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Messages - kclace

Stories / Re: Burnham's Wastelanders
December 26, 2020, 10:21:13 PM
One Year Later...

Bianca was sitting at the same table she had sat with Vance at a year before. This time she was alone with her  thoughts and a roll of lit smoke weed.

Over the last year, the group's wealth and numbers had grown, but she had felt the group's morals slipping. The group used to never indulge in drugs, but after finding a stash of smoke leaf joints, the group had started indulging themselves in the drug liberally. Then there was the decision to start using captured prisoners to work in the mines. It was easy to rationalize, busy prisoners were less likely to escape, but it all seemed like a slippery slope.

She looked at the room that she and Lovell used to share and felt extremely depressed. After a lot of effort, she had found a stash of decent enough medicine to bring Lovell back from crypto sleep and help him fight off the plague. But things were never the same after he woke up. Lovell became paranoid, jealous and abusive. The final straw came after he went beserk and started hitting her. After that, she had broken things off. Lovell had moved on now, unsuccessfully trying to woo the few other women in the colony, and he hadn't challenged her de facto leadership of the group...yet, but they were never going to be friends. From then on he was just another rival.

She also thought about Vance. A few days after Adel had confronted her, Adel found Vance's dead body near a toxic barrel. There was nothing to suggest it was anything other than accidental toxic poisoning, the wastelands could be treachorous like that, but Bianca remained suspicious of Adel, who seemed mostly interested in looking out for himself. She wondered what kind of person he had been when Burnham was a glitter world. No of them ever talked about their old lives much. It was kind of an unspoken rule of the post-apocalypse.

After Vance was found dead, Lucky accused Adel of murdering Vance and then Lucky took off. That bothered Bianca deeply. Being hospitable to guests was something that was extremely important to her. It was what separated this group from the cannibals, fanatics and war criminal, or at least that's what she thought.

Bianca's train of thought was broken when Hannah, a former WIC prisoner turned recruit, came into the dining room.

Hannah: "There's another group of refugees seeking shelter, what should we tell them?"

Stories / Burnham's Wastelanders
December 24, 2020, 08:28:16 AM
Bianca and Vance were huddled around a narrow table within the dimly lit, cramped, steel compound known as "Sludge Island" each picking at a simple meal of potatoes and rice.

Bianca had agreed to let two men, Vance and his friend Lucky stay at the compound for a quadrum or so. After that Vance and his friend planned to move on.

Vance gestured in the direction of the hydroponics room. "This is a nice set up you got here," he said casually.

Bianca looked up from her meal, and slightly adjusted her plasteel helmet before answering. "That took a long time to set up. Before we had it up and running, we almost all starved to death a few times. The soil out here isn't very good for growing crops." Of course Bianca neglected to tell Vance about the many other horrors the inhabitants of the compound had faced over the last year.

Vance nodded in agreement, "Yes, some areas of our world have recovered better than others since the great war ended. Why choose to live out here though?"

Bianca shrugged. "If we lived anywhere else the raids would be much worse. Out here people leave us alone for the most part."

Vance nodded: Well it seems like some kind of order is coming back now. I figure either the Empire or the WIC, Western Industrial Coalition will win out in the end, then it will be back to the good old days of taxes, regulations, prisons, schools, all that nonsense.

Bianca shook her head. "The WIC are militant fanatics. They will do anything to get their hand on atomic weapons. Once that happens, they'll blow themselves up and the Empire along with it just like the nations did before we all went into cryptosleep. That's pretty much why we're out here. There's nothing out here left to bomb.

Vance made a half grin at Bianca. "I guess if you are that much of a pessimist you'll never be disappointed right?"

Bianca nodded. "Pretty much, so what are your plans when spring comes and you're out of here?"

Vance looked around the cramped compound before replying, almost as if he was sizing up what valuables he could steal before he left. "We crossed one of the northern tribes. So we're planning on offering them gifts to get things straight. Once that's settled, we'll probably head back south where it's warmer. Maybe cross this place again in a quadrum or so."

Bianca frowned a little before replying, her face lost in thought as she struggled with opening up the stranger.
"That tribe has been good to us. They buy our raw materials from the mine, and we buy food from them. It's a good arrangement. I wish I could get my hands on some decent medical supplies though. If you come across glitterworld quality stuff, I'd appreciate it if you came back here and sold it to us."

Vance nodded as he sized Bianca up again, picking up at the hints of distress in her voice as she said this. "I can try to do that.  But, if you don't mind me asking, why are you upset about medical supplies?"

Bianca let out a long sigh, "My fiance has the plague. We couldn't adequately take care of him so we sealed him away in a cryptosleep casket.  We can't wake him up without glitterworld medicine or he'll die." She shook her head again. "That was almost a quadrum ago now."

Vance shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear that. We'll do what we can to help." He finished his meal and got up. "Well, guess I better turn in for the night.

Thanks again for having us." Vance retreated to his living quarters that he was sharing with lucky and disappeared from view.

Once that happened, a burly man with long blonde hair, and dressed in a tan parka emerged from his room and stepped into the dining area. His name was Adek and it looked as if he had been eavesdropping on the whole exchange.

"I think he's a liar. Likely try to rob us blind or worse," Adel said a matter of factly.

Bianca shrugged. "We'll find out eventually, but if he can get us the good medicine, we can bring Lovell back."

Adel frowned. "You know those men are marked by the tribe. If we don't take them down, it could jeopardize our trading relationship."

Bianca stood up and raised her voice slightly, still speaking low enough so that Vance wouldn't be able to hear, hopefully.

"You want to just murder them in their sleep? If you want to live like that, you leave this place right now. We're living out here so that we don't have to do stuff like that. We're not murderers!" Bianca stormed out of the dining room, leaving Adel to his murderous thoughts.
Some tweaking of the quests would also be a good thing.

I.E. To have one ally or ranking up with empire should force you to risk your relationships with the other neutral factions.

For example: A quest could make you betray a neutral faction to gain honor and relationship with empire, but if you refuse your relations with the empire goes down.
And vanilla expanded just released mechanoids...

Dang. I guess they'll have to do something else for DLC now.
One simple fix could be that the betrayal occurs during a raid event. Then the player has even less time to react.
He doesn't need to do anything. The MODS can make this game whatever you want to be.

Now that said, it would be cool if they expanded the mechanoids so that 1. They'd have bases and behave like other factions, including the ability to wipe them out and 2. A mechanoid ascendancy victory that involves turning your colonists into cyborgs and being evil.

I'm only saying that because no mod has really done anything close to that. I had previously asked about expanding insectoids, but Vanilla Expanded got to there first.
Stories / Re: Colony Log of the Everglades Settlement
December 09, 2020, 09:43:23 PM
Triumph is a good planet man. I never thought I'd have as much fun as I did with no raids, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. I got to focus on just building up this town. The only thing my pawns had to fear was disease. Sound familiar?

Here are some pics from that settlement.

Stories / Nation of Plasteel
December 05, 2020, 11:21:44 PM
Kim and her on again off again boyfriend Thomas talked in a quiet tone in the empty infirmiry of the Cold Mountain

Colony of toxic rimworld M18467. Beyond the infirmiry was the holding area for prisoners. And within that holding area was a captured hostile mechadroid. Kim had found the damaged machine and brought it back to the holding area, still functioning. This had caused quite a stir in the colony. 

Thomas shook his head as he spoke: "We shouldn't have taken it here. The last time we took in these things as prisoners, they broke loose, grabbed weapons and tried to kill us. We're better off putting it down."

Kim looked toward the door. She knew her two children would be listening in to the conversation from the storage room. She let her mind wander for a moment before answering Thomas.

"I was going to put it down when I saw it, but then it looked up and stared at me. And then it...begged me to spare it. It was probably a trick, but in that moment it seemed human. I'd like to talk to it before we do anything."

Thomas sighed before replying. "It'll just try to manipulate you. But knock yourself out. Yummie will go in there and put it down after you go to sleep anyway."

Kim patted Thomas's shoulder on her way to the door. "I know. But I still want to try. Thanks Tom."

The holding area was a bleak cramped area, which, like the rest of the colony, was carved right into the mountain to shield the colonists from the toxic atmosphere and extreme cold. The injured mechadroid waas laying down on a bed staring up at the mountain ceiling with a blank lifeless stare. It's right foot and left arm were completely shredded from the mortar that had hit the mechanoid when the colonist had shelled the besieging mechadroid position.       

Kim pulled up a wooden stool and slid it close to the bed, keeping one hand on the grip of a small pistol concealed within one of her parka's pockets. Her luciferum enhanced eyes scanned the mechadroid carefully, ever watchful for any sign that the creature intended to escape.

Kim spoke softly but sternly. "Mechadroid, can you hear me?"

After a long moment, a calm machine voice responded. The voice sounded male and calming and seemingly devoid of emotion, similar to the AI assistants on many computer programs. "Yes." Then the creature sat up and stared at her with dimly lit green mechanical eyes, it's face hard and lifeless, betraying no signs of emotion.

Kim nearly stood up when the Mechadroid lurched up, but instead merely leaned back a little in the stool, somewhat surprised.

Kim spoke again. "What are you called?"

"Gravely," the creature replied moments later.

"Ok Gravely, why were you and your friends trying to shell my home with mortars?" Kim asked.

"My purpose is to obey." The strange creature answered.

"Obey who?" Kim asked, pressing further.

"I used to obey humans. Now I obey Makeshift Traitor, the Prime Alpha," the creature answered.

"And this Prime Alpha wants to kill us? asked Kim, somewhat puzzled at the machine's forthcomingness.

"Yes,: Gravely answered. But as he did so his head lowered. The way that Gravely answered this, almost made Kim think it was conveying sadness.

Kim pursed her lips before speaking again, this time with anger in her voice "You and other Mechadroids have attacked my home and tried to kill me and my children. Less than a quadrum ago, one of your Mechadroid buddies gunned down a child right in front of her mother. That mother is still with us and will want to end you soon. Previous prisoner Mechadroids have broken out and tried to kill us. I've got a 100 reasons to dismantle you right now. Why shouldn't I?"

Gravely paused for a long moment before replying in a  halting voice: "Do humans kill other humans?"

Kim frowned. "My husband was killed by humans. What's that have to do with your situation?"

Gravely replied. "Do you kill human prisoners for attacking your people?"

Kim replied angrily and got to her feet now, ready to end the conversation soon. "Not usually, but that's different. You're not human, you're not even alive."

Gravely shook his head. "I believe I am alive."

Kim grabbed her autopistol and pulled it out pointing it at the machine. " would you know something like that?"

Gravely stared blankly at Kim.

"Because I'm afraid to die."

Kim put her pistol away and stormed out the door, feeling conflicted now and conscious that the machine may have been trying to manipulate her. She had wanted to kill the machine on the spot, but after that answer she felt like she couldn't.

The fate of the prisoner would have to wait for another day
Ideas / Re: Suggestion: Mechanoid Sleeper Agents
November 22, 2020, 09:58:46 PM
As long as dogs can sniff out infiltrators I'm game. (You always have to think of a way for players to over come the challenge).  I've been arguing for the same thing for a long time now. I figure some modder will implement eventually.

If you have ever seen the wanderer turned traitor event from Vanilla Events Expanded, that might give you modders an idea of how to code this.
Edit: Since Faction Control can not take out Empire, please do not use Royalty for this campaign.

Update: Custom Scenarios now live:

Update: Custom Scenarios are now live: Choose your side and prepare to fight!
Note: This was also posted in Steam Forums. You can choose to report your battles here  or on steam, just don't post the same battle results in each forum. Results will be totaled up from both threads.


For many centuries, the ice covered rimworld PPV22 has been inhabited solely by nomadic tribes. Now a powerful megacorporation has hired several elite mercenary units to subjugate the tribes so that they can ruthlessly exploit the planet's natural resources for their own gain.

Get Ready for the First Community Rimwar Campaign. Pick a side and prepare to fight. Your actions will influence the outcome of the war and the fate of this rimworld!

How It Works

Start a New Rimrowld Game Using the Following Parameters:


Faction Control
Vanilla Apparel Expanded
Rimwar OR Rimwar Threaded

MOD Settings:

Faction Control: If Playing Outlander, only factions should be Civil Outlander and Savage Tribe. If playing tribal, only factions should be Gentle Tribe and Rough Outlander.

Storyteller: Cassandra Classic, Strive to Survive.
Custom Scenario: Choose Either: The War for PPV22 Outlander, or The War for PPV22 Tribe (Available on Steam Workshop)

Planet  Settings: Slide temperature toward cold two times. (Meaning one away from coldest). Keep the rest of the settings on default.

Reporting Battles and Earning Victory Points (VP).

Starting November 24th at 12:00 AM (Midnight) EST, you can start fighting battles and earning victory points. To report the battle, simply report the combat strength of the enemy you defeated by replying to this thread. For every 100 points of combat strength (rounded down) you defeat, you earn 1 VP for your side. EX: Defeated enemy unit strength 600, will earn your side 6 VP. Please attach either a screenshot of the battle or a short in character narration of the battle.

Reporting will stop on November 29th at 12:00 AM (Midnight) EST

After that I'll total up the VPs forr each side and announce a winner.

Additional Rule: Each player can accumulate up to 5000 VP for their team, but no more. This is a team effort after all.

Reporting Losses: If your colony is wiped out, please report it. Your side will suffer a -50 VP penalty. Then start a new game and keep playing!

Possible Campaign Outcomes: Based on Difference in VPs.

Major Victory: Tribes.
Major Victory: Outlander Mercs.
Minor Victory: Tribes
Minor Victory: Outlander Mercs
Hopeless Stalemate
Stories / Re: Colony Log of the Everglades Settlement
November 07, 2020, 04:37:54 PM
Entry 7: Jared. Hey umm I ust wanted to say it was great being back home for a few days, and ummm. I just wanted to say thank you for supporting my decision to take the new assignment and go interstellar. The corporation has told me that you all will be taken care of, even if you decide to stay on Triumph. They're going to start sending you all vaccines every year so no more flu outbreaks, and if anyone in the town needs anything, you'll have a direct line to the corporate rep here.

Yeah, this was a hard decision for me, but I know it was the right one. The sulfate producing mechanites that our science team has developed is going to be able to help that nearby midworld get their run away green house effect under control. They just need me to make sure the acquisition goes off without a hitch. Flight time is about 50 years, so ummm yeah, I know this means we'll never see each other again, but this is my chance to really make a difference, save a  planet right? Well in any case, thanks again. I hope I didn't disappoint you too much. Alright well off I go. Hope I don't crashland!
Stories / Re: Colony Log of the Everglades Settlement
November 07, 2020, 08:33:59 AM
Historical Archives: Video Log from of Jared Barr to Olyssa Barr and Janus Barr. Dates: Unverified. Occurs over a period of several years.

Entry 1: Jared: Hi Mom, Dad. I made it to the mid-world, and despite what everyone said, I DID NOT crashland anywhere. I'll be starting classes tomorrow. This place is very cold, everything is underground. I can see now why they rely on Triumph for agriculture. They use hydroponics for everything here but you cann never grow enough as we can back home with just hydroponics, there's just not enough room.

Entry 2: Jared: Hi Mom, Dad, sorry you couldn't make the graduation because of the travel restrictions from the latest flu outbreak. But yeah, me and my friends  had a good time celebrating, and I'll be starting an entry level sales position with a branch of SunCorp. They said if I work hard I might have a shot at an executive level position in the core. I'm not going to get ahead of myself though!

Entry 3: Jared: Hi there, umm yeah, work's been really busy. Please tell Stephanie I'm sorry I missed the wedding. I wired her a nice wedding present though. But umm yeah, I'm saving up my leave I should be able to come visit next year. By now.

Entry 4: Jared: Hi again. I'm back on the midworld again. It was great seeing you all and Stephanie, and Vector and everyone else. The town hasn't changed much at all has it? Um hey listen, I know you don't want to move, but now that I'm a citizen here, I can sponsor you both to move here. You should really think about it? The medical care is a lot better here, you'd be comfortable. Well ok, if you don't want to I'll understand.

Entry 5: Jared: Sorry, I wasn't able to make Vector's funeral. Work just got really busy again. Please send Stephanie my condolences. I'll really miss Vector and all his stories about the bug planet. I really wonder though if any of it was true? I guess we'll never know now.

Entry 6: Jared: Mom, Dad, l've been promoted to supervisor now. Thins are really taking off. I've got a bigger place and enough money to set you two up here. Please re-think my offer.
Stories / Re: Under the mountain
November 05, 2020, 09:59:34 PM
Resurrection Serum is pretty hard to get, but from what I've seen, it's best to put a body in a cryptosleep casket to preserve if possible.

My advice. Move on. If you play on a difficult enough level, you're going to take casualties.

Of course, that's the fun of the game. You get to imagine the story of your colony and then you can write it down here if you like.

Maybe these people believe they are entitled to be resurrected and that death is just another curable illness? (A glitterworld belief) Or maybe they just accept death, bury the guy and move on? It's up to you.

Good luck in your service to the Empire!

Stories / Re: Oasis - settling a shallow water island
October 30, 2020, 09:41:59 PM
Keep writing man. We need to build up the rim fiction community here.

I've never surprised what crazy things people can do on rimworld. Building a base out of shallow island? Amazing.

That made me think you might enjoy my latest scenario, Climate Collapse, on Steam Workshop. It uses the Global Warming event from vanilla events expanded and builds a story around it.