[W|0.11.834] <deadfall traps treated as 'ranged' for Personal Shields>

Started by kahlzun, July 17, 2015, 08:42:54 AM

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As discussed here: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14507.15

What I expect to see: Melee damage (from triggered deadfall) penetrating personal shield & causing damage.
What is observed: Shield is depleted before injury is caused.

Essentially, when someone wearing a personal shield triggers a deadfall trap, they are not injured unless the shield is depleted. The trap will damage the shield as if it was a ranged attack, however it does not penetrate as you would expect (as a point-blank melee attack should).
The save below has a shielded pirate trapped in a maze of deadfall traps and fleeing (dev tools were used to create the scenario. All mods are deactivated in this save).
He has not yet stepped on his first trap, but is about to.

I was unable to find this bug previously reported on Mantis or the forums.

(Unable to attach save, file is 849 kB, forum only allows maximum of 600 kB)

world+save zip available here:
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