Started by hector212121, March 23, 2015, 11:15:55 AM

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Let's say 20 steel, and increase the range of firefighting to 4 tiles.

That way you can actually... Put out fires on generators.


I agree with this but there would be one issue, they would probably have to carry one around with them like a weapon. hehe freeze your enemy's to death!



Skullywag already made one! :)  It is the top item here -


Widely requested/suggested. I imagine it'll be a thing at some point.

I'd also like to see room-wide gaseous fire suppression systems utilising inert gases like Argon. They could have their own dangers (incapacitation/death due to exposure, risk of pressurised tank explosion due to tank integrity compromised by fire, etc.) but would mean some form of automatic fire protection. Could be routed to rooms using pressurised pipes and would activate automatically if a fire is detected in the room. Gas would be released from a valve (think sprinkler) and spread through the room, suffocating the fire but also suffocating colonists if they don't get out in time (they could actively avoid rooms with the gas if there's another route.
<insert witty signature here>


+1 to fire extinguishers in vanilla game
"Someone who is making anywhere from $300,000 to $750,000, that's middle class."  - Frederick Heineman

Bradicus Prime

Did any of you guys play Evil Genius?

There were fire extinguisher boxes you put on a wall. During a fire your henchmen would grab the nearest fire extinguisher and run toward the fire. It was the only way to stop things from burning. I would imagine something like that instead of taking up a weapon slot.


Quote from: hyperkiller on March 23, 2015, 11:21:34 AM
I agree with this but there would be one issue, they would probably have to carry one around with them like a weapon. hehe freeze your enemy's to death!

Agreed, or pawns could automatically pick up nearby fire extinguishers when they go fight a fire. That would encourage players to strategically position them around their bases.


One problem. Mods are not vanilla Rimworld.

Fruit loops

The guy who suggested the mood debuff for harvesting prisoner organs.


You don't understand.


This belongs IN vanilla.