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Messages - Daimonin

General Discussion / Re: Devmode Speed '4'
November 20, 2017, 03:57:04 AM
There's a mod or two that add it to the normal game without dev mode. It's a life saver, really.
Quote from: Yoshida Keiji on November 08, 2017, 08:17:44 AM
Are you commenting in response to my post? If yes, both TheMeInTeam and myself are not complaining about looting. We are pointing out that the research tree length takes too long in comparison with raids RNG to the point that catching up with enemies fire power had turned too hard. Because the Research tree was modified so that long range weaponry takes excessively long to complete.

Nah, it was more in general, I saw a few posts bring it up in various ways. Some with more info, other's less. Most seemed to be against the current progression, so I gave some feedback from the other PoV.
People keep complaining about looting weapons way before they research them, but I don't see that as a problem in general. Sure you loot tons of weapons. Most of them are crap though, either crappy make or old and worn out. Even if lukcy and get a superior 100% sniper rifle on a tribal start, so what?

It adds the story element, the powerful relic of war salvaged from the raiders and used by the tribes best warrior, passed on upon his death to the next and so on.

Once you unlock manufacturing, you can reliably create good guns of any combination you want to properly equip colonists, rather then relying on the luck of the drop and hoping for a superior shotgun, because the one you looted earlier is at only 19%.

TL;DR: I see no problem with looted weapons coming before research. Think of it as a story opportunity.

Edit: That said, I'd argue that at best looting a weapon that's in good shape (over 90%? normal or better quality?), and beyond current manufacturing abilities, ought to be a story that can show up in art. But that's about it.
Ideas / Re: Water cooling up pawns on hot maps
October 28, 2017, 04:35:25 PM
Yes please.

On the flip-side, standing in close proximity to a campfire should produce warmth even outside.
Ideas / Re: A18
October 28, 2017, 04:27:28 PM
Quote from: enragedcamel on June 04, 2017, 09:45:44 PM
More combat-oriented vehicles would be great too. I mean we can build a starship. Not sure why we shouldn't be be able to build a tank.

I dream of the day when my colony defense includes a platoon of Mechs.
Ideas / Re: Interaction with the cities
October 28, 2017, 04:20:27 PM
I'd just be happy if factions that come to help actually... helped.

So many times (well once or twice), I had everyone wiped out, on the ground bleeding out, when a friendly factions comes to help out. Except they ignore my dying but not dead yet colonists, mill around my base for a few days, and then leave. As my last colonists bleeds out slowly.
Just had a tornado rip diagonally across my village. Started at the hospital, then walked through my workshop and storeroom.


Two injured, now with infections because the hospital is in ruins, a bunch of my carefully hoarded resources that I can't use yet but was saving for when I can gone... This feels like a rather literal version of "Rocks fall; Everybody dies."

I guess it does add to the story, of a tornado ripping across the town and all but.... it also feels weird the tornado is so localized and rather short lived. Maybe if the tornados only formed at the edge of the map, and travelled in a more or less straight line to a spot on another edge?

That way it's less "Magic tornado over village" and more "Tornado passed through region"? Also gives a chance to DO something about it like move valuables.
General Discussion / Re: Uber Extreme Difficulty?
October 26, 2017, 10:16:41 PM
He means QoL mods that make the colony easier to manage, not make the game easier itself. Though some of them DO help make it a bit easier.

Larger stacks, efficient lights, and different spaceship chunks probably being the biggest offender from what I see, though realistic starvation might be a big help too.
Ideas / Re: A18 - A few ideas
October 26, 2017, 08:09:01 PM
Quote from: LouisTBR on October 26, 2017, 10:39:36 AM
Blast Doors:]
On the subject of Structures, a door that has considerably higher HP than both regular and autodoors, but costs more and is slow to open. Would provide a thick defence for prison cells and entry-exit points.

You mean granite doors? Those are in the game already.

In case you didn't know, you can make doors out of more then just wood. Steel opens just as fast as wood but is much harder, various stone types give even more HP but at the expense of opening time. There's your blast door.

PS: Looking at Limstone door in my current game: it has 390 HP and a 45% opening speed.
Wooden door for reference has 100 hp and 120% opening speed.
I don't have any granite ones right now but IIRC they have around 450 - 550 HP.
Ideas / Re: A18 "Horn" sound on Raids.
October 26, 2017, 08:04:40 PM
I like the horn alert...
Eh I don't mind fire so much, it's a danger, and only clears out the areas on fire. AKA you could potentially use a fire on purpose to clear land for growing/building. But the toxic fallout pretty much clears out the trees, while not being a major threat in it's own right. Quite frankly, an early game toxic fallout seems like a boon more then anything because its rather safely removes most of the foliage.
QuoteP.S. Why isn't possible craft them with the Crafting spot?

I can craft both veil and mask and headdress at crafting spot no problem....?

Just had a toxic fallout in a temperate swamp. All the trees dying made me sad, mostly because I liked having the clear dense forest to expand. The fallout doing it for me... well it made expanding easier, but I wish the rate of tree destruction during fallout was reduced so forests remain forests.
Quote from: Deer87 on October 25, 2017, 05:48:11 PM

The problem is, that most prey animals would run as a group if threatend, not go into full assault. I get that animals like boars, wolfs and elefants can get agressive, but deer, nope, they would turn tail and run.
In any case, just standing around with the bullets hitting the ground and the gunshots breaking the silence of the forest seems off

This right here. Prey animals RUN from danger, rarely attack it. And even when they do it's only the immediate danger, then run as soon as they can. Not you know, kill the hunter, then make their way to the nearest town and proceed to wonder it's streets looking for more humans to kill.

Hell, I live in the Yukon (Canada). We (humans) are outnumbered by... pretty much every animal species that lives up here. If caribou herds went on a murder spree every time some hunter shot at one, we'd all be dead a long time ago.

So the current function is neither realistic OR fun. AKA it has absolutely no reason to be like this and needs a rework.
Ideas / [A18] Maple Trees... but no maple syrup eh?
October 25, 2017, 04:26:42 PM
How can you add maple trees, and not give the ability to harvest them for maple syrup? How?

But no really, I like the new variety of trees, and it's cool to have maple trees, but it feels really wrong that there doesn't seem to be any maple syrup to go with them.
Quote from: Dashthechinchilla on October 25, 2017, 11:38:20 AM
I really like the combat log, it adds to the story. I find myself conflicted though. I like reading that the miss on the hare I am hunting is because it threw itself on the ground, but I want to see the action too. Can you make the window transparent?
Even better then transparent, put a transparency slider into the options menu.

On new tree density: Oh I don't MIND being swamped by wood, I'd definitely prefer swamped by wood but really feel like im in a dense Forrest, rather then the sparse trees we had before. It's not like making a million wooden statues is bad. Or building everything out of wood. Just try not to have a pyro if doing that.

My current colony feels great with that jungle village feel (well tropical swamp).