I agee, I think whichever way implemented the base relocation quest is so far a missed opportunity for a late game challenge. Ohhh ohh and I also want to have random lootings and destructions happening to the base while away so that I can hide valuables inside mountain sealed behind many doors and later launch a quest to retreive valuables that were left behind. May be even fight some pirates who settled the base or navigate bug-infested decaying ruins.
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General Discussion / Re: What's the most lacking part of Rimworld for you, and how would you improve it?
June 05, 2018, 01:44:02 PM #92
General Discussion / Re: What's the most lacking part of Rimworld for you, and how would you improve it?
June 04, 2018, 09:15:13 PM
If I were to pick one thing, it would be late game challenge. Usually early game is really exciting, mid game is less exciting and late game is pretty boring since my colony is a well oiled machine by that point. I'd add some global events to match preparedness of the colony, something similar to what's already in the game but more extreme: e.g. much colder supervolcano event which affects area and forces you to migrate south or some plant disease that causes increasingly frequent blights. Essentially something that would either force me to adapt hard or take on a migration project. Would be cool to have some unique ones too like a war breaking out and there are waves of pirates fighting each other with you being in the middle sometimes (again - adapt or migrate out of this).
A close second is AI. I know this has been mentioned a lot but I wish AI wouldnt mindlessly march into a killbox and would adopt some human-like tactics. Like splitting in two groups may be with one group keeping killbox busy while another one is punching through wall. Or even better: pretend you are going for a killbox and then air drop more of your men in the middle of the base. I'd also reduce enemy numbers with this, making battles more interesting and challenging rather than being a current murder-fest with killbox. I got bored in the past and tried playing without a killbox but at some point you have to have it because game is scaling difficulty by throwing larger numbers at you and there is no other way to deal with that without being overrun.
A close second is AI. I know this has been mentioned a lot but I wish AI wouldnt mindlessly march into a killbox and would adopt some human-like tactics. Like splitting in two groups may be with one group keeping killbox busy while another one is punching through wall. Or even better: pretend you are going for a killbox and then air drop more of your men in the middle of the base. I'd also reduce enemy numbers with this, making battles more interesting and challenging rather than being a current murder-fest with killbox. I got bored in the past and tried playing without a killbox but at some point you have to have it because game is scaling difficulty by throwing larger numbers at you and there is no other way to deal with that without being overrun.
Bugs / Re: Vatgrown soldier incapable of violence
February 09, 2018, 06:52:20 PM
Ah got it, I guess I just didn't realize taxonomist always comes without violence and thought that the trait got assigned randomly.
Bugs / Vatgrown soldier incapable of violence
February 08, 2018, 08:20:43 PM
Not sure if it's a bug or feature but I have a colonist who has "Vatgrown Soldier" backstory but is randomly (not through adulthood backstory) incapable of violence. Not a bug per se really, just IMO an immersion thing because the childhood backstory is telling how they were created to be a perfect soldier but then for no reason they can't do violence
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 18 unstable test build is released
November 08, 2017, 06:01:50 PM
Haven't had a long run on A18 yet but wanted to add my $0.02 about the weapons. My experience is basically similar: my weapon needs are 95% satisfied by looting raiders and I end up crafting weapons as the very last thing after I've run out of other things to do. Sure, if I have a good crafter, I can may be craft a slightly better weapon or the exact weapon layout I need but I get plenty of 100% good or superior guns in the long run for crafting to be a very low priority.
This was also my experience with clothing before D modifier was added which I think is great and now I actually have to manufacture or buy clothing!
The gun problem is trickier though - you can't just give raiders low quality and low % weapons because this will make raiders much less dangerous. Not sure what a good solution for this would be. Perhaps an expanded line of high tech weapons that are programmed to be usable by certain pawn or to self destruct after pawn death. Or maybe make them degrade with usage or even when just carried around (similar to cloth).
Other than that, huge thanks for this game! This is easily the best early access game I've ever had by a huge margin and among most played games in my steam library overall.
This was also my experience with clothing before D modifier was added which I think is great and now I actually have to manufacture or buy clothing!
The gun problem is trickier though - you can't just give raiders low quality and low % weapons because this will make raiders much less dangerous. Not sure what a good solution for this would be. Perhaps an expanded line of high tech weapons that are programmed to be usable by certain pawn or to self destruct after pawn death. Or maybe make them degrade with usage or even when just carried around (similar to cloth).
Other than that, huge thanks for this game! This is easily the best early access game I've ever had by a huge margin and among most played games in my steam library overall.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 17 is on public unstable branch
May 22, 2017, 08:27:58 AM
Have played a bit more, I now have 1.5 years on my boreal forest (harder one, close to tundra) map with Cassandra rough. Raids have become very challenging and fun, now that some time has passed, raiders are carrying proper weapons and provide good level of challenge.
Disease, on the other hand, has been way easy for me. I didn't get anything like flu yet and have seen infection may be twice and was able to cure it with herbal medicine (in one case, applied herbal once only, the rest without medicine). My doctors are in 6-8 range and my jail has not had floor until very recently and yet the only pirate that got infected there was the guy who has spent a lot of time downed until I managed to pick him up. The other infection was one of my guys at the very start when I had 3-4 level doctors.
One interesting thing and I am very curious to see how it will play out: had friendly travelers passing by. One of them is 85 yo, frail, bad back, two cataracts, alcohol addiction. Needless to say he was very very slow. His friends have been waiting for him on the other side of map but once he passed out due to malnutrition, they decided to dump him and left. I decided to balance out my karma and do something good so I rescued him. Even after malnutrition passed he still cannot move. I wanted to give him beer to help him with his withdrawal and get him to leave but got notification saying that this will anger the faction so I stopped. Right now I am looking after him and really hoping that if he dies of old age on me, the faction won't get pissed off at me lol.
Also, I am not sure if it got changed but a couple of builds ago tribals raided me and I was getting -5 relations for each one I kill. I really liked it because it makes it harder to conver them to friends. I had another raid yesterday and haven't noticed this mechanic. I killed a whole bunch of them and my relations stayed at -40, where it was after I released some from the previous group. Now I am only 3 prisoners away from making them friendly.
UPDATE: Also, I don't know if it always has been this way but when I was playing yesterday, my brain damaged pawn died on spot after taking a joint.
Disease, on the other hand, has been way easy for me. I didn't get anything like flu yet and have seen infection may be twice and was able to cure it with herbal medicine (in one case, applied herbal once only, the rest without medicine). My doctors are in 6-8 range and my jail has not had floor until very recently and yet the only pirate that got infected there was the guy who has spent a lot of time downed until I managed to pick him up. The other infection was one of my guys at the very start when I had 3-4 level doctors.
One interesting thing and I am very curious to see how it will play out: had friendly travelers passing by. One of them is 85 yo, frail, bad back, two cataracts, alcohol addiction. Needless to say he was very very slow. His friends have been waiting for him on the other side of map but once he passed out due to malnutrition, they decided to dump him and left. I decided to balance out my karma and do something good so I rescued him. Even after malnutrition passed he still cannot move. I wanted to give him beer to help him with his withdrawal and get him to leave but got notification saying that this will anger the faction so I stopped. Right now I am looking after him and really hoping that if he dies of old age on me, the faction won't get pissed off at me lol.
Also, I am not sure if it got changed but a couple of builds ago tribals raided me and I was getting -5 relations for each one I kill. I really liked it because it makes it harder to conver them to friends. I had another raid yesterday and haven't noticed this mechanic. I killed a whole bunch of them and my relations stayed at -40, where it was after I released some from the previous group. Now I am only 3 prisoners away from making them friendly.
UPDATE: Also, I don't know if it always has been this way but when I was playing yesterday, my brain damaged pawn died on spot after taking a joint.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 17 is on public unstable branch
May 20, 2017, 10:09:54 PM
Not sure if it's a known thing but got a caravan during toxic fallout. Had to built roof above their hanging out spot so that they don't die.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 17 is on public unstable branch
May 20, 2017, 09:23:10 AM
I know a lot has been said on the infections topic but I wanted to add my $0.02. Have been playing on boreal forest for 3 seasons throughout the last couple builds. I've been affected by infection only once I think and that was only in the very beginning, some builds ago. I don't have a sterile hospital and I've used only herbal or no medicine. My doctor started at 4 I think and leveled up until 7 now. In the recent raid I captured a pirate who was beaten up and shot all over the place and was several hours away from dying. My level 7 doctor treated him without any medicine in a jail with soil floor and he still recovered without getting infected. Other than that didn't get any other diseases at all (even though I've been sleeping without heating for 2 seasons in subzero temperatures).
Raids have been a little on the easy side for me. AI appears to be smarter and it's more interesting to fight them but they didn't really match me weapon-wise. First raids were juts dudes with clubs an pistols. The last siege brought many raiders but they were all armed with pistols, clubs, shotguns and didn't seem to care much about my single colonist sniping at them with rifle. Eventually, once I injured them enough, they attacked and were easily defeated.
Overall the game is tons of fun! I saw Rimworld game in my dreams today, and my wife for some reason thinks that maybe it's because I played way too much lately but I don't see connection here
Update: I've been playing on Cassandra Rough
Raids have been a little on the easy side for me. AI appears to be smarter and it's more interesting to fight them but they didn't really match me weapon-wise. First raids were juts dudes with clubs an pistols. The last siege brought many raiders but they were all armed with pistols, clubs, shotguns and didn't seem to care much about my single colonist sniping at them with rifle. Eventually, once I injured them enough, they attacked and were easily defeated.
Overall the game is tons of fun! I saw Rimworld game in my dreams today, and my wife for some reason thinks that maybe it's because I played way too much lately but I don't see connection here

Update: I've been playing on Cassandra Rough
Bugs / Re: [A17.1543] Prisoners not affected by hypothermia?
May 20, 2017, 01:13:37 AM
I think one of my pawns in that game was starting to get hypothermia by hanging outside with just several degre difference from their min comfort temperature. I even had to make a better quality parka for them because of that. While the prisoner is spending all night there with temperature below comfort and not getting any % of hypothermia. Looked a bit suspicious so I reported it but my apologies if it's not a bug.
Bugs / Re: [A17.1543] Prisoners not affected by hypothermia?
May 20, 2017, 12:21:47 AM
Ok, attaching the save file then, sounds like it might be happening under some tricky conditions maybe
Bugs / [A17.1543] Prisoners not affected by hypothermia?
May 19, 2017, 11:43:03 PM
I have a room with indoors temperature of -31C and a prisoner whose info screen says minimum comfortable temperature is -26.2C, yet he never seems to get hypothermia. I've made a separate save file for this, let me know if attaching it would help.
Bugs / Cannot treat crash pod survivor who walks self into hospital
January 08, 2017, 10:10:19 PM
Just encountered the following situation: a pod with a badly injured survivor lands. I send a person to rescue them. It's pretty far from the base so it takes my colonist a while to get to that person. The colonist starts carrying the survivor but somewhere midway survivor suddenly becomes capable of walking and decides to walk to the hospital on their own instead. Luckily they manage to get to hospital alive (they were bleeding and their moving was 16%). However now the survivor is sleeping in my hospital bed and I cannot treat them so they will probably bleed out to death.
Bugs / Re: Siege pirates walk into my base one by one after running out of steel
January 08, 2017, 10:32:18 AM
My apologies for the double post, my bad.
Regarding the second report: having played a little more, I can confirm that once I got rid of prisoners from that raid, I can now interact with their mortars; so that does in fact sound like the same issue. And I am glad that the other bug report is useful and helps you make this amazing game better!
Regarding the second report: having played a little more, I can confirm that once I got rid of prisoners from that raid, I can now interact with their mortars; so that does in fact sound like the same issue. And I am glad that the other bug report is useful and helps you make this amazing game better!
Bugs / Siege pirates walk into my base one by one after running out of steel
January 06, 2017, 09:06:34 PM
Not sure if it's a known bug, I tried to find it but couldn't. Also I am using trade spot mod but I doubt it's related in any way.
I have a walled in base with only one open entrance with a couple turrets there. Close to the turrets I have steel storage area with random stuff including steel. Pirates arrive and lay siege. They are way too strong and I decide not to attack immediately and let them lay siege. They start building stuff. After having built mortars and almost all sandbags, they suddenly fail to build one of the sandbags and waste some resources. Pirate tries to build it again but doesn't have enough resources so decides to go through the entire map to pick up steel from my storage area and dies on the turrets (the pirate doesn't even try to attack the turrets, it just keeps going until it dies). Next pirate repeats this. Next one repeats. Then they decide to attack and rush my turrets but are easily defeated at this point.
Save https://www.dropbox.com/s/41qqat1c12dq8dz/1.rws?dl=0
2nd post.
Also I am not sure if it's a new A16 feature or a bug but I also cannot do anything with those mortars left by pirates. All I can do is forbid/unforbid. I cannot relocate them to my base or deconstruct even. In A15 I remember being able to uninstall them and then install in the base. I think it would be reasonable to at least allow to deconstruct them.
Mod edit (Calahan) - I've merged your two posts to avoid you infringing forum rule #10. Please can you edit/modify your previous post rather than creating a new post. Especially when only a few minutes has elapsed between posts. Thanks
I have a walled in base with only one open entrance with a couple turrets there. Close to the turrets I have steel storage area with random stuff including steel. Pirates arrive and lay siege. They are way too strong and I decide not to attack immediately and let them lay siege. They start building stuff. After having built mortars and almost all sandbags, they suddenly fail to build one of the sandbags and waste some resources. Pirate tries to build it again but doesn't have enough resources so decides to go through the entire map to pick up steel from my storage area and dies on the turrets (the pirate doesn't even try to attack the turrets, it just keeps going until it dies). Next pirate repeats this. Next one repeats. Then they decide to attack and rush my turrets but are easily defeated at this point.
Save https://www.dropbox.com/s/41qqat1c12dq8dz/1.rws?dl=0
2nd post.
Also I am not sure if it's a new A16 feature or a bug but I also cannot do anything with those mortars left by pirates. All I can do is forbid/unforbid. I cannot relocate them to my base or deconstruct even. In A15 I remember being able to uninstall them and then install in the base. I think it would be reasonable to at least allow to deconstruct them.
Mod edit (Calahan) - I've merged your two posts to avoid you infringing forum rule #10. Please can you edit/modify your previous post rather than creating a new post. Especially when only a few minutes has elapsed between posts. Thanks