fit into RW lore? I thought since humanity never invented FTL, everyone was disconnected and spread all over the Universe. I can't find the source right now, but originally it was in a google doc somewhere, meant for people waking up from cryptosleep. I am a huge fan of RW and RW lore and I am worried how a big organized structure like "Empire" fits in here? Or I am just imagining too much and it's not WH 40k kind of Empire but more like US Federal Government in its earliest days of existence? So organized enough to pose a threat but not organized enough to be big enough threat to actually take control of the RW?