Can animals sleep in colonist's room?

Started by Avarice, October 21, 2015, 03:41:00 PM

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If I place a sleeping spot in it's master's room, will it annoy the colonist like another human sleeping there?

Haven't played since the animal updates, firing up the game again...just keeps getting better. :)


That's a good question.  I have them outside the room.  You can also change the bed type by right clicking on it.  They have some comfy looking beds ;p

I think if its not there a suggestion would be animals in room give security bonus to mood.  Like a positive happy bonus.  So if they don't have an animal they get nothing but if they do have one sleeping in the same room they get the bonus.


Quote from: facc00 on October 21, 2015, 03:46:02 PM
That's a good question.  I have them outside the room.  You can also change the bed type by right clicking on it.  They have some comfy looking beds ;p

I think if its not there a suggestion would be animals in room give security bonus to mood.  Like a positive happy bonus.  So if they don't have an animal they get nothing but if they do have one sleeping in the same room they get the bonus.

Perhaps there could be a trait "Animal Adorer" and "Animal Loathing" giving a bonus.
"The only time you have too much fuel on board is when you are on fire."


Yes you can have the animals sleep in the colonist room. The colonist will not get a negative mood thought from the animal entering and leaving the room.  It does reduce the open space in the room, which affects the space thoughts.


Historically speaking, animals sleeping in people room was commonplace in cold environment, but "animal" heat is not implemented in the game. Also because it would transform a 20 people barrack into a sauna.
"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."
    Harlan Ellison


Quote from: Wex on October 22, 2015, 10:54:33 AM
Historically sleeping, animals sleeping in people room was commonplace in cold environment, but "animal" heat is not implemented in the game. Also because it would transform a 20 people barrack into a sauna.
Body heat with the right balancing would make the game tons better though.

Also, make heat not insta-disappear. When my 300+ degrees room opens a door to the outside, i want the area just beyong the  door opening to be warmer for at least a little while.

That would make flamethrower rooms an option :D


Quote from: Regret on October 23, 2015, 01:42:31 PM
Quote from: Wex on October 22, 2015, 10:54:33 AM
Historically sleeping, animals sleeping in people room was commonplace in cold environment, but "animal" heat is not implemented in the game. Also because it would transform a 20 people barrack into a sauna.
Body heat with the right balancing would make the game tons better though.

Also, make heat not insta-disappear. When my 300+ degrees room opens a door to the outside, i want the area just beyong the  door opening to be warmer for at least a little while.

That would make flamethrower rooms an option :D

I think the way heating is computed right now is more or less a yes or no equation. Room is enclosed = heatable. Room open to outside = unheatable. In order to do what you're suggesting, heat would have to be calculated per cell ( unless a work around is figured out ) which would lag the game to oblivion.


Quote from: Loki88 on October 23, 2015, 01:54:20 PM
Quote from: Regret on October 23, 2015, 01:42:31 PM
Quote from: Wex on October 22, 2015, 10:54:33 AM
Historically sleeping, animals sleeping in people room was commonplace in cold environment, but "animal" heat is not implemented in the game. Also because it would transform a 20 people barrack into a sauna.
Body heat with the right balancing would make the game tons better though.

Also, make heat not insta-disappear. When my 300+ degrees room opens a door to the outside, i want the area just beyong the  door opening to be warmer for at least a little while.

That would make flamethrower rooms an option :D

I think the way heating is computed right now is more or less a yes or no equation. Room is enclosed = heatable. Room open to outside = unheatable. In order to do what you're suggesting, heat would have to be calculated per cell ( unless a work around is figured out ) which would lag the game to oblivion.
Hmm, good point.

Question: How does the snow-free plant-growing area around steam vents work? Has anyone tried growing crops in the winter next to a steam vent? I know i saw some wild dandelions near a vent in mid-winter. afaik the temperature there is low, but it acts as if it is warm there.


Nifty! the gusts of steam are hot, they cause a quick rise in heat when enclosed!

OK, the plants won't grow for 2 reasons: season, and temperature. So as long as you are not in winter but its still cold they will grow very slowly or not at all depending on the temperature. The only thing the steam vent does is keep the snow off.

Incidentally, using a steam vent for passive heating is doable, it would require some very careful finetuning but it can be done.
I boxed one in, single wall and the temperature only rose when the steampuffs came out and fell for the rest of the time. Using open doors, vents, or partially double walled sections should allow near perfect heating of a small area.
Maybe the ice sheet players already knew this, but I didn't and I think it is neat!


Quote from: Regret on November 20, 2015, 02:32:29 PM
Incidentally, using a steam vent for passive heating is doable
i thought this was common knowledge. i do it all the time.

my hydroponics OR crops are most of the times in a closed room with thermo generator. you don't need to -not build- the generator to obtain heat, even with the generator, the temperature raises a lot. and ofc building the generator you get juice for your stuff.