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Topics - RyanRim

General Discussion / Reddit or Forum
July 27, 2018, 01:46:16 PM
So I discovered that the Reddit has become slightly more popular than our forum, and as a rare Reddit user myself, I am quite surprised. In the new layout it does look a bit better than the forum, however it's just for fun threads as far as I've seen (or questions).

I decided to make a little poll  :)
General Discussion / Happy 2018 with B18
December 31, 2017, 07:03:56 AM
Happy new year everyone with our B18. Let's hope for a full release soon, and have fun!

Mods / [Mod Idea] LoTR
December 24, 2017, 09:53:40 AM
I mean, we have mods about the Walking Dead, Planet of the Apes, Game of Thrones, SS13, Medieval times and god knows what else. Yet we dont have a mod about Lord of the Rings. Who wouldn't want orcs and hobbits? Im giving up this idea for big modders like my personal favorite Walking Problem, who has made most of the great story mods. Looking forward to battling Nazguls in white castles  ;D
Mods / RimWorld Modding Competition?
December 01, 2017, 11:03:46 AM
Another year is drawing to a close with RimWorld, and we saw a huge amount of terrific mods being brought in. Im surprised that people haven't started a modding competition, or a poll to choose best mods like back in the days Morrowind had.
Modders should receive more credit and way to boost it is with modding events. Like choosing best mods out of each category, considering the boom of updates and new mods with B18.
Food for thought people.
I made this to found out how common are people in rimworld, that have low set of skills (few skills, all low level). Recently started new Loner game on a17, and after 5 days a guy joined from local faction. He had armor and everything and I was like "oh cool" until I noticed his skills. Case in point, he used to be a model, which somewhy blocks everything from doctoring to crafting. It adds to social and artistic skills though, and he has 3 points in Animals.
So the guy has
-8 Social
-3 Animals
-8 Artistic

And my poor explorer has to make everything while this guy just paints, cause well, I won't let such low animal skilled pawn near even home dogs.

Have you had pawns with just two or three skills?

Mods / Automated shops?
May 12, 2017, 02:54:43 AM
Knowing not much about automated mods, is there a way to make trades/buys automatic in a way of putting stuff out in a warehouse and visitors and traders putting merchandise and money on a counter? Would be a great efficiency mod, not to mention it would leave out the pain of always sending your best social people to trade.

Obviously it would have a downside as there would be snatchers and pirates looting your shop  ;)

In the modern civilized branch of RimWorld I think it would add a lot.
Mods / [Mod Idea] More realism mods
April 27, 2017, 03:27:25 AM
Ok here are a few ideas, I'm not a professional at it so I leave the attestation for modders.

My first idea was (I've been looking for such a mod a long time) a gym, or any athletic training for pawns to get more physical traits. They spend a little time of day by schedule in gym, get stronger, maybe increase their punch strength etc etc. Pardon me if it is in some pack already, I just might have forgotten it, although I have used over 100 mods at least.

Second was a psychological aspect. When we look at some trait mods or Achtung and Psychology addings then I'd really like to see religious and political traits more common. Let's say your community leader has one political view through which he wants to mobilize people, but people opposite to such philosophy doesn't want to co-operate and might get stressed. Same goes to religion, since religion has started great wars during times. Was also thinking of an enforcer/leech/stalking traits (stalkers behind your caravan, wouldn't that be nice), enforcers and leeches making it hard for others to work and throwing all their tasks for others to make. After all thats life.

If these personality traits would be balanced both implemented through a mod, I would give all I can for such a modder.
Support / Pink defs and map
April 25, 2017, 08:03:07 AM
Well basically I admit that I have been downloading (yes pirating :-\ ) RimWorld for almost every version since 10. I had most save games on v14, I had everything working on it with mods. Then now with 15 some mod compatibility problems but nothing serious. Now on my home computer (it is Windows XP) the v16 is not working properly. I got different save files, on my laptop of windows 10 it is working properly, but XP seems trouble.

Now into the real deal:
The computer is only 6 years old, has great graphics card and everything. I got RimWorld from a well trusted site where I get most of Steam games when I can't afford them. Then starting it and adding mods, seeing the planet map, it was full pink. Icons of tribes/clans/enemies ARE shown, but the map is pink. Ok what the heck I gave it a little loading time but nothing. Then I decided to continue and in game now, same thing, map and items pink, also Pawns skin and clothes ofc. Haircuts were shown though. I tried a little later again without mods but same thing. Any idea how to get it working on XP, or if it doesn't then does it also stand in Steam now (haven't checked Steam page for some time).

PS I can get a screenshot if you think it is a difficult case and needs investigation
PPS Please don't accuse me of being a pirater or a fraud, I have 4 games on my Steam account and really wanna buy RimWorld when the v17 comes out.
General Discussion / Randomness scaled up
April 25, 2017, 06:28:12 AM
Well I started playing on newest v16 now, as I played v14 very long on a download client. Now I got some mods on my new game (played for 2 weeks in game) and vegetable garden and combat mods work well. What I can't figure out is that I use my usual system, Randy + BB mode, but suddenly terrible stuff happen, for example 2 raids although I located myself off all colonies by far, luckily both of those were easy, with 1 and 2 raiders. Then right after that psychic drone came to work, again luckily I had only one female person in colony, since the wave fractured females mind. NEXT UP was a blight, yep, I had a 9x9 square garden already and it just blew to kingdom come.

My question and idea is that in BB mode does these have occurred to you as well so early, cause for me not, and it really took edge off a good experience.