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Messages - nmid

Quote from: DDawgSierra on July 08, 2015, 11:08:15 AM
-1 I don't support this. Sorry.

I respect your downvote, but I'm curious.. What's your reason to say no?
Ideas / Re: Storage
July 09, 2015, 02:54:13 AM
Quote from: Kegereneku on July 08, 2015, 11:16:33 AM
I wish we had a locker allowing to keep best clothes at specific place and change a outfit in one action and 3 click rather than 5 and 9999~ click.

If we did we could have dedicated
- combat clothes
- comfort clothes
- <events> clothes (like Foil Helmet for psych or a gas mask for Fallout)

One of the mods have something called Locker that does this.
Not sure which mod though, it's one of the more well known mods for sure.
Help / Re: Mod request: Reverse Aging Cryosleep
July 09, 2015, 02:51:49 AM
Quote from: hopeseekr on July 08, 2015, 09:41:53 AM
OK. I realize this will require C# coding. I also realize that this may not be possible.

I want a special cryosleep container that a colonist can enter, but instead of freezing their biological age, it reduces it by a multiple of the ticker amount they stay in the container.

I am willing to pay for this work, so submit your total project estimates.

Pay Tynan and if likes the idea, he'll probably bring it out in the next update ;)
Stories / Re: Iguana gets drunk of my last beer
July 09, 2015, 02:49:47 AM
Quote from: Shinzy on July 04, 2015, 06:40:35 AM

lol, that reminds of one of those redbull ads :D

Quote from: StorymasterQ on July 08, 2015, 03:53:12 AM

Quote from: nmid on July 08, 2015, 03:00:16 AM
I obviously missed a cultural reference to Boeing, but caught the Halloween reference.

Nah, I meant the Boeing airplanes. The one that's 10 and 20 counts away from this one. The Dreamliner is the one 60 counts from this one. I don't really care about the other ones :D

Ah, I'm waiting for 747 then :D
They don't want to lose their market and want to keep you on the planet, so that they can keep coming and trading with you.
Thanks for the headsup.
I'm going to screenshot my 4 prisoners and check once I recruit them.

I obviously missed a cultural reference to Boeing, but caught the Halloween reference.

722 thinks that 723 is related to HIM.. HE was looking to a rime about the foxy 696 HE had heard so much about, in this world.
                                    .Replace( "HISCAP", GenText.PossessiveCap(p) )
.Replace( "HIMCAP", GenText.ProObjCap(p) )
.Replace( "HECAP", GenText.ProSubjCap(p) )
.Replace( "HIS", GenText.Possessive(p) )
.Replace( "HIM", GenText.ProObj(p) )
.Replace( "HE", GenText.ProSubj(p) );

ps - why did 722 trick you? ;)
will work fine for it to appear on the edb prep page?

causes them to destruct on drop?

I'm not a modder but this worked for me, when I set my hybrid MA37 in my Halo weapon pack.
I got the weapon to show on the edb prep page + it was on the ground from the starting drop pods. They might not drop from enemies, I haven't checked that yet.

Any clarification will help better my hac.. chea... understanding of the weapons :)
Quote from: BBream on July 07, 2015, 05:24:04 AM
I have writen version. You should use Version 1.3 for A11.
You can use in your existing colony.

ty :)

723 won't mind unrelated comments on past numbers :)
Wow.... a crazy but obvious idea for a "cross-over" just entered my head...
Can a undestructable & fixed star gate be a starting fixture to your colony and the jaffa faction (from another mod) use it to 'visit' your colony?