Restricting (not forbidding!) items from individual pawns (e.g. fertile eggs)

Started by LittleGreenStone, December 07, 2015, 03:55:35 PM

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It's quite a headache trying to make my handlers not use fertilized eggs as a taming tool, not one method I thought of so far was free of extra micro management (TL;DR at the end).

1) If eggs are laid outside of the home zone, they're forbidden by default, but then colonists cannot interact with these items at all.
If laid outside (of an enclosed, roofed building), carry them under roof for them not to degrade and vanish, or be eaten by wild animals before hatching is a must.
Inside a building or out, in the end certain pawn-related automatic features (such as cleaning or putting out fires) are disabled, leaving the need for more micro management...

2) If eggs are laid inside of the home zone, they're unforbidden, and so tamers just feed them to animals.

3) Restrict handlers from that zone; handlers are responsible for training (or just slaughtering) chosen animals, but most I had are capable of  hauling (eggs, hay, animal corpses) and cleaning; completely forbidding them to go anywhere near the egg-laying animals' zone leaves me with more micro management, and possibly more problems:
If I want pawns to tame animals in the same zone, I can't,
and since pawns are usually capable of multiple things (see above, hauling), restricting them from the animals' zone increases the workload of non-restricted non-handlers.

4) Allowed zone, but not "home zone";
Eggs are forbidden which is good, but if this zone is outside, the same degrading issue comes up,
but even inside, colonists' auto-features (putting out fires, for example) are disabled still.

Perhaps there are many more problems and/or options, but I'm tired of thinking about it, so here's the general idea/suggestion and


Restricting colonist(s) to use certain types of things (like forbidding them to wear certain kinds of apparel) would be great when it comes to animal husbandry, for example.
Not only would it save fertile eggs from handlers, but often meat is hard(er) to get than anything green, so again, tamers giving meat to an omnivore is but a waste.

Other applications of this feature would include (but probably not limited to) anything pawns otherwise use automatically (consumables) to be preserved; selling beer or other things would become much more profitable.


I haven't noticed tamers feeding eggs to animals in my own games, but I do think I can help you.

Tamers keep using fertile eggs to tame animals.

1. All colonists take whatever resource is closest.
2. Tamers pick up animal feed when they are simultaneously:
    2.1. Out of animal feed
    2.2. Starting a taming job
3. These situations are most likely in the following 4 scenarios:
    3.1. Tamer just woke up
    3.2. Tamer just finished eating
    3.3. Tamer just trained an animal in your animal area
    3.4. Tamer is outside of your base taming a wild animal

Construct a hatchery that is not near any of the following:
1. Tamer's bedroom
2. Dining room
3. Animal area
4. Where The Wild Things Are

Then you can have it in your home zone with all the benefits that brings.


Quote from: Regret on December 07, 2015, 05:14:03 PM
I haven't noticed tamers feeding eggs to animals in my own games, but I do think I can help you.

Tamers keep using fertile eggs to tame animals.

1. All colonists take whatever resource is closest.
2. Tamers pick up animal feed when they are simultaneously:
    2.1. Out of animal feed
    2.2. Starting a taming job
3. These situations are most likely in the following 4 scenarios:
    3.1. Tamer just woke up
    3.2. Tamer just finished eating
    3.3. Tamer just trained an animal in your animal area
    3.4. Tamer is outside of your base taming a wild animal

Construct a hatchery that is not near any of the following:
1. Tamer's bedroom
2. Dining room
3. Animal area
4. Where The Wild Things Are

Then you can have it in your home zone with all the benefits that brings.

Boar woke up and consumed eggs for those were closer than hay. Boars are now in a separate pastry, which took time and resources to build.
Handler finished carrying hay for the chicks, decided to train a boar next, picked up eggs. Moved hatchery to another location, which took time and resources to build.
Handler finished carrying fertile eggs to the remote hatchery, decided to train a boar next, picked up eggs.


While I'm grateful for your suggestions (I really am!), none of these roundabout ways are anywhere near perfection. That's why I'm here, suggesting this feature to make it perfect and user friendly. :)


i've noticed at least for chicken eggs, you can just leave them outside and they'll hatch before they deteriorate completely

Solar System Colonist

What about, instead of forbidding the item from the pawn, forbid it from the task?

That way, tamers can still haul the eggs, but they won't use them for taming, so it solves your problem... and at the same time, it's consistent with bills, where we already can forbid item usage.


i've never run into this problem, even with 30 pawns, 30 boars and 50 chickens


food stockpile closer to anything than the eggs are:

- chickens have their own barn. hens and roosters separated. each chicken room has their own food stockpile
- rest of animals also have own barn, even further away than chickens. also with own stockpile
- colonists have kitchen, fridge and overall food access closer than animals or eggs

so what happens?
- animals eat from their assignated food stockpile instead eating the eggs. they do actully haul the eggs, but not eat them
- colonists pick up food from the fridge, including the food they use for taming/training

that being said, i have so many chickens, that losing a few eggs wouldn't be a problem at all.

so, i think your problem could be worked around with some clever zoning and positioning of where your animals are.

but well if they implement something like the OP asks for, i guess that would be welcome too.