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Messages - Flimflamshabam

Mods / Re: [Suggestion] Subdue Target/Snap out of it
January 30, 2017, 07:08:14 PM
I mean that does technically work, but I want something a little less extreme, like aiming for a one hit knock out more than beating them within an inch of their life as well as taking a beating in return.
Somethin like this
Mods / [Suggestion] Subdue Target/Snap out of it
January 30, 2017, 06:54:42 PM
Just a simple function to try and subdue pawns, specifically to stop people from starving themselves half to death because the decided to wander aimlessly all night cause they were feeling slightly sad. As well as a high chance for pawns who end up starving or exhausted to snap out of minor breaks on their own, and maybe an option for high social skill pawns to try and talk some sense into people who've snapped.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Epic Prison Executions
January 30, 2017, 06:51:39 PM
As long as we're on the topic of guilty prisoners why not add a longer duration to the "considered guilty" thing, seems odd someone who just set fire to your base and beat three of your friends unconscious would be let off the hook in less than a few hours, I can somewhat understand such short times for colonists who were guilty but only if they're well liked by everyone, seems like everyone would be happy if you had a psychopath, cannibal, pyromaniac who just got jailed for setting fires executed.
Quote from: Wishmaster on January 28, 2017, 04:13:53 AM
Quote from: Flimflamshabam on January 28, 2017, 02:15:48 AM
is there any reason animals will willingly starve to death when I'm planting dandelion fields exclusively so they can munch on those instead of hay or my actual crops in the spring/summer? I lack vegetable garden, or any other mod that allows me to plant grass specifically.

QuotePets will NEVER drink beers, eat crops or fertilized eggs.

I don't get it. why would you feed than with dandelions instead of hay ?
This was made to protect crops. Drives me mad when your mufallos eat your heal root.

But dandelions have no functional use besides as grazing food for livestock. that's literally why I plant it.
is there any reason animals will willingly starve to death when I'm planting dandelion fields exclusively so they can munch on those instead of hay or my actual crops in the spring/summer? I lack vegetable garden, or any other mod that allows me to plant grass specifically.
Outdated / Re: [A16] Rainbeau's Fertile Fields
January 27, 2017, 03:13:44 AM
Only thing I think could be improved is the production of fertilizer, maybe try to make compost bins that are reusable, like the beer kegs.
Outdated / Re: [A16] Vegetable Garden v5.3e [1.22.17]
January 27, 2017, 01:33:05 AM
So, not sure if this has been asked before, but could the neutromine plants be added to the resource sub-mod thing? And maybe the bamboo?
I like the equipment from the feral pack, just not the faction/monsters.
Why do my medics need to anesthtize people to give them eyepatches and other simple strap-on prosthetics, like the metal arm, golden eye, wooden foot, etc. Also why are my medics ripping peoples heads off to put on an eyepatch? These "operations" should have like a 0% chance of failure if they're performed in a cesspool by someone with -1 medicine skill, just sayin.

I also think the simple prosthetics should be moved to medieval tech, just because it's a lot of hassle (even with tech level increasing mod) to research all the way up to micro electric basics just to make simple poseable prosthetics. Giving people action-figure hands seems like it shouldn't require an advanced industrial understanding.