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Messages - account13123

Releases / Re: [1.0] Miscellaneous w MAI+Robots
June 06, 2019, 08:57:42 PM
Extra useful in combination with
put a few targets in talking distance and colonists will sometimes swap tricks of other trades as well while they shoot
I think I'm going to try again with this

I just didn't expect my scrubs to teleport out of my locked surgery unit and onto some random hauler just because I hadn't spent hours setting up outfits
This sounded nice, I use the weapon crate mod and expected it to be like that, simple storage and retreival of apparel without sprawling warehouses of the stuff, plus some convenient maintenance.

I installed it and built one and as soon as my haulers loaded it all ten of my colonists started randomly changing clothes to ones I didn't want them to wear like dropping thrumbofur dusters for slow heavy flak jackets, even people out on caravan were having clothes magically teleport- generally speaking, ones I didn't want changed

I wish I could have the box and mender without any of the changes to or enforcement of outfits or anything, that's a huge headache
Quote from: Mercurio on May 31, 2019, 07:22:07 PM

if i remember correctly there is an option to 'only draw headwear when drafted' in the Mod options

Can confirm, I use it for exactly this
I want all of my food in the storage that's been designated for it for the same reason I don't want colonists randomly carrying wood or steel "just in case." Every one of my colonists clings to a spare meal like a teddy bear. I want them to stop.

Having searched for more than an hour growing ever more frustrated, let me tell you that a number of people have asked this exact thing for years on here, on steam, on reddit, and so on- and every such thread received 100% off topic replies. In the context of that ludicrous fact I'm forced to add a similarly ludicrous preface here. Please do not respond with:

  • opinions on how to build tables or design bases
  • opinions on how to manage colonists' mood
  • opinions on why I shouldn't be allowed to want this
  • anything else that doesn't specifically advance or support the stated goal of the title
Furthermore, I am aware that Combat Extended or whatever technically does this- I am not going to install a mod that completely changes the balance and mechanics of the game and conflicts with several of the mods I'm already using just to alter 1 misbehavior nor do I want to micromanage the exact contents of every colonists' pockets, that's clearly far out of scope.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Toggles
May 30, 2019, 12:24:54 PM
Releases / Re: [1.0] SimpleSidearms (1.3.2)
May 30, 2019, 12:23:45 PM
Toggles seems to terribly break SS's settings menu, causing an infinite error loop(pasted below). But there didn't really seem to be evidence of it ingame- basically the game seems *playable* with both mods installed but in the background stuff is going very wrong and who knows what might happen.

The errors:
Exception filling window for HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_ModSettings: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Toggles.Patches.Widgets_Patch.Prefix (string&) <0x00056>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Widgets.Label_Patch1 (UnityEngine.Rect,string) <0x00023>
at HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_ModSettings.DrawHandleEntry (HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle,UnityEngine.Rect,single&,single) <0x00a36>
at HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_ModSettings.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect) <0x00b95>
at Verse.Window/<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (int) <0x00882>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

Mouse position stack is not empty. There were more calls to BeginScrollView than EndScrollView. Fixing.
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

repeated in that order forever.
General Discussion / Re: Minor Plants- stats?
May 25, 2019, 01:25:13 PM
I tested it myself. See results here:
Test case 3 due to attachment size limits.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I made a thread asking about this and nobody could reply substantially, so I spent a couple hours this morning and did some testing.

Some generalizations:
Tall Grass and Brambles are not functionally different.
Negative terrain under contiguous plant cover doesn't slow pawns down further.
Plants do not have "clamber," unlike stone chunks.

Notice in test 1, lane 13 is identical to 9-11. With the lack of clamber, we can say that walk speed in marshy soil is equal to walk speed in brambles.
Notice in test 2, Lane 11 and 2 are equal. Grass and soil are both 87%.
Notice in test 2, lanes 12 and 7 are equal. Berry bushes and marsh are both 30%.

A newborn(5% grown) plant and a fully mature one have the same walk speed.

The exact walk speed of bushes is 30%.
   - Needs testing for alternating bush/trees if possible.

The exact walk speed of tall grass and bramble is 46%, equal to marshy soil.
   - The answer to my original question. Less effective than alternating chunks but free in materials and labor, so sometimes worth it after all.

The exact walk speed of grass is 87%, equal to soil.
   - There's no point removing normal grass from soil, stony soil, rich soil etc.

The walk speed of trees is approximately 10%, but they cannot be grown in a solid row. The walk speed of alternating trees is approximately 15%.
   -Compared to chunks, trees give half the cover and impede movement around twice as much, making a corridor of alternating trees technically superior to one of alternating chunks, as long as they don't burn down. Obviously requires major planning ahead and fire control systems, but frees up stone supplies.

Speaking of fire control systems, I forgot firefoam. It might interact with some of these cases.

Code (Test Setups) Select
13 identical pawns, 4.6 c/s ms, 29m test lanes
# test speed if known

-- Baseline Lanes --
1 Concrete 100
2 Soil 87
3 Chunk on concrete
4 Sand 76
5 Mud 52
6 Chunk alt concrete
7 Marsh 30
8 Chest Move Water 22

-- Test Lanes 1 --
9 Tall Grass Soil
10 Bramble Soil
11 TGrass Marshy
12 Bramble Alt Soil
13 Bramble Alt Marsh

-- Test Lanes 2 --
9 tgrass soil
10 poplar trees
11 grass
12 bbush
13 bbush alt

-- Test Lanes 3 --
9 poplar
10 pop alt
11 oak
12 "baby" poplar
13 "baby" tall grass

My game is modded to hell, but I don't think anything changes movement speed. I also likely made some sort of mistake. Feel free to try to falsify these results or test further. Feel free to put this on the wiki if I don't get around to it.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I'm fiddling with the HUD and I can't find an element or stat that will tell me whether a creature is pregnant or not. Is that possible?
General Discussion / Re: Minor Plants- stats?
May 24, 2019, 11:32:33 AM
Quote from: Kirby23590 on May 23, 2019, 01:31:12 PMWhat i'm trying to say is cut the grass and bramble to avoid them slowing your pawns down if you fell like they are slowing you down...

This is not a question about basic gameplay. I don't need to be told how or why to remove plants.

Quote from: Kirby23590 on May 23, 2019, 01:31:12 PMBut i don't think they make good alternatives to barbwires...

Without knowing their effects, it's impossible to say whether they're good for any given purpose, or how they compare to any other thing at that purpose.
Found a little misbehavior caused by another mod. With Fahrenheit and Celsius installed, temperature readouts are changed to show both scales: -40C[-40F]. RPGSI doesn't anticipate people changing the temperature text, so it only has room to display the minimum. Screenshot attached.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I've accidentally verified something very important.
You can, in fact, play horseshoes through an embrasure.  ;D

Uh, nevermind the blood. A rhinoceros had a series of unfortunate hunting accidents.

[attachment deleted due to age]
General Discussion / Re: Minor Plants- stats?
May 23, 2019, 01:15:59 AM
Quote from: Kirby23590 on May 23, 2019, 12:44:43 AM
So yeah, either cut them with plant cutting to avoid it making it slow down your pawns... And of course preventing them when there's fire...

It's really small, and they should die off in winters or in cold snaps when the snow comes around...

I'm not sure you understand what's being discussed. Here's a hint: