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Messages - BelligerentDrunk

Ideas / Re: Colony Religion
November 07, 2018, 11:11:28 PM
This seems like a really big and complicated mechanic to add into the game with the current level of content it has. Not to mention that pretty much everything would become about religion at that point. It does sound like a good basis for a mod though in my opinion.
Ideas / Re: Reworking sexuality.
November 06, 2018, 12:10:29 PM
I'm not trying to start any arguments as I'd prefer that this entire thread stay on topic. Nor was I trying to be hostile. Cold, perhaps; but merely because I felt it was unnecessary to basically say "I don't know why you do this but I just want to make sure you know that I don't approve." Maybe that's not what they were trying to say, but to me that's how it came off.

It's pretty easy to deduce the fact that I like to have a gay couple or potential couple is because I am gay myself and it makes me feel a little more included, especially in a game where relationships are a factor, and in my opinion a pretty big one; as mechanically it can outright eradicate most pawns mental breaks, within reason.
Ideas / Re: Reworking sexuality.
November 05, 2018, 02:22:54 PM
In regards to intent and agenda, despite being a homosexual man myself, the point of this suggestion is to allow gay colonists access to their full 3 traits instead of always being confined to 2 or even 1 that actually add a mechanic to the gameplay.

I agree that seeing bisexual and asexual pawns would be a positive improvement story wise. But as for this post, purely about how gay colonists miss out on traits.
Ideas / Re: Reworking sexuality.
November 05, 2018, 01:21:24 PM
Quote from: davidblackberry1 on November 05, 2018, 02:23:37 AM
I'm not going to even ask why you are modeling gay families in a space survival game.

Currently, sexuality appears to be part of the trait system, what you are asking would require that sexuality be made into its own system. That being said, there are lots of systems I'd like to see in the game before one devoted specifically to sexual orientation. Robotics would be nice.

Then I'm not sure why you even had to make that statement, and what does it being a space survival game even have to do with it?

And no, currently only Homosexuality is a part of the trait system, as heterosexuals do not need their own trait to be defined as such. This is the whole point of the post. And I'm also pretty sure that an entire robotics system would be much more work to implement over removing the gay trait and adding a little tab on the pawns bio that says Sexuality: Heterosexual/Homosexual.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
October 29, 2018, 01:38:00 PM
Potatoes turning poor soil into rich soil over time. It would be a nice little mechanic, especially for obtaining rich soil in biomes where it cannot be found. Perhaps also so that Potatoes don't have to be grown in solely rich soil after some time, rich soil also deteriorates with the harvesting of other plants.

Ideas / Re: Slavery
October 29, 2018, 09:33:19 AM
Check out the Prison Labor mod, pretty much adds just what you're looking for. You'll also want to use the creators Lock mod too which will allow you to restrict which doors your prisoners can use.
Ideas / Reworking sexuality.
October 27, 2018, 06:03:05 PM
I love the fact that I have the chance for gay colonists, and to be honest I usually use the Prepare Carefully mod to create a gay couple straight off the bat in some games. But what irks me slightly is that being Gay in itself is a trait.

Now, where I'm going with this is that for me to have a gay couple, those 2 pawns have the inability for any more than 2 traits that will actually effect them; mechanically, that is. Not only this, but by clumping the Gay trait in with the others, it also makes it a bit harder to find others with said trait, especially those of the same gender, which makes it quite hard to find a partner for your gay pawn if you only start with one of them, especially when you take into account their gender.

I think adding in a Sexuality to the pawn's Bio rather than having it as a trait would work a lot better, at least in my opinion. Of course it would still be uncommon to come across one, but I feel it would give your lonely Gay pawn a higher chance of finding a partner in the harsh rim world. Not to mention they, as previously stated, would have the opportunity of being graced with three traits over two.

(And yes, I am aware the Prepare Carefully mod allows you to add as many traits as you want, but I consider that cheating. Atleast more than using the mod is.)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
October 24, 2018, 08:20:47 AM
While I haven't seen Tynan reply to this one yet, I have seen quite a few people suggest it, so I thought I'd give my idea on it; Lighting.

You could say I'm a little obsessive compulsive when it comes to base building, architecture is a big selling point for me in games and it really ruffles my feathers when everything isn't 'just right'. So you could probably imagine how much it drives me up the walls that the only in game lighting is a lamp you can place on the floor.

Firstly, overhead lights. I think this would really be quite simple to implement, either select an overhead light from the furniture menu or a "Install Light" tile in the Zones menu. Simply place the light on whichever roofed tile you want it on, and bang, you've got a light source that doesn't take up space or look unsightly. The actual light itself (and wire) would be invisible, but when you open up the power menu, it will display a little circle that indicates the light source, and a cable indicating what power source/conduit it's connected to.  (Like with existing electronics in game when selecting the power menu.) Also, it would cost the same amount of steel as a standard light.

Secondly, it would also be good to have the ability to put existing lamps onto tables/end tables and such. Perhaps doing so gives you a small bonus to beauty.

I understand that the first suggestion is a lot less "cheaper" than the second. But I would really, really like to see it implemented in a future update. The current lighting system makes me want to pull my teeth out.