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Topics - larSyn

Mods / Stolen Mod
December 15, 2018, 11:23:29 AM
As some of you may know, I made the Smokeleaf Industry mod.  I was recently notified by a user on Steam that someone else had uploaded a mod that is using all my art and code.  This mod, called "More Smokeleaf", uses my mod as a base and adds a some other stuff on top of it (just strains as far as I can tell). 

For proof check the dates on the uploads and check the pics: 
here's mine:
here is the offending mod:

The pics show my art in this mod, and the same exact research tree (he didn't even change the names).

The "creator" never contacted me for permission to use anything and now I really don't want them using it.  I'm looking for advice on how to deal with this.  Do I report to Steam?  Try and deal with it myself?

It would really suck if Rimworld modding went the way of Fallout and Skyrim with the whole stolen mod controversy.

Edit:  I've downloaded the mod and compared the art files and the code.  This person just changed the prefix of all my xml files, defNames and art files.  Descriptions are the same, all values are the same.  They've added on to my mod a little and taken a few things out but they also left stuff in the files that isn't being used (ie my terrain art, references to custom dll's).  Gotta say, I'm a little >:( about this...

Releases / [1.0] Smokeleaf Industry - Lite v1.1b
November 20, 2018, 11:26:31 AM
[1.0] Smokeleaf Industry - Lite v1.1b

Smokeleaf Industry - Lite is a mod that adds various new drugs, foods, medicines, building materials and more all based around Smokeleaf cultivation and processing. All items added by the mod are based on real world applications of "smokeleaf" and it's byproducts. Medicinal, recreational and industrial uses are all included. Research must be conducted in order to unlock the various items and their uses. This "Lite" Version was made at the request of many people. It includes a lot less than the original mod, but has all the things that I felt were "Smokeleaf Industry".

Note: Many aspects of the vanilla smokeleaf joint have been changed.
Most importantly, the recipe now requires smokeleaf buds that can be obtained by trimming your plants.
Trimming and rolling are unlocked after researching Smokeleaf Cultivation.


Smokeleaf Production - New work benches and generator added.
Cultivation Bench
Medicinals Lab
Hempoline Generator
Smokeleaf Autotrimmer

Smokeleaf Byproducts - Obtained by processing smokeleaf leaves at a Crafting Spot, Drug Lab, or Cultivation Benchr.
Smokeleaf Hemp Fibers
Smokeleaf Seeds
Smokeleaf Buds

Recreational Drugs - Created by processing smokeleaf buds and other drugs at a Crafting Spot, Drug Lab, or Cultivation Bench.
Smokeleaf Joint
Smokeleaf Hash

Edibles - Cooked/crafted at a Fueled or Electric Stove.
Hemp Flour
Hemp Protein
Smokeleaf Butter
Smokeleaf Nutrileaf Bar
Smokeleaf Brownies
Smokeleaf Infused Meal

Medicines - Crafted at a Medicinals Lab.
Smokeleaf Tincture
Smokeleaf Pills
Smokeleaf Lotion

Other Stuff - Crafted at a Stonecutter's Table, either Tailoring Bench and the Refinery.
Hempcrete Blocks
Hemp Fabric
Various hemp based flooring


[1.0] v_1.1b


Update to v1.1b

         -fix autotrimmer recipes


Update to v1.1a

-fixed Research requirement


Update to v1.1

-added Smokeleaf Autotrimmer
-nutrition balancing
-fixed missing work giver


Unzip the downloaded archive and place the contents in your RimWorld/Mods folder. Then, activate the mod in the mod menu in-game.

If you want to install mid-game, make sure you have no bills for making Smokeleaf joints set first. If you have Vegetable Garden Project, remove any hemp fabric you might have first, and then activate SI.
Should be ok, but no guarantees and not recommended.

To update, delete the Smokeleaf Industry folder in your RimWorld/Mods folder and unzip and place the updated mod in the folder.

None, but, if you have any Vegetable Garden mods installed, put Smokeleaf Industry after it.

Probably not compatible with any other mods that depend on the vanilla smokeleaf joint recipe.  Should be good with everything else. 
If not, please let me know.

Compatibility Patches

All mod compatibility patches are now included in the main mod thanks to ModCheck

Vegetable Garden Project


Thanks to dismar for Vegetable Garden.
Thanks to Marnador for the awesome font.
Thanks to Nightingale for the very useful ModCheck.
And, thanks to Tynan for such a great game.


Help / destroyOnNoFuel and fire overlays
March 14, 2018, 01:26:44 PM
I'm trying to add a torch-like object and the flame appears both when it is first built and there is no fuel in it and when it runs out of fuel.  It also doesn't light up when first built.   I basically copied the Core Torch file directly over and changed some stuff around for my object, so I'm at a loss for why it's not working.

Is it possible to have the fire overlay disappear when the "destroyOnNoFuel" tag is set to false?  And have the fire only appear once it is fueled or have it fueled upon construction? 
[1.0] larSyn's Mini-Mods

A place for my smaller mods.

Flak Fabrics v1.1

Allows Flak Vests, Jackets, and Pants to be made with your chosen fabric/leather/color. The quality ot the leather/fabric affects the stats of the gear.

Not compatible with Stuffed Flaks or any other mod affecting the Flak gear.

Thanks to marnador for the Rimworld font.
And thanks to step on me and call me a worm for the idea/request.


Update to v1.1

-added Stuff Effect Multipliers


[1.0] v_1.1

[1.0] Ancient Structures v1.2a

Build structures from ancient times.

Ancient Stuctures adds ancient buildable items to Rimworld.

Ancient Concrete Barriers

Freestanding concrete barriers, that make a good obstacle, but also provide cover from fire.

Ancient Barricades

A wall version of the barrier. Provides good cover from incoming fire.

Ancient Lampposts

An exterior lamp post that can be refueled.

Stone Fire Pits

Like a campfire, but doesn't disappear when it runs out of fuel.

Stone Walls

Ancient walls made from piles of rocks. Make great field dividers.

Ancient Roads

Build Broken Asphalt and Packed Dirt roads.


-1.0 update
-Buffed Beauty on most things
-Added build-able ancient roads (broken asphalt and packed dirt)

Updated to v1.2a

-fixed Firepits
-removed assembly/used new vanilla fire overlay


[1.0] v_1.2a

Thanks to jamaicancastle for all the help.

Better Sandbags v1.1

Added to Vanilla!

Adds a new texture for sandbags.


[B18] v_1.1

RimTweaks v1.0

RimTweaks is a collection of quality of life patches and additions.  The goal was to reduce some of the mod clutter that was piling up in my list.  I started with a few quality of life changes and, as I read through more of the code and played the game more, I started to make changes here and there.  Bulk recipes were added for stone blocks and smelting slag.  Research and a recipe was added for Glitterworld Medicine.  Cutting Stone blocks skill was returned to Crafting.  Power use was reduced in a lot of things after I got sick of spamming solar panels and batteries everywhere.  Facilities were altered.  Recipes changed.  Things that didn't make sense were fixed (for example, eating human meat was more traumatizing then eating a corpse...not sure about you, but I'd freak out more gnawing on a leg than eating a slice of one).  Raids are increased a bit, as are manhunter packs.

Nothing was removed from the game. All of the annoying things are still there, but some of them are made less annoying.  Other things were made more challenging, and others just fix things I felt weren't right with the game (another example: the penalties for living in a hot environment were more severe than those for living in a cold one. I made them even.).

See the changelog on Github or in the About folder for a full list of changes.


[B18] v_1.0a

More Coming Soon...

Thanks to Nightinggale for ModCheck.
And thanks to Marnador for the Rimworld font.

Help / Game Freezes When New Faction Enters Map
January 04, 2018, 09:35:56 AM
So, I'm working on a companion mod for Smokeleaf Industry that adds a new faction for trading.  I have everything set and made, but when a visitor/caravan enters the map the game freezes for a minute or so and I get this error:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.15063}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\fs22\lang9 Exception while generating pawn group: System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory\par
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_array_new_specific (intptr,int)\par
  at System.Array.Resize[PawnGenOption] (RimWorld.PawnGenOption[]& array, Int32 length, Int32 newSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Array.Resize[PawnGenOption] (RimWorld.PawnGenOption[]& array, Int32 newSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RimWorld.PawnGenOption].set_Capacity (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RimWorld.PawnGenOption].GrowIfNeeded (Int32 newCount) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RimWorld.PawnGenOption].Add (RimWorld.PawnGenOption item) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility.ChoosePawnGenOptionsByPoints (Single points, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 options, RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.CanGenerateFrom (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms parms, RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker groupMaker) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.CanGenerateFrom (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility+<GeneratePawns>c__Iterator0+<GeneratePawns>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 (RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker gm) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at Verse.GenCollection.TryRandomElementByWeight[PawnGroupMaker] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 weightSelector, RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker& result) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility+<GeneratePawns>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.Pawn].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.Pawn]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[Pawn] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_NeutralGroup.SpawnPawns (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup.TryExecuteWorker (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident fi) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
  at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 \par
RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker:GeneratePawns(PawnGroupMakerParms, PawnGroupMaker, Boolean)\par
RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker:GeneratePawns(PawnGroupMakerParms, Boolean)\par

Or, it just freezes then crashes and I get the "Too Many Heaps" warning.  I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with the pawnGroupMaker, but after comparing to other mods and core factions, I can't find anything wrong.  I have the feeling I'm missing something simple...  :-\  Just wanted to see if anyone could help me figure this one out.  If anyone wants to see my faction/pawn xml let me know and I'll post it.  Thanks in advance.
Help / Addiction HediffDef
November 10, 2017, 12:34:16 AM
So, I've been meaning to ask about this for a bit now.  What is the purpose of the empty list in the <stages> of the addiction HediffDef?

Here's what I mean:

If it gets removed, when a pawns dependency hits zero they freeze and no information is available in the Needs or Health tabs.  I made this mistake with my mod and am now curious as to what it does.  Is it meant to be like that? 
Help / XPath Patching
September 22, 2017, 02:38:55 PM
Hey all

So I just posted my first mod, Smokeleaf Industry, and had a user ask for a patch for another mod.  I was able to get a patch working fine with xpathing, so, no problems there, works as intended. 

My question is, is it better to release the patch as a separate download, or can it be left in my main mod?  I tried running my patched mod without the other mod and everything seemed to be working normally.  I'm new at this stuff and just want to make sure I'm following good practices.

Releases / [1.0] Smokeleaf Industry v1.14a
September 20, 2017, 10:58:57 PM
[1.0] Smokeleaf Industry v1.14a

Smokeleaf Industry is a mod that adds various new drugs, foods, medicines, building materials and more all based around Smokeleaf cultivation and processing.  All items added by the mod are based on real world applications of "smokeleaf" and it's byproducts.  Medicinal, recreational and industrial uses are all included. 
Research must be conducted in order to unlock the various items and their uses.

Note: Many aspects of the vanilla smokeleaf joint have been changed.
Most importantly, the recipe now requires smokeleaf buds that can be obtained by trimming your plants.
Trimming and rolling are unlocked after researching Smokeleaf Cultivation.



[1.0] v_1.14a



Update to v1.14a

-fixed Hempene Solar Panels
-buffed Hempene battery
-nutrition balances


Updated to v1.13a

-removed Architect Sense support for new vanilla categories
-research balancing
-general balancing
-fixed VG Fabric and Medicine patches


Updated to v1.12a

        -update to 1.0


Updated to v1.11a

        -added VGP patch for bandage kits


Updated to v1.11

        -Updated to B19
        -Added Chinese Translation (thanks шав)


Updated to v1.10c

Smokeleaf Industry

-Fixed VGP Fabric conflict.


Updated to v1.10b

Smokeleaf Industry

-Fixed Chemfuel recipe producing Hempoline. (thanks Vlad0mi3r)
-Reduced Hemp solar panel cost. *A note about the solar panels.  They still store the same 1700w as the vanilla panels, but they transmit 10x more power when they are active.  I didn't have time to make a new class to raise the storage capacity, but will look to do so in the future.*
-Reduced market value of Hempoline.


Updated to v1.10a

Smokeleaf Industry

-Changed Autotrimmer power requirement
-Added Sea of Green (SOG - grows faster/less yield) and Screen of Green (SCROG - grows slower/larger yield) growing techniques
-Made nanosheets into "Stuff" - It is slightly stronger than plasteel due to the amount of work to make it.
-Changed Smokeleaf Plant description
-Removed all uses of SI products being fuel sources (except hempoline)
-Made the Space Bucket "Artable" Furniture to add Beauty to it
-Added variant graphics for all smokeleaf plants

Unzip the downloaded archive and place the contents in your RimWorld/Mods folder. Then, activate the mod in the mod menu in-game.

Load order shouldn't matter, but, if you have Architect Sense installed, put Smokeleaf Industry after it.

If you want to install mid-game, make sure you have no bills for making Smokeleaf joints set first. If you have Vegetable Garden Project, remove any hemp fabric you might have first, and then activate SI.
Should be ok, but no guarantees and not recommended.

To update, delete the Smokeleaf Industry folder in your RimWorld/Mods folder and unzip and place the updated mod in the folder.

None, but, if you have Architect Sense installed, put Smokeleaf Industry after it.

Probably not compatible with any other mods that depend on the vanilla smokeleaf joint recipe.  Should be good with everything else. 
If not, please let me know.

Compatibility Patches

All mod compatibility patches are now included in the main mod thanks to ModCheck

Load Order

Load order shouldn't be an issue anymore.  But, to be safe, put Smokeleaf Industry after any mod it has a compatibility patch for.

First, thanks to all the veteran modders posting in the Help forum. I have been a serial lurker there for the past few months,
and with all their unknowing help I was able to start learning how to mod Rimworld.
Thanks to Fluffy for Architect Sense, and bringing some order to the menus.
Thanks to dismar for Vegetable Garden, AshbornK9 for Project Fallout and dburgdorf for all his various mods.
I spent a considerable amount of time reading through the files for these mods (and the Core files) and learned quite a bit.
Thanks to Marnador for the awesome font.
Thanks to Nightingale for the very useful ModCheck.
And, special thanks to Tynan for such a great game.
