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Topics - Harry_Dicks

I was thinking about doing a tribal->spacer run with one of the tech advancing mods, and also using the medieval one for a nice break between tribal and industrial. However, I don't want to be able to use any weapons above my tech level that might have been dropped by pirates or raiders. Or if I do use them, I have a serious malice, which could maybe be adjustable in the mod options. Maybe just a -50% to accuracy, or something for each level of tech difference. I know I cannot help myself, if I can get access to something that is kinda OP early game that I will use all the way through to late game. I've had that happen before where I got 2 pawns with these 2 overpowered rifles, and I end up ruining my own fun. I can resist God Mode, but I can't resist arresting a trader or friendly that's fully decked out beyond my tech level. I just thought it might be cool to encourage you to use the items you have available, like bows and clubs for tribal. We've already got the great mods Tribal Essentials, Tribal Raiders and other stuff, and this would go great with them, in my opinion.
Do you think a lot more people will buy once they see it is no longer early access/beta? Or, do you think that most of the type of people that would play this kind of game are already here?
I was just rolling the dice to see what random pawns I could get and then the first red error pops, followed by a second one that has the "ticks" number constantly going up at a high rate, and I cannot continue further on the embark screen (where you choose your pawns) unless I press back, which takes me to the world screen to pick a landing site. However, when after I choose a landing site and go back to the embark screen, the second ticking error appears again and the game screen looks like it froze while loading, but I can still press back to get to the world screen. I think it has something to do with a corrupt backstory or how maybe a pawn is displayed? Any help I could get, would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Exception filling window for RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.HediffMaker.MakeHediff (Verse.HediffDef,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x0003b>
at RimWorld.PawnAddictionHediffsGenerator.GenerateAddictionsAndTolerancesFor (Verse.Pawn) <0x00287>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateInitialHediffs_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0003d>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x004f9>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x001a4>
at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x0054f>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x00048>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.StartingPawnUtility.NewGeneratedStartingPawn_Patch1 () <0x001e1>
at Verse.StartingPawnUtility.RegenerateStartingPawnInPlace (int) <0x000eb>
at Verse.StartingPawnUtility.RandomizeInPlace (Verse.Pawn) <0x00028>
at RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.RandomizeCurPawn () <0x00060>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard_Patch1 (UnityEngine.Rect,Verse.Pawn,System.Action,UnityEngine.Rect) <0x00e65>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DrawPortraitArea_Patch1 (object,UnityEngine.Rect) <0x0045c>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DoWindowContents_Patch1 (object,UnityEngine.Rect) <0x0049b>
at Verse.Window/<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (int) <0x00735>

UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

Exception filling window for RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<Verse.Pawn, RimWorld.PortraitsCache/CachedPortrait>.TryGetValue (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.PortraitsCache/CachedPortrait&) <0x001ab>
at RimWorld.PortraitsCache.Get (Verse.Pawn,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector3,single) <0x00085>
at RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DrawPawnList (UnityEngine.Rect) <0x00795>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DoWindowContents_Patch1 (object,UnityEngine.Rect) <0x00248>
at Verse.Window/<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (int) <0x00735>

UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
Help / Question about animations
January 11, 2018, 01:47:22 PM
I'm a becoming a big fan of small things you can put in your base with little animations, so seeing turrets posted up at security points or perimeters rotating around is always nice. I'd really like to have more stuff like that. So it's a wish I have, for more smaller mods to come out, that add maybe four or five cool unique things that have small animations, so they look like they are actively working or doing something.

Out of curiosity, could anyone tell me how much these little animations really add onto game performance? I know RW is very processor intensive, but do those animations add on that much to the processor, or could they be handled by your video card? Is that a dumb, or too broad a question? I ask because my I have an i7 2600K processor, so it can start slowing down a lot when I have too much stuff going on late game. Hypothetically in a scenario like that, if I say, changed all of my generators so that they have, say, a little animation of some pistons going up and down, only a few frames for it, would stuff like that add any significant load to my processor, and increase my lag significantly further? I understand everything extra you do will add onto your load, but I'm asking in a more general sense with something graphic related. I am using a 760GTX and I feel like it's just sitting there barely breaking a sweat, while my i7 is screaming for help.

Any help I could get would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Ideas / Colony Council and Military Positions
January 11, 2018, 11:38:21 AM
This is a repost that I typed up earlier, but figured it might gain some more traction or support here. The idea is for addition to vanilla gameplay or a mod:

How cool would it be if there was another mod for a sort of "cabinet" or "council" positions you could appoint pawns too? For example make someone be the head jailer/warden, who gets a boost to prisoner recruit chance, or has an aura to make prisoners work quick (if you use prison labor mods). You could have your head of security/military, who gives an aura of increased accuracy/melee dodge/cooldown reduction. A director of agriculture who has an aura that increases plant harvest speed or yield. A foreman who's aura increases construction speed.

These leaders could even level up their leadership skill overtime, or some of the skills that they have progress over time. Also, the skills or buffs they have don't have to be just auras. For example, your foreman (head of construction), the higher his construction skill, the less chance colony wide you have of pawns failing in a construction. The higher medical skill for your chief doctor could increase colony wide immunity gain speed, or increase medical tend quality. Again, these can individual auras/buffs/skills could all level up incrementally. You could also give these guys active and/or individual skills. Your head of security could have, say, a 20 second buff that makes any pawns downed in a radius of 20 tiles from them have only a 40% chance of dying, 35% next level, 30% after that, or keep increasing the radius, or decreasing cooldown, etc.

Something that these head of departments could do would be to "research policies" that take this pawn awhile to unlock at their "manager desk." Possibly have some trade offs too to keep things interesting. An example: your chief warden spends X amount of time unlocking the "prisoner privileges  policy." This would make prisoners say 10% easier to recruit, but 5-10% more likely to stage a breakout, and they would have a 50% chance to spawn a shank for their breakout attempt. I'm sure you could think of a hundred different policies or things like this to unlock. The policies could be all individual, that you could start any of them at any time, or they could be locked behind technology levels, or behind the "leadership level" of whatever type of leader you have for that department. You could even have a custom policy unlock "tree" like how dubwise does. The more I think about this, the more I think you could really take this thing in so many different directions if someone wanted to, or expand upon it in so many different ways. You could also have a limit on policies per position. Say you have 10 different medical policies, but could only have 3 active at a time. They still take time to research/activate, to prevent abuse of constantly swapping policies in and out.

After reading the following by SpaceDorf, talking about removing the character limit on nicknames, I've been inspired further

Quote from: SpaceDorf on December 27, 2017, 09:24:43 AM
I prefer to run military camps myself so I would like to use the nickname field to assign ranks and squad as well.
Most of the times this does not work, which is sad, because I prefer to use squad assignment to know who to sent on caravans and who not.

How cool would it be, if you could have one of your council positions be sort of like an officer, or secretary of defense, a non-violet, strategic command position. But now for your military pawns that you actually fight with, you also have a captain of the guard (also a council position), and under him you could have a couple sergeants, and each sergeant could have 4-5 pawns they "command" each, only while drafted. The captain and sergeants could have their own unique combat buffs, but the sergeants buffs only apply to pawns in their "squad." That way you could form squads based on pawns that are friends with each other, or dream up whatever dramatic situation you want, and the pawns could respond to it. Make a divorced husband and wife (who hate each other) be in the same squad, or one of them directly under the other's command, and they are prone to social fight or have a mood malice. Similar to how pawns feel when they are not the master of a bonded animal. I feel like this could help vanilla's social system, which I find is rather lacking (IMHO there really isn't much point to it beyond marriage, and even that just gives a one time buff, then what? why not have something that keeps going forever, is persistent.)

Also, you would only gain a new sergeant "slot" in your military hierarchy every X amount of pawns. You could freely swap around pawns into different "slots" as soldiers, sergeants, captain of the guard, or whatever else there is. Maybe if you do swap positions around it comes with a sharp hit to mood that lasts a long time, if someone gets dramatically demoted over a short period of time. Captain of the guard just got booted entirely from the military? That's going to be a huge dent to mood and maybe combat ability COLONY WIDE. Soldier was promoted to his squad's sergeant? Nice mood boost for a quadrum sounds cool. This would make you really think about your promotions and swapping positions before you do it. Do you think your soldiers in need of healing can hold off a raid with even more temporary debuffs, so that you can have that awesome new captain of the guard come fall? Same stuff could apply to swapping the council positions, could your starving colony make it through the cold winter while you get a new head engineer?

Something else, maybe the pawns can only "rank up" in the soldier "slot" the longer they stay there in that specific squad, which will make all the better stories of a couple combat buddies who've been through it all, together since the beginning. If you swap a pawn to another soldier slot in a different squad, their rank resets and they have to start from scratch, or something. Maybe have it so it plays with the social system and moods a lot more. +8 mood for being in a squad for more than 2 years, or +15 to a relationship with a squadmate. Give some negative moods and social traits for swapping squads. That could make it very, very interesting if say you've got two long time lovers in the same squad, but then they split up, and it is causing a huge amount of mood debuff for the two of them. But could you risk swapping them to different squads at this time? Would you be able to survive the penalties? Or could you survive the penalties of them social fighting or having mental breaks all the time?

Going back to the council idea, maybe all of your pawns colony wide will get pissed if you have someone as the colony leader, and they stage a revolt, a colony wide social fight (and possibly deadly for the overthrown leaders, too!) The incumbent leaders could have their friends take their side and be loyalists, while their enemies form the heart of the coup. For an optional extreme difficulty, when a revolt happens, you have to choose one side to control. The opposing side actual goes hostile and you actually lose those pawns, their names become red. That way whoever you manage to capture alive you could throw into your prison, to have to try and re-recruit them, or make that swanky new fedora.

One more thing, you could have the colonists icons at the top of the screen grouped together by squad. Alpha squad, or red squad, or whatever. Draft them all with ONE BUTTON! Oh man I definitely think vanilla RimWorld at least needs to have a way to let you draft all of you "military" pawns at once, and have them all selected, or start heading to their default battlestation. It always sucked having to go through 30 pawns, click, drafting, and then moving them, one by one!

I suppose the two main ideas could be together, or separate, but I don't think they would even really have to even be too complicated either. Just a new main tab at the bottom you could call Positions, Military, Council, or whatever. Whoever you assign to whatever position could just be granted their buff through the health tab, until you remove or upgrade it. The mod Colony Leadership already has something very similar in that you designate a dictator, or your colony has two democratically elected leaders, and these pawns gain a buff to their skills, and also gain an aura buffing nearby pawns. They have a new "bar" in the Needs tab that is called Leadership. I haven't played too much with it yet, but I think they level up their "leader" skill over time, or by teaching, and as that increases, so do the bonuses.
When looking at the stats for apparel and you see Insulation - Cold -29, does that mean, you can go another 29 degrees colder? Or does it mean your "resistance" against cold is now 29 degrees crappier? I would think that a lot of times, because almost always seeing a negative sign beside a stat, you would think that it's not of benefit to you, but rather a negative! Is it the opposite for hot as well? I'm never really bothered to check or look it up, but I'm sure I can't be the only one that's thought this the first time I saw it. I still don't know the answer to it. I think it would be a lot easier if it just simply said for an item: raise or lower maximum comfortable temperature by x, raise or lower minimum comfortable temperature by x.

Let's look at Flake. On the info it says, "Rest 20%" and "Tiredness x33%". So I'm going to guess that you gain 20% rest? There is no addition sign. Tiredness x33%, does that mean I get put to 33% rest after the first rest boost? No, that can't be it. Maybe I only suffer 33% of my regular rest deterioration rate? Not really sure. I just feel like this information is harder to understand than it should be, because I'm dumber than I should be. I thought that when you click on those numbers, the information box to the right would have some more info for people like me. Also, is the duration for these effects listed anywhere? Bottom line is there is only one bar for Rest, and nothing for "tiredness" and no extra info on it.

It would be really cool if you could work out the numbers to see if how long extra you can afford to keep your pawns up with stimulants, if it is worth the extra work.
Mods / [Mod Request] Cleanliness Items
January 10, 2018, 01:17:35 PM
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me get started on a small cleanliness mod. I saw there is a "Disinfectant Stand" on Steam that adds 20 cleanliness to rooms. I thought this would be a great little idea to expand upon with maybe a couple other small items. I really, really like little small mod added items that go to workshops, kitchens, hospitals, etc. If it is xml only I think I could handle it, and I am willing to try and learn on my own the xml part, I just some help getting started. If anyone knows or could show me how to make any item in the defs add cleanliness to a room or radius, that would be great and I could probably take it from there. I don't think I have any mods that add items like this that I could look at for reference.
General Discussion / Does hopper orientation matter?
January 05, 2018, 09:33:33 AM
Does it matter which way hoppers are facing on the nutrient paste dispenser? Is there a "correct" way that was intended?
I was curious if anyone could whip up something simple like this for me, or point me into the right direction? I don't want to remove those jobs from where they already are though, as I still want my medic bots to be able to feed patients. However, I would like if my hauling bots could also deliver meals as well. If the only solution is that these jobs could only go under hauling and not others (have duplicates), I would be alright with that compromise.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :D

I was wondering if there could be a simple mod that would allow me to insert .png sprites into it to use for pawn's art sculptures. It would be fine if they could all be made of any wood or metal or stone, vanilla like. Just like vanilla statues, small, large, grand, and they would be thrown into the pool of the vanilla statues for a random selection when the statue is made. So everything, even resource cost, is exactly like in vanilla.

Or, if anyone knows of an art sculpture mod that does just like I have envisioned, but uses it's own assets, I could use that. Hypothetically if said mod exists, wouldn't I be able to just paste over the sprites that came with it, with my own, as long as they have the same file name?

Any help anyone could give me, will be greatly appreciated. I hope everyone is getting off to a great new year. Thanks! ;D
Mods / [Simple Mod Edit/Request]
January 02, 2018, 02:41:48 PM
Hello. I'm hoping someone out there could help me, with what I think would be a fairly easy edit to ExtendedStorage. I was wondering if anyone could make a grain silo for storing raw vegetables, that is maybe 2x3 in dimension, but could hold say 10,000 vegetables. I really, really like the way ExtendedStorage handles storing things, with the input slot, and how your resources are always "on the map." I don't want to mess around with something like InfiniteStorage or anything where your stuff exists in a "pocket dimension" and then having to worry about pawns not correctly pulling from them as necessary or any of that mess.

Simply put, all I would like, if possible, is just the grain silo added to ExtendedStorage. Or if anyone could show me how to sort of copy & paste the existing code from that mod for just a new building, that I could create my own parameters (and art, if necessary!) to, that would be absolutely fantastic! If anyone could help me, you will have my everlasting gratitude (whatever that's worth)!!! ;D