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Messages - Varisha

Translations / Re: Russian language words are too big.
September 14, 2018, 02:49:00 AM
Quote from: Tynan on September 14, 2018, 02:40:33 AM
I'm open to ideas for a solution, but at a certain point translators will need to start to use abbreviations. We can't bloat every interface just in case someone translates text really long.

topic moved from Bugs to Translations.
What about using an extra column like for the percentage value above. So you can cut the names with dots and have x% fully visible next to it? And if this is still not enough you could introduce icons for the quality, so you reduce the space used in the in the brackets to a minimum).

this is a great feature to get things more flexible. I wonder how to trigger the Pluralize method using the games mechanics to check if the change is ok.
Can you give me short help on this? :)
Mods / Re: Looking for a mod please help
September 12, 2018, 05:29:26 PM
What is the left panel?
I wrote a mod that lists contents in a selected zone inside the inspect window (lower left panel). Maybe this is suffiient for your requested search. But you would need to select each stockpile to scroll through its list of items.
Maybe this is a little workaround until you find something more suitable :)
Check my signature for the mod page.

Regards Var
Translations / Re: Official: German | Deutsch
September 12, 2018, 03:35:04 PM

ich habe mir mal das Repository geclont (master branch). Ich habe die Sprach-Dateien auf verschiedenste Weise in Core untergebracht (alte Dateien komplett wegschmeissen und nur master nutzen oder auch alte Dateien mit master überschreiben).
Ich habe beim Laden einen Fehler solange <languageWorkerClass>LanguageWorker_German</languageWorkerClass> in der XML enthalten ist. Das UI bleibt schwarz und ich kann nichts machen.

Was hat es damit auf sich? Sollte ich die XML nicht übernehmen? Wozu dann die Änderung?
Wird auch eigentlich gar nicht mit PRs gearbeitet, einfach commit in Master?

Gruß Marcus
Help / Re: Simple Value Change
September 08, 2018, 02:37:54 PM
Changing values might not be that difficult. Have a look at this guide:
I can imagine it is sufficient to patch/override the specific ThingsDef to use the new values. Which Def you need and where to find it is something you need to figure out on your own.
If you tried something and come up with some non working results we can help you. First steps are always difficult, but you will get used to it.

Regards Vari
Translations / Re: Official: German | Deutsch
September 07, 2018, 07:18:04 PM
Ich hab einfach mal im Git ein paar Dateien gecheckt. Habe aber selber noch keinen Zugriff.
Habe dabei einen Typo in "..\Keyed\Messages.xml" gefunden:

<GoodwillChangedReason_NaturallyOverTime>naürliche Tendenz um im Laufe der Zeit {0} zu erreichen</GoodwillChangedReason_NaturallyOverTime>
Releases / Re: [B19][B18][A17] ExtendedInspectData
September 07, 2018, 05:32:59 PM
New Release:

  • ExtendedInspectData [B19] (v1.1.19.0)

  • Made it compatible to rimworld version v0.19.2009
Releases / Re: [A17][B18] ExtendedInspectData
December 31, 2017, 02:36:59 PM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on December 30, 2017, 07:51:54 PM
I feel kinda dumb, but could I get dummy's breakdown of what the graph and icons mean when you select a grow zone? Thanks!

Hi, it is included in the About.xml (visible ingame) and on the first page in this thread :)

Below the graph you find the following information from left to right
- Total of cells with no plant in it (this includes cells that are marked as growing zone, but have a lamp on it or so)
- Total cells with plants in it (any growth value)
- Total number of plants that cannot be harvested yet (left of white line)
- Total number of plants that can be harvested (right of white line)
- Total number of fully grown plants (growth value = 100%)

Any questions left?
Regards Vari
Outdated / Re: [B18] cuproPanda's Mods (20 Dec 17)
December 21, 2017, 03:09:04 PM
Hi cuproPanda,

i got a message in steam on my mod (ExtendedInspectData) that my mod is not working with your preset zones. I looked at your code and got the reason for it.

You create your own zone class which is the base of all your subzones
class Zone_PresetStockpile : Zone, IStoreSettingsParent, ISlotGroupParent

I myself check for the following superclass to identify the needed handling "Zone_Stockpile" which is rimworld class for stockpile zones.
Zone_Stockpile selStockpileZone = ((ISelectable)Find.Selector.SelectedZone) as Zone_Stockpile;

My only question is if you can derive your Zone_PresetStockpile from Zone_Stockpile class? This would solve the issue from my point of view.
Do you think there is a way we can solve this?

Regards Vari
Releases / Re: [A17][B18] ExtendedInspectData
December 05, 2017, 08:08:11 AM
New Release:

  • ExtendedInspectData [B18] (v1.1.18.5)

  • Bug fix for missing tab buttons when inspect pane was resized (affects v1.1.18.4)
Releases / Re: [A17][B18] ExtendedInspectData
December 04, 2017, 02:13:15 PM
New Release:

  • ExtendedInspectData [B18] (v1.1.18.4)

  • Fixed bug with overlapping texts.
  • Removed exception when deselecting things (did not affect the gameplay)

Unfortunatly it is not possible to calculate the height of the default inspect string taking word wrap into account (tried using the existing methods for that). For my list of items I calculate at least space for 4 different item types until scroll bar pops up. So if you have a small fridge from RimFridge mod you will see some unused space at the bottom of the inspect window, as the list contains only 1 item type but space is calculated for 4 types. If you have the big fridge with 4 different item types stored everything is going well. This applies for any storage item!

Maybe i will find a way to fix this but there is the issue, that the inspect window height is calculated before contents are analyzed!
Releases / Re: [A17][B18] ExtendedInspectData
December 03, 2017, 05:37:24 PM
Quote from: tarator on November 30, 2017, 02:16:21 PM
I'd love to see the total number of cells in the selected farm zone(s) and their counts by soil fertility (type)? For crop calculations I need number of squares on normal soil, fertile soil, gravel...
Hi due to space issues i wont do that now. I am currently sticking to the inspect window.
If i would go to have a seperate window for it then i could do this as well. Not sure yet, i will let you know. This could lead to some distinct mod for an overall farm zone information window. But I need to think about this first.


Quote from: damngrl on November 30, 2017, 05:48:50 PM
It has problem with Rimfridge, writings overlap each other due to they both use same area as details.
Please name the version of this mod and the version of RimFridge mod.
I will check this. Sounds not that good. I will let you know.
Added info in 2nd post
Yes i see that, thatwhy i mentioned it is only a "happy-path" calculation :)
Everyone can make his own assumptions with the result i think.
I can imagine to give this a try soon :)

i think the idea is not bad. But it can only show you the happy-path of the game :)
You cannot include any work priorities, events, number of pawns or psychological status into the calculation. So you only get a "if everything runs well without exceptions" calculation.