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Messages - Red192

In the first patch you mispelled the def name durign the declaration:

[defname = "SmokeleafJoint"]

instead of

[defName = "SmokeleafJoint"]

ok, now i see, UsedThisTick() is also a method from Building_workTable. I guess is called every time someone use it, even if i can't find when this happen.

QuoteIf you can define the ThingClass for the workbench, you can make a derived class that does something like this:

I should define a new class and the thingclass of the workbench, yes, i can do that, but i prefer to have something a bit more reusable.

Quotethen adding a Harmony Postfix() should work:

ok, now i found the wiki page about that, sound interesting, but, since i would add a flag every time someone use a building and that flag come from a mod, would that be a heavy hit for performance?

EDIT: I'm really new to programming, i'm not truly aware of what i'm doing
public virtual void UsedThisTick()
if (this.refuelableComp != null)

it's work just with workbench with refuleable component i guess from here
If I recal it correctly (i'm on my phone rigjt now) usedThisTick () require that the building is flickable and mine isn't  :-\
To be totaly honest, it would better if there is a way to determine exactly when a building is used, and not just reserved. It kind of get lit all alone like is haunted or something.

but for the time being i will fine with it
 ;D ;D ;D

it's worked, thank you
Help / Re: Check if a building is scheduled to be on
September 19, 2019, 01:26:34 PM
Thank You  ;D
I'm new to modding and to c# and i find my self quite overwhelmed. I think it is a simple problem in reality but i wasn't able to figure it out and i'm quite ashamed from it, please be merciful, i'm new.

I tried a bit but i can't find how to define if the building is currently used for bill production or not. Can someone please help me?
Help / Re: Check if a building is scheduled to be on
September 19, 2019, 07:14:44 AM
this.parent.getComp<CompSchedule>().intAllowed ?

I have just begin to modding rimworld, or i'm tring at least, and i'm stuck on find a way to define if a production building is currently used or not
I wrote this for "We're all mad here", but i'm a dummy goat in coding...

Rainbeau, can you please tell me if it is fine?

using System;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;

namespace WAMH_Code
// Token: 0x02000005 RID: 5
public class ThoughtWorker_WAMH2 : ThoughtWorker
// Token: 0x06000005 RID: 5 RVA: 0x00002538 File Offset: 0x00001538
protected override ThoughtState CurrentStateInternal(Pawn p)
bool flag = p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDef.Named("Cannibal"));
ThoughtState result;
if (flag)
result = false;
bool flag2 = p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDef.Named("Kind"));
if (flag2)
result = false;
bool flag3 = p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDef.Named("BleedingHeart"));
if (flag3)
result = false;
bool flag4 = p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDef.Named("Psychopath"));
if (flag4)
result = true;
bool flag5 = !p.story.childhood.DisallowsTrait(TraitDef.Named("Cannibal"), 0) && (p.story.adulthood == null || !p.story.adulthood.DisallowsTrait(TraitDef.Named("Cannibal"), 0));
if (flag5)
float num = 1E-05f;
int level = p.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Social).Level;
num -= (float)level * 5E-07f;
bool starving =;
int num2 = 0;
bool flag6 = starving;
if (flag6)
num2 += 2;
bool flag7 = !starving;
if (flag7)
num2 += 10;
float statValue = StatExtension.GetStatValue(p, StatDefOf.MentalBreakThreshold, true);
bool flag8 = (float)num2 < statValue;
if (flag8)
num += 1E-05f;
bool flag9 = (float)num2 < statValue + 0.05f;
if (flag9)
num += 5E-06f;
bool flag10 = (float)num2 < 0.35f;
if (flag10)
num += 2.5E-06f;
bool flag11 = (float)num2 >= 0.65f;
if (flag11)
bool flag12 = (float)num2 < 0.9f;
if (flag12)
num -= 5E-06f;
num -= 1E-05f;
bool flag13 = p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDef.Named("Abrasive"));
if (flag13)
num += 2.5E-06f;
bool flag14 = p.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDef.Named("Bloodlust"));
if (flag14)
num += 5E-06f;
bool flag15 = Rand.Value < num;
if (flag15)
string text = GenText.CapitalizeFirst(p.Name.ToStringShort) + Translator.Translate("WAMH.NewCannibal.Text");
Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(Translator.Translate("WAMH.NewCannibal.Label"), text, LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, p, null);
p.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDef.Named("Cannibal"), 0, true));
result = false;
return result;
Excuse me, but is the WAMH mod still in development?
I would be very interested if the function that allows pawns to even become cannibals was added.
it's possible? is it scheduled?