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Messages - deadbeat88

Bugs / Re: Geothermal Vent Bug?
November 16, 2013, 07:32:40 AM
Connected rate calculates the Available power minus the Amount being used.

So if you have -3200w, that would mean you're using a lot of power you cannot sustain.
Turn off your turrets when not in used.
General Discussion / Re: Dead Bodies Everywhere!
November 14, 2013, 05:08:04 AM
or use blast charges and blow them up.
you can sell the dump sites and place the bomb in the middle. just make sure to forbid them before doing that.
Help / Re: Save file structure
November 13, 2013, 03:21:14 PM
Code for Colonists:
*note that all this is wrapped inside ONE <Thing Class="Pawn"></Thing>


<Def>Pawn</Def> -- dunno whats this for
<ID>Pawn541013</ID>  --ID
<Pos>(242, 0, 158)</Pos>   --location of unit
<Team>Colonist</Team>  --Colonist/Raider
<Kind>Colonist</Kind> --Colonist/Raider
<CharacterName>Fletcher</CharacterName> --unit name
<Sex>Female</Sex> --unit gender
<Age>38</Age> -- age
<CarriedThing IsNull="True" /> --if hauling stuff


--for body appearance


--health and rest


--Jobs and Priorities


---things only listed if they are ticked

--value of ticked priorities

--current task

<TargetB IsNull="True" />
<CurJobDriver Class="JobDriver_InteractMine">

--equipped weapon
note that there is <Secondaries /> tag. hinting for multi items :D

<Pos>(235, 0, 119)</Pos>
<Secondaries />

--Inventory, atm its only keys for doors. possibly to prevent raiders from opening your doors

<Thing Class="ThingWithComponents">

--carried filth
<Filth Class="Filth">
<Sources />

--needs(food and rest level)


-- Psychology
tells you about levels of loyalty, happiness and fear. you can  edit them here
you can also delete the thoughts if necessary
-note that there is 'Prisoner isnull', i wonder if you can use this on a raider's codes


<Thought Class="Thought">
<Thought Class="Thought">
<Thought Class="Thought">
<Thought Class="Thought_Observation">
<Thought Class="Thought_Observation">
<Thought Class="Thought_Observation">
<Thought Class="Thought">

<Prisoner IsNull="True" />

--personal bed, new items might be added here as well in the future


--Skill level
edit them here.
note that if they have incapables, it wont change anything, they cant still use that skill


--Their story. you know, like Vagran Soldier and stuff.
1st- as child
2nd-as adult



--traits. not implemented yet
I havent tested if you can have more than 2 traits, though.

<Trait Class="Trait">
<Trait Class="Trait">
<DefName>Dog lover</DefName>

*not all codes have been posted. only notable ones.
ATTACHED IS THE RAW FILE for code above.
*you can delete this and append to original post.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Ideas / Re: Local jail needs help
November 13, 2013, 12:52:34 PM
I like the idea. why dont we call ourself as prison architects while at it.
Help / Re: Save file structure
November 13, 2013, 12:48:43 PM
yes, I have looked into the save file as well.
I also play prison architect and I can tell they have similar structure (PA is more cluttered, though)

I also would like to know how to keep the electricity running even when EMP happens. I hate that thing. lol
Help / Re: Save file structure
November 13, 2013, 12:24:59 PM
you should also add the character structure (Skills, traits).

I wanted to remove the "ManualDumb"etc. traits in my colonist, but all im seeing is skills levels. changing those  wont do anything.  :(
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
November 12, 2013, 10:20:30 PM
Quote from: mrfrosty on November 12, 2013, 02:17:08 PM
How do I update my game? Im at .250 public build not .254 or whatever it is

you are provided with download link sent to your email. use that.

@Produno: yes, Im not saying that they should implement it now, but its a possibility that should be looked at in the future updates.

I also like the idea of  acidic environment, though I would prefer it to damage all metallic objects, not the walls (for hard mode, that is. ;D)
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
November 09, 2013, 10:52:50 PM
Quote from: vince0018 on November 08, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
I mean if the power lines in the ground can malfunction, why not the ones in the walls?

power line walls are already imbalanced.
1. HP so low, frag grenades can blow it up leaving fire and destruction
2. unlike conduit lines, powerline in walls are enclosed so it should be safe from short-circuit
3. im more in favour of capacity-based power lines. they short-circuit when there are not enough power connections. eg. 1 conduit line to connect 10 turrets. (thats 1500w!)
4. if they gonna implement that, they need to add more content to the game.
eg. wall types, rock types, underground lines(still vulnerable to short-circuit)
General Discussion / Re: The Big Patch Notes Topic
November 08, 2013, 06:44:32 AM
I want a blast-proof wall.  :-\
Best way?

- place dump area
- put 2 blasting charge at left and right of it.
- fill up dump area.
- detonate

General Discussion / Re: Anybody else decentralize power?
November 07, 2013, 05:36:30 AM
Be careful, though. Those batteries are still vulnerable to short-circuit(and explosion).

Ive been doing that for a long time now.

- dont put batteries adjacent to a wall, leave a space.
- connect batteries with more than 1 connector, having more is to minimize short-circuit incidents.
- turn off turrets when not needed, it will help you charge batteries fast.