Fail Faster

Started by Listen1, March 07, 2016, 08:38:15 AM

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Extra credit's is the best game creation channel i've ever seen. And this video, can be applied to everything you do and plan. Fail Faster

I wanted to do something in my company to better organize our chain of events when we close a sale and need to produce something. Right know, we are normatizing this. How long did I take to do this? 19 months. How many times did I try to aply it? 27 times, for 38 equipments. How many times did I get with other employes to get this time? Well, I can't even count that.

So many ideias failed. But this trial end error, made me make something really good.

Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is good. And if you are going to fail, fail faster. Spread your ideias even if people start "tsc" you when you start to talk.

Fail faster <3 A good motto


Fail early fail often.....its called agile....and it applies very very well to software programming among other things.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Did not know the Agile Methodology, quite interesting.

Actually, I started embracing this menthology when I needed to do calculation softwares on Python, for some classes. That teached my a lesson about Trial and Error. Since then facing failure has become much much easier.

It's hard to talk about the ideais in this, because on how these people failed. "I failed to create a sucessful Let's play series because people didn't give me feedback" and then he stops working on youtube channels. That is a failure that he didn't learn anything on.

If you want to learn with your failures, you must work towards fixing them or going around them. If you don't... thats a true failure.


The true failure is the failure to try. Also, failing to plan is planning to fail.

Let's see how many more of these we can gather :) This is good, this.

Certainly a step up from the things I collect in my list.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here


Maybe, some people are just stubborn. I don't want to addimit failure. So I take what I failed and try again.

If it is something you don't have time to do, will you postpone your failure? It's not that you are giving up. You're saying you will not be able to maintain schedule and work on this at the same time. It will not do.

My case is a subject of mechanical drawing, I've already failed this subject once, and I know it will take alot of time and effort. So why would I do that when I have so many other things to do, including trying to get a company out of a crisis?

No. Let's sit that in the cookpot. I believe many of you had something you wanted to do, and realized you would not be able to do it. So you adimited failure, because you will not be able to do this now.