Animal issues

Started by Muramas, August 23, 2015, 12:44:09 PM

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I been playing around and I found a few issues with animals.

#1 - Boat Mating? : I tried to mate two boars (male and female ) and they have been around for over a year and they still have not produced any offspring. I don't know if there is a way to speed this process up or if it is broken with them because I got some chickens and they started asap.

#2 - Egg issues : When I started to lay chicken eggs and they were fertilized my pawns would take them, put them into the kitchen and start stacking them...which was quite annoying because it kept making the time they will hatch longer but then they suddenly disappeared. I think an animal or my pawns were eating them even though I had cooking off...

To work around this I made a small 1x1 room locked with a door and a pawn would put 1~2 eggs in it and I would lock the door and it worked.

I highly suggest that fertilized eggs have a stack size of 1 and you turn them off of being food.

#3 What are you eating?! : During the A12 video Tynan said that animals can graze outside but I found no real way of controlling their diet & which food is being used to tame/train animals. It would be nice to have a trough for animals so I can fill it with "animal food" such as the stacks and stacks of hay they never eat.


Fertilized Eggs, stacked in the kitchen/freezer, still hatch, as one mass group.... they stack to 20, and you will get 20 chicks all running out of the kitchen when it happens...

Cold/frozen eggs should never hatch.

Fertilized eggs NEED to be food. I have a one cell stockpile set to critical in my chicken coup area, just for fertilized eggs, and that stock pile is outside of the radius of the cook stove... all other eggs get turned into simple meals, only takes 2 eggs to make a full meal.

One simple meal bill on the cook stove is set to forever, with eggs as the only ingredient.

My chickens are very happy eating the wild natural grass....

I do have again a 1 cell under a roof, stockpile, for hay at the edge of the chicken coup area. They also eat that.