[Mod request] Remove snow move speed penalty

Started by Aristocat, September 12, 2015, 11:36:16 AM

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I love snow but move speed penalty make game tedious.


Does anyone know where should I touch? It seems snow is not in terrainDefs and I can't find it anywhere.


I think it is hard-coded in Pawn_PathFollower class on DLL file so you cannot remove this penalty without fixing it. 

Fluffy (l2032)

its hardcoded in SnowUtility actually, which is probably called from the pather and all sorts of other places. Sorry, not a simple mod, and likely to conflict with many things.


How about making snow boots, snow remover and tile that don't be stacked snow? Is it good enough?


WHAT? Sorry picard, not now... I'm not a magic stick and I'm doing other work. I just suggested the idea and the idea never checked how to implement.


No-snow tile will be easily implemented. Just make new tile that TerrainDef.holdSnow value is false.

Snow boots... I have no idea how to implement.
Snow remover... Need a lot of work.

This is example of no-snow tile. I just add <holdSnow>false</holdSnow> code in metal tile. You can find it in Core/Defs/TerrainDefs. This example is not tested so you need to test it. Good luck, Aristocat! I believe you can do this with picard.

  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>metal tile</label>
    <Description>Metal tiles, for that spaceship look. Pretty, but labor and material-intensive.</Description>
    <color>(0.369, 0.369, 0.369)</color>


Quote from: BBream on September 15, 2015, 05:23:35 AM
No-snow tile will be easily implemented. Just make new tile that TerrainDef.holdSnow value is false.

Snow boots... I have no idea how to implement.
Snow remover... Need a lot of work.

This is example of no-snow tile. I just add <holdSnow>false</holdSnow> code in metal tile. You can find it in Core/Defs/TerrainDefs. This example is not tested so you need to test it. Good luck, Aristocat! I believe you can do this with picard.

  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>metal tile</label>
    <Description>Metal tiles, for that spaceship look. Pretty, but labor and material-intensive.</Description>
    <color>(0.369, 0.369, 0.369)</color>

It's working!