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Messages - Aronia

I would really like to play a medieval/fantasy-like scenario. That means, no electricity or anything that comes after, and definitely no firearms. Go to battle with your trusty bow or sword. Build ovens to warm your houses. That sort of thing. And it should be for everyone and not just me. It' easy to switch off the outlanders, but I would like to keep the Empire. And I would like them to wield bows like everyone else, and definitely not to wear cataphract armour.
But together with that, I want a lot more Medieval tech than there is now. Ovens that would need to be refueled less often than campfires. A variety of weapons. Ways to store food without freezing (I mean, pemmican is always an option, but it's not exciting to stick to pemmican alone). Prosthetic body parts that would be at least a bit better than peg legs.
What mods would you recommend to build up such a playthrough?
Releases / Re: Alien Vs Predator
February 05, 2020, 01:00:20 PM
So, is it actually possible to remove a facehugger from a host?
I mean, I saw the operation, I even tried doing that once, buuuut... then I saw that "deep sleep" hediff, and my other pawns continued to attack the host. The pawn tab said "Attacking Facehugger". I suppose the operation was not really successful. Either that or the facehugger was still alive and somewhere around, and I just didn't see it.
So, what are the chances of success? Are they even above zero? I'm not too great at the film lore, but according to the films, they shouldn't be, right?

The mod is great. Not that I'm much of a fan of the universe, but it fits wonderfully into the RimWorld setting, and it's so well done, too.
Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
February 04, 2020, 08:58:54 AM
Quote from: Canute on February 04, 2020, 03:59:02 AM
So far i remember, when you cast a spell that is over x% over your current max. mana you will get the sickness.
Uh, you mean castimg spells that cost more than the maximum mana I have? How is that even possible? I mean, you need to actually have enough mana to cast a spell, right?
Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
February 03, 2020, 05:31:33 PM
Thanks so much for the mod, it's marvelous. Currently playing a low-tech tribal playthrough with almost everyone in my colony being a mage or fighter.

Just a couple questions here. I notice that one of my pawns (a pacifist fire mage, she was like that when she joined us) is constantly getting mana sickness. She has even died of it once; I reloadeed the save. No one else seems to get it. She is in fact keeping a magical cooler, a sun light and a Ray of Hope all at once, but it's not like she's the only one with a load like that. Is there some kind of condition that makes some pawns more likely to get mana sickness than others?
(A side note — would be cool to get a letter about mana sickness, like the ones we get with other diseases.)

My other question is about the technomancer. So, I have the techno-bit enabled, and when he's mining or something, I can sometimes see the sparks created by it. But I was never able to find what exactly the techno-bit is doing. Where can I look for that information?

Thank you!
Mod bugs / Re: Caravans & pods not moving
January 26, 2020, 03:11:46 PM
Quote from: SpaceDorf on January 26, 2020, 12:08:12 PM
Can you return to your colony when clicking onto Pawns in the colony?
Yes, I can. In fact, everything but the caravans works all right. I can even use caravans if I turn on DevMode — after the "travel instantly" command the map loads like normal, and I can reform and all.

Quote from: SpaceDorf on January 26, 2020, 12:08:12 PM
I caused this problem myself though, by editing my savegame without backup and had a vastly different modlist than you and the problems did not occur in earlier savegames.
I never edited my saves. By the way, one solution I googled included deleting certain lines from the savefile, but the phrase that was mentioned there was not found in my savefile.
Mod bugs / Caravans & pods not moving
January 26, 2020, 11:31:50 AM
Hello everyone. I'm not sure if this is a mod bug, but I do use quite a few mods, so I suspect some kind of incompatibility issue.
What's happening: my caravans get stuck on exit from the colony and won't move. Same with transport pods, they just hover over my colony.
Yes, it's daytime, the caravans are not overloaded, and the destination is set. They switch between resting and moving like normal, the tab on the left shows time to destination, only they are not moving. And looks like they are not eating either, they have food but just go into starvation once the needs hit the bottom.

Simultaneously, the UI somehow disappears entirely from my world map. I can move it around and zoom in/out, but I can only actually do something when I zoom it in to the maximum. Otherwise, I can only see the map itself, and it doesn't even react on clicking, either left or right.

Both problems began at the same moment, so I assume it's actually two parts of the same glitch.
Both problems continue to appear in the earlier saves (created before I encountered the issue).

I have googled a bit and found a few topics about similar problems, but most of them give no solution and are just full of the same typical questions, like whether it's daytime or has a destination been set for the caravan. I did find a couple solutions, but those didn't work for me.

My output log is here:

Would be really grateful for any advice on the topic.
Thank you!
Yup, machine guns are an insane overkill. They just destroy everything in sight. Taking on a psychic ship single-handedly? Why not, we have machine guns now! That's probably true for the other weapons in this mod, too, but I can only speak for what I've tried myself.
I also gave them to two of my pawns as weapons and found out that I couldn't unequip them. The "drop the weapon" command just does nothing, and if I try to equip a different gun, the pawn just picks it up and... and... the weapon disappears! The machine gun stays equipped.
You know what wuld be cool? An integration with Giddy-up!Caravans. So that the person outside the vehicle (required to avoid the Everyone is downed error) could be loaded inside by assigning them to "mount" the car.
Mods / [Request] Home Area tweaks
January 15, 2020, 12:34:51 PM
Hello everyone. If a mod like this exists, I would really like to know where. If not, it would be cool if someone made one.
Haven't you ever thought that the whole "home area" system is kinda... not great?
I mean, I'd really like my pawns to extinguish fires all around the map. Especially when I'm playing on a forest biome where wildfires can be pretty devastating. Of course, my buildings are a priority, but ignoring wildfires altogether?
When I load a transport pod, I would also like to be able to put there anything from anywhere around the map.
On the other hand, I don't want my pawns to do the cleaning all around the map, because why the hell even do that.
All of this makes me constantly expand my home area, then shrink it back.
I would like a mod that would define firefighting and cleaning zones differently. Someone has probably modded that already, right?
A quick addition to my previous post about my chameleon Elder.
Since I wrote it, I carried off two diableries, you see. One for each of my vampires. And again, everything is fine with the Tremere girl. Wow, she's awesome now. I saw her kill five scythers, alone, in close combat, without even using any skills.
The other one, though, just became an Elder again after the first reload.

And yes, a question regarding another mod. I'm using the Children&Learning, and just now one of my couples had a baby. The parents were both human, but the child turned out to be an Elder Thing. o_O Is that some king of lore, or is it just a glitch?
Releases / Re: [1.0] Cargo Pod Transport
March 01, 2019, 09:49:25 PM
Found out what I stated in the previous post only works like that with my vampire, it's all right with humans. So it must be some interference between these mods, not a glitch of the cargo pod mod itself.
Sorry then. I guess I can actually manage this, so it isn't much of an issue.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Cargo Pod Transport
February 20, 2019, 11:35:13 PM
Okay, here's my issue with this.
First of all, should say this is great, it lets my vampires actually travel at all. If you don't name being carried around in coffins traveling of course.
But. When I order my colonists  to load it, they don't lod the items first and then enter. Instead, they just enter and wait for the cargo to crawl there on its own. Basically not an issue while starting your way from the colony, as there are other pawns who can carry the cargo. But on returning home — well, yes, it is an issue.
Could build a second one, of course, so I can load a colonist in each, but that does sound a bit too complicated.
Okay, this modpack is positively my favourite right now. Especially that vampire mod, I'm always in the market for some vampirism.)
But it also throws one of the most curious glitches ever. Sorry if I'm not the first to speak of this.
Right now, I've got two vampires in my settlement. One is an Elder Tremere girl I started with (Vampire scenario, Prepare Carefully mod). Nothing's wrong with her. The other one, also an Elder, I got through capture and recruitment. Well, every time I load a save, he gets a new bloodline. I chose his skills when he was a Gangrel, and those remained with him when he was a Gargoyle, a Tremere, a Nosferatu. Until I chose a single new one while he was a Ventrue. Well, now that Ventrue one is the only one that remains through all his reincarnations.
Game version 1.0.2059. Non-Steam.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Orassans 🐱
October 24, 2018, 02:53:56 AM
Oh! Oh, sorry. Noob questions detected.)
So many things in this game yet to be understood.
Thank you, Diana!
Releases / Re: [B19] Orassans 🐱
October 24, 2018, 01:07:26 AM
So I searched through the topic but didn't seem to find anything. Tell me if I was just bad at searching, please.
I've finished a quest and got an Orassan exoskeleton helmet as a reward. Nice-looking, nice stats, wow. But then I found out that no one of my colonists (humans and raccs) is willing to wear it. I even told some of them to force wear it (three times, I believe). They don't seem to get any moodlets from it, positive or negative, but as soon as I hit the "clear forced" button, they just remove it and put on whatever else I have instead. I've even seen one colonist remove it and stay with no headgear. I had to sell it in the end.
I'm playing B18 for now, did not update yet because I don't want to re-download all those mods. Is this the expected behaviour, though? Is Orassan armour fit for Orassans only?