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Messages - deadbeat88

General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
January 20, 2014, 11:54:23 AM
I hate it when people have to reply with rude comment just to make a point.

$30 is not a small money. imagine those who contributed even more. Im not complaining about them not releasing more content, Im just saying it be cooler IF THEY DO!

I also bought a game called Door Kickers for $15 as alpha, they always have new content every month(LIKE ALL ALPHA GAMES).

Or why not release the mod tools? surely, an "alpha" mod tool can address this issue, would you say?
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
January 19, 2014, 01:41:42 PM
this game seriously needs new content. I stopped playing this just a month after because there's nothing much to do.

having 2-3 items per fortnight would surely keep this game interesting.
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
December 04, 2013, 07:57:28 PM
Any news about the patch??
Wiki said it will be release 4 Dec. its already 5/6 Dec.

Quote from: Kender on November 29, 2013, 06:16:51 AM
Have seen this too. I also had new roaming colonist showing up at the edge of the map inside my mountain base, and because there is no exit for him/her, so they just standing there.

I had this as well. It also happens when a roaming colonist spawn in the other side of the map trying to go into my area(locked with doors) but since they cannot get into that door, they will just stand where they spawn. They will eventually get killed my raiders spawning at their location.
General Discussion / Re: Failed Colony: Any hope?
November 28, 2013, 12:21:36 PM
Quote from: deadwillrise on November 28, 2013, 09:20:11 AM
The weird thing is that a random guy wandered in the map and spontaniously joined my colony.

Yes it happens. but I never experienced it after my colony got  destroyed(or I never bother to stay to find out.)

If what he says that the game does not end after everything is dead, then its perfectly possible. though, waiting for one to join in would take a while.
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
November 27, 2013, 11:58:47 AM
Quote from: daZza on November 27, 2013, 11:54:47 AM
Game dead? No progress at all for 20days...
lolwut. visit for more info.
Quote from: MrRobSteel on November 21, 2013, 09:52:04 AM
That's not how it works. It's drain on the whole powernet that doesn't change. Drain per battery is powernet drain divided by the number of batteries you have. So if you drain 50w and you have 50 batteries is 1w per battery.

that is correct.

also note that batteries have 50% efficiency so if you fill up around empty 10 batteries at once, it will take a very long time to reach their full level.

always fill up around 2-3 empty batteries at once(at most) so that it'll be faster.
Outdated / Re: Rhodes Mod List
November 21, 2013, 05:46:06 AM
Can I request for a mod:
- blast proof wall. wall that doesnt get blown up, only gets mined
- longer range for power connectors. you know, the thing that connects the item to the power conduits. maybe 2x longer?
-if possible, +2(or minus, whatever) fog of war range when you mine a rock. I want to see 2-3 tiles, instead of 1 before I mine it.
-Nutrient dispenser immune to solar flare, maybe? (not important)

you can put this separately, also make combined mod. maybe others would want some it.
Bugs / Re: OMG it burns!
November 21, 2013, 05:30:49 AM
you need to assign another colonist to firefight on that person, someone who has not been drafted.
It may stun the person on fire but you get the fire out. rain also stops the fire.
I tend to have atleast 50 disconnected full batteries and 4-8 connected ones.
disconnected ones are divided into 5 groups placed further apart from other groups.

-I realised that having this minimises the chance of short-circuit.
-putting batteries 1 space away from the wall further reduces the risk
-having more connectors does too.

reserved power are used during fog and eclipse(usually 2days long)
Ideas / Re: The many-guns problem
November 20, 2013, 05:14:38 PM
dunno if this has been suggested already but can we have a weapon smelter to convert guns into metal? I hate to mine a mountain for that..
Ideas / Re: Raider who defuses blasting charges
November 20, 2013, 05:12:16 PM
Quote from: Ford_Prefect on November 20, 2013, 02:48:28 PM
Idea 1:  How about the raiders have a spotter/s that have a % chance to spot a mine.  When they do, they or other raiders will use gernades/rocket launcers/etc to detonate the mine from a distance, or alternativly avoid it.
again. does not solve a problem. I can fill the entire map with blasting charges, especially the landing area. its cost-effective since guns cost around 800-1300 per piece.

great idea though, for colonist feature, that is. I hate running into a boomrat when my colonist only hast 19hp after raid, or muffalo ganging up on my poor con artist/courtesan who cant even punch.

Idea 2:  Make them landmines.  That blow up raiders and citizens if they step on them.  (citizens will know to avoid them, unless they are very tired and unlucky :-D ).
now this i like, + immune to damage(does not need repair). dont care if it would cost 1000mt each as long has it has wide destructive radius. Add the friendly-fire in that package too. :D
Ideas / Re: Raider who defuses blasting charges
November 20, 2013, 12:02:25 PM
I dont think its a good feature.

-considering there are many 'raiders'  that would defuse the bombs all at once, placing turrets in range would make things A LOT easier for colonists.
-if we consider the idea of a raider sacrificing itself to detonate a pack of bombs, would it be really likely to happen in reality? I dont think so. its possible yes, but we are talking about selfish raiders here.
-if we consider the idea of no defenses in range, they(raiders) will still get stuck in open field where there are no walls,plants to hide to while reaching the bomb.
-So, this idea WILL limit the bomb placing, but thats all it can do.

-having mention things above, it will be just unnecessary code in the program.
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
November 17, 2013, 08:04:48 PM
Quote from: Greuslich on November 17, 2013, 12:28:24 PM
How about to implement fuses, to be placed betwen the batteries and the whole power net.
I was about to suggest that. I also wanted to dedicate my batteries to specific object(s). coz obviously you cant put batteries outside beside a turret anymore. :(

PS: just for now its advisably to get some charged batteries disconected untill need, so they are kinda safe from discharging shorts.
That is still prone to short-circuit and explosion . I dont even know how it that possible. I have 4 disconnected batteries away from any wall, they still exploded. weird. ???
Bugs / Re: Geothermal Vent Bug?
November 17, 2013, 08:00:35 PM
Im all okay with the current labelling. We can just put more info on it as popup or in codex.