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Messages - deadbeat88

Quote from: Alandil on March 09, 2014, 06:37:04 PM
It was set to 9999 range.

this is exactly the problem. setting it to this radius would mean he can get resources anywhere, regardless where it is. try setting it 15-30. Also, you need to put a stockpile near the table(2-5tiles away) so that if wont waste time roaming around.
General Discussion / Re: Most efficient crop?
March 08, 2014, 09:13:05 PM
nothing is better than the other, i think.

BUT if you're playing to export them to traders, growing potatos is better as it the only food accepted by the traders.
Bugs / Re: White screen / rain on startup
March 08, 2014, 09:04:44 PM
it would be nice if you can provide screenshots about the problem.
Bugs / Re: Odd colonist behavior
March 08, 2014, 08:57:18 PM
thats not a bug. lol.

idle colonists gather on the table when they have nothing to do... usually on a prison table.

if you dont want them to gather on the table of a prison area, select the table and press F.
what kind of food is it? Paste or Cooked or Raw?
Nutrient paste dispensers should not be placed inside a prison cell as no colonist would be allowed to use it

actually, you should never put any food maker in a prison IF you dont have food maker outside the prison area.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Atomic Power
March 07, 2014, 09:28:17 AM
Quote from: Psyckosama on March 06, 2014, 02:41:18 PM
I've chosen to go with a reactor that doesn't actively burn uranium. Instead you build it with stone and uranium as part of it. I'm tempted to change the sale cost of Uranium though so it's extremely expensive silver wise. It will allow me to lower other costs a bit.

The thing is, it shouldnt cost cheap. I would say its reliance to another source makes it unique with other power mods. So far we havent had any power plants that exceeds 5K in producing electricity. Making your Atomic PP a one-off construction-maintenance would make it redundant. I, for one, would like to see a VERY IMPORTANT machine to be maintained by my colonist. That way, I would cherish my base more... instead of putting power plants away from based and let it rot until it explodes.

This way would make the gameplay more complicated as well by choosing whether to build the PP near the base area but prone to fatal casualties or further away sacrificing time and energy of the operator.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Atomic Power
March 05, 2014, 10:11:16 AM
Quote from: Vas on March 04, 2014, 11:49:51 AM

Really? You're taking it WAY too serious, smartypants. I only said that as a suggestion to balancing the reactor. And by the way, I NEVER said that the operator will have to be there 24/7. I explicitly said that it should work SIMILAR to stonecutter or cooker(which by the way produces food that expires in  days).

wastes are converted into uranium again, in lesser quantity ofc.

if you going to talk real stuff, then there WOULDNT BE super-intelligent people in that planet building nuclear reactors when they can build spacecraft instead. Stick to the game topic!
I dont like this mod. Its not compatible with save files.
However, I like the concept of getting rock debris whenever you mine the mountain. Could you make a standalone mod for this? ...that is compatible with the savefile, ofcourse.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Atomic Power
March 04, 2014, 06:10:29 AM
I have tried your earlier version. So far it hasnt exploded and blew my colony into smithereens.

like you said, its basically steam generator.... a very expensive one. You can make it consume uranium by applying same mechanics used in nutrient dispenser.

I was thinking of:
- there will be one person operating the reactor(like stonecutter,cooker)
- will only work when someone operates it
- to balance it, it gives a huge amount of power(about 10K?), so you should make huge-capacity batteries (1K cap)
- in an event of explosion, the operator will obviously die
-  (are we able to create new debris?), if so make nuke waste when explosion happens
- wastes can be renew using converter, i guess, like stonecutter and [mod]blacksmith

summary of possible new items:
-  debris, nuclear waste
-  large capacity battery
-  waste converter

what do you think?
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Atomic Power
March 02, 2014, 07:34:42 AM
Quote from: Vas on March 02, 2014, 03:14:58 AM
If you make reactors produce 4 - 5 times more than geothermal generators, you can increase the explosion radius to some massive area.  Technically those fuel cells should be lasting 30 years each.  But I know it's a game and the devs probably want it down to something like one cell a day.  :P 

I like this idea. Basically, I would prefer it to be high-yield high-risk. if it produces 10K power, I want it to explode in 10x10 radius. wouldnt it be awesome? :D But then again, the chances of it exploding should be balanced or make the explosion warning a bit longer.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Atomic Power
March 02, 2014, 03:12:37 AM
so let me get it straight.

- it produces less power
- relies on other resources
- explodes/short-circuits + chain reaction
- expensive to build
- must be researched first

...tell me again why should I put this on my base instead of [mod]Wind power plants, Solar PP outside the base? Because if I weigh the risk of explosion over raider attacks, I'd prefer the latter.
Mods / [REQUEST] Auto-Transporter
March 01, 2014, 03:33:57 PM

I had this problem in 250x250 where resources are scattered all over the map but its just too far to reach them as colonist can only carry 1 at a time. I tried placing/removing stockpiles to make it easier for them but i had to do it every time and waiting for them to fill up the stockpile area is very demanding.

So I had this Idea of train-like transport that is similar to a moving stockpile from a certain point to another, presumably a straight line.

- the "cart" could be around 3x3 in size
- zoned as stockpile, i guess, similar to a launch pad.
- it moves at a slow rate, 1 tile per 10 tick(or 1 tile per real-time sec at  fastest speed)
- auto-drop items  at the "drop-zone".
-- put items in cart while moving(could be tricky due to pathfinding)
--- OR has pickup zone
- cannot transport colonist
- indestructible (cannot  be destroyed by raiders) OR has very high HP
- very long construction time (because of building tracks)

that or a teleporter. LOL

let me know if its possible. :)

Quote from: NephilimNexus on March 01, 2014, 01:01:49 AM
What worries me is that it may be overpowered.

Ideally using the firing-slits would not make the defender invulnerable, but simply a lot harder to hit (say, 50% penalty).  So any enemy with a sniper rifle might still be able to hit them, as would grenades.  You'd have the advantage, to be sure, but you wouldn't magically become invincible.

I agree, pillboxes should work like a sandbag but without the vulnerability to explosion. I guess thats my only reason why I have open field so much.  :-\
General Discussion / Re: Honest confession of a pirate.
January 21, 2014, 09:02:38 AM
I pirated this game's pre-alpha release that you see in youtube before I backed it up in kickstarter.

newer pirated versions of it are still there and i couldve just pirated it all the way like i did on the others, but instead I contributed. Maybe because I like it very much, even I dont know why.

my point is  "online piracy" is not that evil as others may think it seems because this time, trust is the the most valued commodity and some people are not as gullible as they are was before.

Many of us are fed up with false promises so we pirate things. I may be justifying my own actions in this. In the end, majority of people who pirate software do not have the intention of buying them in the first place... and if they liked that software, well. you have a potential buyer.
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
January 21, 2014, 08:51:26 AM
Quote from: Ender on January 20, 2014, 05:03:20 PM
you may have a point with door kickers releasing every month, but i also own the game on steam, and to tell you the truth they don't add a whole lot, sure the updates are significant but, they also have 3 developers, not one. Tynan works as hard and as much as he can, but again hes only one person and does have a life other than sitting there coding for however many hours you wish him to work.

True. but can we vote for the release of version 324? that thing had many updates, it could probably change some things in the gameplay... that is if the save files are compatible with new versions now.

I'll just wait till they release new content. in the meantime, i'll finish that door kickers.